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- Research methods and measures:
- Horizontal stress
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8/20/2013 - PC softwareA software program to help improve mine layouts for control of horizontal stress.
8/1/2004 - Conference papersThis paper focuses on a computer simulation used to model roof behavior and rock bolt interaction in a collaborative study of ground behavior, reinforcement performance, and stress redistribution in a coal mine entry under severe horizontal stress.
2/1/2004 - Conference papersThe primary goal of this project was to obtain detailed data on the interaction between the mine roof and the support elements for use in modeling studies.
8/1/2003 - Conference papersThis paper describes a study where the variations of the magnitude of the horizon stresses in sedimentary deposits in the eastern and Midwestern U.S. are examined with respect to two factors, the elastic modulus of the rock and the site depth.
8/1/2003 - Conference papersThe advance-and-relieve method benefits from lateral destressing. Numerical modeling proved useful in studying the basic mechanics of lateral relief while investigating the sensitivity of results to different parameters using controlled experiments.
4/1/2003 - Peer reviewed journal articlesAt an underground stone mine, a modified stress-control mine layout is reducing hazardous conditions associated with excessive horizontal stress. Findings show that the layout provides more stable conditions, resulting in a safer working environment.
2/1/2001 - Conference papersEvaluation of the "Advance and Relieve" mining method is described to determine effectiveness for conditions where high horizontal stresses caused long running roof falls resulting in hazardous conditions and the premature abandonment of panels.
1/1/2000 - Conference papersThe practical application of the "advance and relieve" method is discussed. A trial of the method was conducted for a room and pillar coal operation that was experiencing roof cutters and long running roof falls caused by high horizontal stresses.
8/1/1998 - Conference papersA design technique is presented which provides stone miners with a method for making stability assessments. The consequences of widening rooms, changing geology and horizontal stresses, and different rock bolts on roof beam failure are discussed.
1/1/1998 - Peer reviewed journal articlesHorizontal stresses are caused by global plate-tectonic forces. This paper presents six case histories of mines that encountered roof falls or difficult ground conditions at the headgate caused by horizontal-stress concentrations.
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Content source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Mining Program