About this Site

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) supports state health departments and universities to develop and maintain ongoing occupational health surveillance programs and activities. In response to requests from state occupational health surveillance partners, NIOSH agreed to develop a State-based Occupational Health Surveillance Clearinghouse (hereafter "Clearinghouse") to promote public access to surveillance and related occupational health outputs from its state partners. This website provides a user interface to the Clearinghouse where the original state publications can be accessed.

The State-based Occupational Health Surveillance Clearinghouse website advances these objectives in support of state-based surveillance:

  • Supports the routine submission, receipt, and management of state-reported surveillance outputs;
  • Improves information management; and
  • Enhances information dissemination.

The Clearinghouse is organized to enable visitors to easily identify the original state publications. State publications are organized to permit searches by state, industry sector, cross-sector program (e.g., cancer; cardiovascular, neurologic and renal diseases; hearing loss; immune, dermal and infectious diseases; musculoskeletal disorders, respiratory disease, traumatic injury), and document type (e.g., annual reports, brochures, case reports, journal articles, newsletters) . In addition, the web-site includes a general search tool that permits the user to query by user-defined search phrases.

Most outputs (publications accessed through the Clearinghouse) are controlled by the state partner that authored or produced the document. Each state partner shares outputs and publications with the Clearinghouse. Through the use of RSS feeds, states control which publications are displayed and accessible via direct links from state websites through the Clearinghouse. States can also share their publications through other methods.

Tracking occupational injuries, illnesses, and hazards has been an integral part of NIOSH since its creation by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. In collaboration with many of its partners, NIOSH has established surveillance programs to help describe the magnitude of occupational hazards, diseases, injuries, and deaths in the U.S. These surveillance activities have often documented the Nation’s progress in reducing the burden of work-related diseases and injuries. They have also identified many old and new problems that require additional research and prevention efforts. Such efforts include translation into the workplace of successful intervention approaches.

How to Participate

NIOSH supports and encourages all state-based occupational health and safety surveillance programs to participate in the State-based Occupational Health Clearinghouse. Interested parties should refer to the following resources to learn more about submitting publications to the Clearinghouse:

Contact Information

Send Comments and Questions to StateDocs.NIOSH@cdc.gov

System Information

Application Version:3.0
Database Version:5.0