CDC Resources in Languages Other than English

CDC Multilingual Content
Speech bubbles contain the word HELLO in eight different languages. French, Chinese, German, Portuguese Br, Vietnamese, Russian, Arabic and Haitian Creole.

Below are listed information and materials available on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( website translated into other languages. Topics include emergency preparedness and response, diseases and conditions, data and statistics, environmental health, healthy living, injury, violence and safety, life stages and populations, travelers' health, and workplace safety and health among others. The information comes in various formats available for sharing and downloading. All of the resources are free to print and share. Additional resources will be added periodically, so please visit often. For information in Spanish only, please visit CDC en Español.

For additional materials in other languages, please visit the following pages:
Information in other languages may also be available on other Web pages by specific topic or disease.

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Unaujua mwili wako vizuri

You know your body best.

Language: Swahili

Kusikiliza na Kuchukua Hatua ya Haraka

Listening and Acting Quickly

Language: Swahili

Mjamzito kwa sasa au katika mwaka uliopita?

Pregnant now or within the last year?

Language: Swahili

Mambo 10 ambayo unaweza kufanya ili kuthibiti dalili za ugonjwa wako wa COVID-19 nyumbani

10 things you can do to manage your COVID-19 symptoms at home

Language: Swahili

Kuwa Salama baada ya Kimbunga

Be Safe After a Hurricane

Language: Swahili

Usisafiri Ukiwa Mgonjwa

Do NOT Travel When Sick

Language: Swahili

Kumshughulikia Mtu Anayeshukiwa kuwa na Ebola: Tahadhari Unaposubiri

Taking Care of Someone with Suspected Ebola: Be Safe While You Wait

Language: Swahili

Watu Waliopona Ebola: Jinsi ya Kutumia kondomu ya Wanaume

Ebola Survivors: How to Use a Male Condom

Language: Swahili

Pata Tiba ya Ebola Mapema

Get Early Treatment for Ebola

Language: Swahili

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Page last reviewed: May 23, 2023
Content source: Office of Communications