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- Blasting
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6/1/2008 - Conference papersThe paper provides: (a) a description of the gas pressure-based design approach to blasting, (b) a simple technique for estimating the damage radius of the buffer row of holes, and (c) a discussion of smoothwall design for the contour row of holes.
1/1/2007 - Videos and multimediaThis video provides information about blast area security to those working around blast sites.
12/1/2006 - Technology NewsNIOSH has released communication products about flyrock safety via information brochures, flashcards, and toolbox talk materials. These products target the mining and construction industries, and can be used for employee and visitor training.
12/1/2005 - Training materialsA training product to improve blast safety by providing information about blasting to those who work around blast sites
2/1/2005 - Conference papersThis paper examines the factors related to injuries due to inadequate blasting shelters and blast area security, and identifies mitigation techniques.
2/1/2005 - Conference papersDescribes a small-scale field study to identify key factors that may contribute to the migration of CO through the ground.
11/1/2003 - Peer reviewed journal articlesThis paper describes six representative fatalities due to flyrock and lack of blast area security in coal and nonmetal mines. Several mines were visited to collect information relative to working practices aimed at mitigating blasting hazards.
1/3/2024 - PC softwareDRIFT is a program to design perimeter control blast rounds for typical underground drifting applications.
2/28/2023 - Contracts and cooperative agreementsA contract with J.H. Fletcher & Co. to explore the possibility of remote technology and automated blasting operations.
2/15/2018 - Research projectsA project to make available blast damage models and an easy-to-use software tool for mining engineers to use in developing improved blast designs.
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Content source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Mining Program