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Inspection Detail Report

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Cruise Ship: Carnival Mardi Gras Cruise Line: Carnival Cruise Lines, Inc. Inspection Date: 05/25/2024 Inspection Score: 98
This cruise ship inspection report lists the deficiencies found during the inspection. Additional information corresponding to each item number is available in the lastest editions of the CDC VSP Operational Manual.

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Item No.: 02
Site: Medical-Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE) Log
Violation: The asymptomatic cabin mate of a nonfood employee with AGE symptom onset on 16 May 2024, was not documented as a close contact for follow-up verbal interviews. The follow-up interviews were not completed.
Recommendation: When any crew member (food or nonfood employee) meets the case definition for AGE, take the following actions for the asymptomatic cabin mates or immediate contacts of symptomatic crew: (1) restrict exposure to symptomatic crew member(s); (2) undergo a verbal interview with medical or supervisory staff, who will confirm their condition, provide facts and a written fact sheet about hygiene and handwashing, and instruct them to report immediately to medical if they develop illness symptoms; (3) complete a verbal interview daily with medical or supervisory staff until 48 hours after the ill crew members? symptoms began. Ensure that the first verbal interview is conducted within 8 hours from the time the ill crew member initially reported to the medical staff. If the asymptomatic immediate contact or cabin mate is at work, ensure that he or she is contacted by medical or supervisory staff as soon as possible. Document the date and time of verbal interviews. An immediate contact is someone sharing a cabin either full-time or part-time or sharing a cabin?s bathroom facilities. This includes boyfriends, girlfriends, spouses, and significant others. Ensure to document if the symptomatic crew member has or not cabin mate(s) or other immediate contact(s).
Item No.: 08
Site: Potable Water-Deck 0 Compartment 10
Violation: The handwashing station did not have a backflow prevention device on an auxiliary line that had a female threaded end cap.
Recommendation: Provide a comprehensive cross-connection control program. Protect the following connections to the potable water system against backflow with air gaps or mechanical backflow prevention devices: (1) any other connection to the potable water system where contamination or backflow can occur.
Item No.: 08
Site: Potable Water-Main Bunker Line
Violation: The main bunker line had blue/gray/blue striping prior to the halogen injection point.
Recommendation: Stripe or paint potable water lines either in accordance with ISO 14726 (blue/green/blue) or blue only. Stripe or paint distillate and permeate lines directed to the potable water system in accordance with ISO 14726 (blue/gray/blue). Ensure no other lines have the above color designations. Stripe or paint these lines at 5 meters (15 feet) intervals and on each side of partitions, decks, and bulkheads, except where decor would be marred by such markings, including potable water supply lines in technical lockers.
Item No.: 10
Site: Recreational Water Facilities-Deck 18 Serenity Pool
Violation: The shepherd's hook was not located in a prominent location.
Recommendation: Provide a rescue or shepherd?s hook and an approved flotation device at a prominent location (visible from the full perimeter of the pool) at each RWF that has a depth of 1 meter (3 feet) or greater. Mount these devices in a manner that allows for easy access during an emergency.
Item No.: 10
Site: Recreational Water Facilities-Deck 16- Beach Main Pool
Violation: The safety flotation device was not located in a prominent location.
Recommendation: Provide a rescue or shepherd?s hook and an approved flotation device at a prominent location (visible from the full perimeter of the pool) at each RWF that has a depth of 1 meter (3 feet) or greater. Mount these devices in a manner that allows for easy access during an emergency. Ensure the approved flotation device includes an attached rope that is at least 2/3 of the maximum pool width.
Item No.: 10
Site: Recreational Water Facilities-Deck 16 Beach Main Pool
Violation: The Beach Pool only had one visible depth marker located on the starboard side of the pool body. Passengers on the starboard side could read this depth marker sign; however, passengers on the port side could not. Two other depth markers were in other locations; however, the wording was too small to read.
Recommendation: Prominently display the depth of each RWF that is deeper than 1 meter (3 feet) so that it can be seen from the deck and in the pool. Label depth markers in both feet and meters. Additionally, install depth markers for every 1 meter (3 feet) change in depth.
Item No.: 11
Site: Medical-Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE) Log
Violation: On 18 May 2024, a food employee had AGE symptom onset at 1905. The time card indicated the food employee went to work while symptomatic and reported to medical at 2000 later that day. The food assessment did not state where the food employee worked or if appropriate corrective actions were completed. Staff stated this was an oversight.
Recommendation: Ensure food employees who have conditions or symptoms of boils, open sores, infected wounds, diarrhea, jaundice, fever, vomiting, sore throat with fever, or discharges from the nose or mouth report these conditions or symptoms to the vessel's medical staff and are restricted from working with exposed food, warewashing, clean equipment, utensils, and linens, and unwrapped single-service and single-use articles. Exclude food employees suspected of, diagnosed with, or exposed to any communicable disease caused by Salmonella typhi, Shigella spp., E. coli O157:H7, hepatitis A virus, norovirus, or other communicable diseases that can be transmitted by food, from working in any food or food related areas or operations, including working with exposed food, warewashing, equipment, utensils, table linens, single-service articles and single-use articles. Do not allow the excluded individual to return to the above duties until they are symptom free for a minimum of 48 hours. When food employees meet the case definition for AGE, ensure the following actions are taken: (1) isolate in cabin or designated restricted area until symptom-free for a minimum of 48 hours; (2) follow-up with and receive approval by designated medical personnel before returning crew to work; (3) document date and time of last symptom and clearance to return to work. Ensure the food employee's supervisor or person in charge conducts an assessment of food prepared or served by the food employee while symptomatic and take appropriate corrective actions. Document corrective actions taken as a result of the assessment. Appropriate corrective actions could include discarding ready-to eat food, thoroughly cooking raw food, and disinfecting the food area and equipment.
Item No.: 12
Site: Buffet-Deck 16 Lido Marketplace
Violation: A crew member carving undercooked meat rearranged pans and touched the handle of a food dispensing utensil out for passenger use without removing their gloves or washing their hands.
Recommendation: Ensure food employees clean their hands and exposed portions of their arms immediately before engaging in food preparation including working with exposed food, clean equipment and utensils, and unwrapped single-service and single-use articles and: (1) After touching bare human body parts other than clean hands and clean, exposed portions of arms; (2) After using the toilet room; (3) After coughing, sneezing, using a handkerchief or disposable tissue, using tobacco, eating, or drinking; (4) After handling soiled equipment or utensils; (5) During food preparation, as often as necessary to remove soil and contamination and to prevent cross-contamination when changing tasks; (6) When switching between working with raw food and working with ready-to-eat food; (7) Before putting on gloves for working with food or clean equipment and between glove changes; and (8) After engaging in other activities that contaminate the hands.
Item No.: 12
Site: Galley-Deck 16 Marketplace
Violation: One crew member did not wash their hands between glove changes. Additionally, another crew member grabbed gloves, but was immediately redirected by the chef to discard those gloves and wash their hands prior to grabbing gloves.
Recommendation: Ensure food employees clean their hands and exposed portions of their arms immediately before engaging in food preparation including working with exposed food, clean equipment and utensils, and unwrapped single-service and single-use articles and: (1) After touching bare human body parts other than clean hands and clean, exposed portions of arms; (2) After using the toilet room; (3) After coughing, sneezing, using a handkerchief or disposable tissue, using tobacco, eating, or drinking; (4) After handling soiled equipment or utensils; (5) During food preparation, as often as necessary to remove soil and contamination and to prevent cross-contamination when changing tasks; (6) When switching between working with raw food and working with ready-to-eat food; (7) Before putting on gloves for working with food or clean equipment and between glove changes; and (8) After engaging in other activities that contaminate the hands.
Item No.: 16
Site: Buffet-Deck 16 Lido Marketplace Ice Cream Machines
Violation: The ice cream on time control was not marked or identified to indicate the time four hours past the point when the food was removed from temperature control. The area was open for more than four hours. The ice cream machines were listed on the time control plan.
Recommendation: If time only?rather than time in conjunction with temperature?is used as the public health control for a working supply of potentially hazardous food before cooking, or for ready-to-eat potentially hazardous food that is displayed or held for service for immediate consumption, ensure the food (1) Has an initial temperature of 5C (41F) or less or 57C (135F) or greater before placement on time control. (2) Is not to be placed on temperature control again. (3) Is marked, or otherwise identified, to indicate the time 4 hours past the point in time when the food is removed from temperature control (if the time between service set-up and closing is greater than 4 hours). (4) Is labeled with a 4-hour discard time if containers of potentially hazardous foods on time control are placed on preparation counters, even if the outlet is open less than 4 hours. (5) Is discarded within 4 hours of placement on time control. and (6) Is labeled with a 4-hour discard time if time control unit (bain marie, cold basin) meant to be cold holding or hot holding and not operational or used as intended, as the unit is now considered a counter.
Item No.: 16
Site: Dining Room-Deck 7 Fahrenheit 555 Steakhouse
Violation: The consumer advisory was not easily visible on the phone menu app. The consumer advisory was at the bottom of the menu page and was covered by the phone app's border. When trying to scroll up to view the consumer advisory, the app would automatically move past it and post the next menu page. On one phone, the consumer advisory was completely covered and on another phone, it was partially covered.
Recommendation: If an animal food such as beef, eggs, fish, lamb, milk, pork, poultry, or shellfish that is raw, undercooked, or not otherwise processed to eliminate pathogens is offered in a ready-to-eat form or as a raw ingredient in another ready-to-eat food, ensure the consumer is informed by way of disclosure using menu advisories, placards, or other easily visible written means of the significantly increased risk to certain especially vulnerable consumers eating such foods in raw or undercooked form.
Item No.: 19
Site: Bar-Deck 7 Casino Bar
Violation: Both ice well covers were left open when not in use. The bar was in operation and the bartender had stepped away from the area.
Recommendation: Protect food from contamination by storing the food: (1) Covered or otherwise protected; (2) In a clean, dry location; (3) Where it is not exposed to splash, dust, or other contamination; (4) At least 150 millimeters (6 inches) above the deck; (5) At least 127 millimeters (5 inches) for food in packages and working containers on pallets, skids, and racks; and (6) At least 150 millimeters (6 inches) above the deck on shelving racks.
Item No.: 19
Site: Buffet-Deck 4 Senior Officer Dining
Violation: A plate of salad and a plate of fruit were not positioned under the sneeze guard at the crew self-service buffet.
Recommendation: Protect food on display from contamination by the use of packaging; counter, service line, or salad bar food guards; display cases; self-closing hinged lids; or other effective means. Install side protection for sneeze guards if the distance between exposed food and where consumers are expected to stand is less than 1 meter (40 inches).
Item No.: 20
Site: Preparation Room-Deck 2 Cold Room #2 (Room 30)
Violation: The walk-in refrigerator was not operational starting in the early morning of the inspection. All food had been removed from the room and stored in another walk-in refrigerator. The ambient air temperature measured 60F by the inspector.
Recommendation: Food contact equipment must be maintained in good repair and proper adjustment: (1) Equipment must be maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the materials, design, construction, and operating specifications of these guidelines. Ensure equipment for cooling and heating food, and holding cold and hot food, is sufficient in number and capacity to maintain potentially hazardous food temperatures.
Item No.: 20
Site: Food Service General-Soda Dispensers
Violation: Gaps and holes were on the underside of the soda dispensers around the nozzles. Approximately 10 to 20 soda dispensers are onboard the ship.
Recommendation: Ensure multiuse food-contact surfaces are: (1) Smooth; (2) Free of breaks, open seams greater than 0.8 mm (1/32 inch), cracks, chips, inclusions, pits, and similar imperfections; (3) Free of sharp internal angles, corners, and crevices; (4) Finished to have smooth welds and joints; and (5) Accessible for cleaning and inspection by one of the following methods without being disassembled, by disassembling without the use of tools, or by easy disassembling with the use of handheld tools commonly available to maintenance and cleaning personnel.
Item No.: 21
Site: Galley-Deck 5 Pastry
Violation: The second from the top door gasket was in poor condition on the left deck oven.
Recommendation: Ensure nonfood contact equipment is maintained in good repair and proper adjustment including: (1) Equipment maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the materials, design, construction, and operation specifications of these guidelines; (2) Equipment components such as doors, seals, hinges, fasteners, and kick plates are kept intact, tight, and adjusted in accordance with manufacturer's specifications.
Item No.: 21
Site: Galley-Deck 5 Hot Galley
Violation: The temperature gauge was partially filled with a red liquid on the second from left soup kettle.
Recommendation: Ensure temperature-measuring devices are easily readable.
Item No.: 21
Site: Galley-Deck 5 Hot Galley
Violation: Water continuously dripped from the bottom of the technical compartment onto the deck from the second from the left soup kettle.
Recommendation: Ensure nonfood contact equipment is maintained in good repair and proper adjustment including: (1) Equipment maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the materials, design, construction, and operation specifications of these guidelines; (2) Equipment components such as doors, seals, hinges, fasteners, and kick plates are kept intact, tight, and adjusted in accordance with manufacturer's specifications.
Item No.: 21
Site: Galley-Deck 8 Pizzeria Del Capitano
Violation: The red and white cabinet doors along the back bulkhead were in disrepair which created a difficult to clean surface.
Recommendation: Ensure nonfood-contact surfaces are free of unnecessary ledges, projections, and crevices, and designed and constructed to allow easy cleaning and to facilitate maintenance. Ensure nonfood contact equipment is maintained in good repair and proper adjustment including: (1) Equipment maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the materials, design, construction, and operation specifications of these guidelines; (2) Equipment components such as doors, seals, hinges, fasteners, and kick plates are kept intact, tight, and adjusted in accordance with manufacturer's specifications.
Item No.: 21
Site: Buffet-Deck 16 Swirls
Violation: The ice cream cone's plastic protection cylinders were sewn together with thread which was not easily cleanable.
Recommendation: Ensure nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment that are exposed to splash, spillage, or other food soiling or that require frequent cleaning are constructed of a corrosion-resistant, nonabsorbent, and smooth material. Ensure nonfood-contact surfaces are free of unnecessary ledges, projections, and crevices, and designed and constructed to allow easy cleaning and to facilitate maintenance. Design and construct nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment and utensils to be durable and to retain their characteristic qualities under normal use conditions.
Item No.: 21
Site: Buffet-Deck 16 Big Chicken
Violation: The trash can's storage cabinet was in disrepair with the laminate peeling from the deck which created a rough and difficult to clean surface.
Recommendation: Ensure nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment that are exposed to splash, spillage, or other food soiling or that require frequent cleaning are constructed of a corrosion-resistant, nonabsorbent, and smooth material. Design and construct nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment and utensils to be durable and to retain their characteristic qualities under normal use conditions.
Item No.: 21
Site: Dining Room-Deck 8 Chibang
Violation: The center waiter station was in disrepair with the vertical, laminate profile strips peeling away from the cabinet.
Recommendation: Ensure nonfood contact equipment is maintained in good repair and proper adjustment including: (1) Equipment maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the materials, design, construction, and operation specifications of these guidelines; (2) Equipment components such as doors, seals, hinges, fasteners, and kick plates are kept intact, tight, and adjusted in accordance with manufacturer's specifications. Design and construct nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment and utensils to be durable and to retain their characteristic qualities under normal use conditions.
Item No.: 22
Site: Galley-Deck 5 Potwash
Violation: The sanitizing compartment's temperature gauges were covered with water scale making them difficult to read.
Recommendation: Ensure a warewashing machine is equipped with a temperature-measuring device that indicates the temperature of the water in each wash tank, and rinse tank(s) if present, and the final sanitizing rinse manifold. Maintain warewashing equipment in good repair and proper adjustment, including: (1) warewashing equipment is maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the standards of the materials, design, and construction of these guidelines; (2) water pressure and water temperature-measuring devices are maintained in good repair and accurate within the intended range of use.
Item No.: 24
Site: Bar-Deck 6 JavaBlue Cafe
Violation: A bucket of sanitizing solution, next to the coffee machine, measured less than 50 ppm chlorine.
Recommendation: Ensure sanitizing solutions are used with the following concentrations: (1) A chlorine solution with a concentration between 50 mg/L (ppm) and 200 mg/L (ppm).
Item No.: 26
Site: Buffet-Deck 4 Family Harbor - Ice Dispenser
Violation: Food residue from a prior service period was on the inside surface of the ice dispenser chute.
Recommendation: Ensure food contact surfaces of equipment and utensils are clean to sight and touch.
Item No.: 26
Site: Buffet-Deck 16 Swirls
Violation: The ice cream machine's lid and dispensing nozzle were soiled with ice cream residue. The area was not in operation and had been previously cleaned and sanitized.
Recommendation: Ensure food only contacts surfaces of equipment and utensils that are cleaned and sanitized. Ensure food contact surfaces of equipment and utensils are clean to sight and touch.
Item No.: 26
Site: Galley-Deck 16 Big Chicken
Violation: Two bowls were soiled with food debris that were out for use. Staff immediately removed the bowls to be cleaned and sanitized.
Recommendation: Ensure food contact surfaces of equipment and utensils are clean to sight and touch. Ensure food only contacts surfaces of equipment and utensils that are cleaned and sanitized.
Item No.: 26
Site: Dining Room-Deck 8 Guy's Pig and Anchor Beverage Station
Violation: The black fastener below the ice machine's dispensing nozzle was soiled with a black residue.
Recommendation: Ensure food contact surfaces of equipment and utensils are clean to sight and touch.
Item No.: 26
Site: Galley-Deck 5 Room Service Pantry
Violation: Food debris was on the pizza oven's conveyor track. The equipment was used the night prior to the inspection.
Recommendation: Ensure food only contacts surfaces of equipment and utensils that are cleaned and sanitized. Ensure food contact surfaces of equipment and utensils are clean to sight and touch.
Item No.: 27
Site: Buffet-Deck 16 Lido Marketplace
Violation: A crew member carving undercooked meat rearranged pans and touched the handle of a food dispensing utensil out for passenger use without removing their gloves or washing their hands.
Recommendation: Ensure nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment are kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris.
Item No.: 27
Site: Buffet-Deck 16 Swirls
Violation: The ice cream cone's plastic protection cylinders were soiled between the black gasket and clear outer cylinder.
Recommendation: Ensure nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment are kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris.
Item No.: 27
Site: Pantry-Deck 16 Tiki
Violation: The end of the soda cabinet's drain hose was soiled with a black residue.
Recommendation: Ensure nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment are kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris.
Item No.: 27
Site: Buffet-Deck 4 Family Harbor - Ice Dispenser
Violation: Food residue from a prior service period was on the outside housing of the ice dispenser.
Recommendation: Ensure nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment are kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris.
Item No.: 27
Site: Galley-Deck 5 Room Service Pantry
Violation: Food debris was in the pizza oven's tray. The equipment was used the night prior to the inspection.
Recommendation: Ensure nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment are kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris.
Item No.: 27
Site: Galley-Deck 5 Hot Galley
Violation: More than a day's worth of dust and food debris were on the conveyor oven's filter and fans.
Recommendation: Ensure nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment are kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris.
Item No.: 28
Site: Provisions-Deck 1 Dry Store Room #4 (Central Stores)
Violation: Six boxes of mugs and four boxes of bowls were stored on the deck in the corridor outside this room. Boxes of dim-sum steamers, ice cream cups, and plates were stored on the deck inside the room.
Recommendation: Store cleaned equipment and utensils, laundered linens, and single-service and single-use articles: (1) in a clean, dry location; (2) in a location where they are not exposed to splash, dust, or other contamination; (3) at least 150 millimeters (6 inches) above the deck unless in packages on pallets, skids, or racks, which may be 127 millimeters (5 inches).
Item No.: 30
Site: Galley-Deck 7 Crew Toilet Room
Violation: The crew toilet room, next to the food transportation escalators, was missing a sign stating ?wash hands often,? ?wash hands frequently,? or similar wording.
Recommendation: Post a sign over handwashing sinks stating "wash hands often," "wash hands frequently," or similar wording in a language that the food employees understand.
Item No.: 33
Site: Galley-Deck 5 Room Service Pantry
Violation: Water continuously dripped from the bottom of the technical compartment onto the deck from the second from the left soup kettle.
Recommendation: Ensure decks, bulkheads, deckheads, and attached equipment in food preparation, warewashing, pantries, and storage areas are cleaned as often as necessary.
Item No.: 33
Site: Galley-Deck 8 Pizzeria Del Capitano
Violation: The deck grout was recessed near the utility sink on the back bulkhead which created a difficult to clean surface. The area was soiled with more than a day's accumulation of residue.
Recommendation: Ensure decks, bulkheads, deckheads, and attached equipment in food preparation, warewashing, pantries, and storage areas are cleaned as often as necessary. Ensure decks, bulkheads, and deckheads in food preparation, warewashing, pantries, and storage areas are maintained in good repair.
Item No.: 33
Site: Dining Room-Deck 8 Guy's Pig and Anchor Brewhouse
Violation: The deck was soiled below the beer fermenting tank's platform in the technical compartment.
Recommendation: Ensure decks, bulkheads, deckheads, and attached equipment in food preparation, warewashing, pantries, and storage areas are cleaned as often as necessary.
Item No.: 33
Site: Galley-Deck 8 Cucina del Capitano
Violation: Condensate collected above the ovens on the deckhead inside the ventilation hood.
Recommendation: Ensure decks, bulkheads, deckheads, and attached equipment in food preparation, warewashing, pantries, and storage areas are cleaned as often as necessary.
Item No.: 33
Site: Pantry-Deck 16 Tiki
Violation: The ends of the fire door's electrical compartment were removed which created a rough and difficult to clean surface.
Recommendation: Ensure light fixtures, vent covers, and similar equipment attached to the bulkheads or deckheads are easily cleanable.
Item No.: 33
Site: Bar-Deck 16 Tides
Violation: Coving was missing at the bulkhead/deck juncture within one meter of the ice well.
Recommendation: Cove all bulkhead/deck, equipment/deck, cabinet/deck, and deck sink coaming/deck junctures (including galleys, pantries, buffets, bars, waiter stations, dining room work counters, provisions, food storage rooms, equipment/utensil storage rooms, and toilet rooms intended for use by galley personnel).
Item No.: 33
Site: Galley-Deck 8 Cucina del Capitano
Violation: Water pooled on the deck below the left soup kettle from the water supply line that was in disrepair.
Recommendation: Ensure decks, bulkheads, deckheads, and attached equipment in food preparation, warewashing, pantries, and storage areas are cleaned as often as necessary.
Item No.: 33
Site: Dining Room-Deck 8 Bonsai Teppanyaki
Violation: The center teppanyaki station was missing grout at the deck/cabinet juncture on the employee side which created a difficult to clean area that was soiled.
Recommendation: Ensure decks, bulkheads, deckheads, and attached equipment in food preparation, warewashing, pantries, and storage areas are cleaned as often as necessary. Ensure decks, bulkheads, and deckheads in food preparation, warewashing, pantries, and storage areas are maintained in good repair. Cove all bulkhead/deck, equipment/deck, cabinet/deck, and deck sink coaming/deck junctures (including galleys, pantries, buffets, bars, waiter stations, dining room work counters, provisions, food storage rooms, equipment/utensil storage rooms, and toilet rooms intended for use by galley personnel).
Item No.: 33
Site: Bar-Deck 17 Tiki
Violation: The laminate on the bulkhead above the back bar bottle storage was in disrepair which created a rough and difficult to clean surface.
Recommendation: Ensure decks, bulkheads, and deckheads in food preparation, warewashing, pantries, and storage areas are maintained in good repair. Ensure decks, bulkheads, and deckheads in food preparation, warewashing, pantries, bars, and food and equipment storage areas are constructed and maintained for easy cleaning.
Item No.: 33
Site: Galley-Deck 8 Seafood Shack
Violation: A label was removed from the bulkhead, below the salamander, which left a sticky residue on the bulkhead.
Recommendation: Ensure decks, bulkheads, deckheads, and attached equipment in food preparation, warewashing, pantries, and storage areas are cleaned as often as necessary.
Item No.: 33
Site: Dining Room-Deck 8 Blue Iguana Cantina
Violation: Coving was missing at the cabinet/deck juncture around the newly installed waiter station and along the bulkhead/deck juncture of the old waiter station.
Recommendation: Cove all bulkhead/deck, equipment/deck, cabinet/deck, and deck sink coaming/deck junctures (including galleys, pantries, buffets, bars, waiter stations, dining room work counters, provisions, food storage rooms, equipment/utensil storage rooms, and toilet rooms intended for use by galley personnel).
Item No.: 33
Site: Dining Room-Deck 16 Lido Marketplace
Violation: The dining room's seating area near Tides Bar was converted to a temporary soiled drop off area which was not designed for easy cleaning. There was a difficult to clean wicker light above the area and no coving at the bulkhead/deck juncture.
Recommendation: Cove all bulkhead/deck, equipment/deck, cabinet/deck, and deck sink coaming/deck junctures (including galleys, pantries, buffets, bars, waiter stations, dining room work counters, provisions, food storage rooms, equipment/utensil storage rooms, and toilet rooms intended for use by galley personnel). Ensure decks, bulkheads, and deckheads in food preparation, warewashing, pantries, bars, and food and equipment storage areas are constructed and maintained for easy cleaning. Ensure light fixtures, vent covers, and similar equipment attached to the bulkheads or deckheads are easily cleanable.
Item No.: 33
Site: Preparation Room-Deck 2 Poultry Freezer Room #9
Violation: Ice was inside three deckhead light covers. The covers were to the left and in front of the three-fan evaporator one cover was near the exit door to the corridor.
Recommendation: Ensure decks, bulkheads, deckheads, and attached equipment in food preparation, warewashing, pantries, and storage areas are cleaned as often as necessary.
Item No.: 33
Site: Galley-Deck 5 Bakery
Violation: Deck coving was missing at the center of the proofing cabinet. Water pooled in this recessed area.
Recommendation: Ensure decks, bulkheads, deckheads, and attached equipment in food preparation, warewashing, pantries, and storage areas are cleaned as often as necessary. Cove all bulkhead/deck, equipment/deck, cabinet/deck, and deck sink coaming/deck junctures (including galleys, pantries, buffets, bars, waiter stations, dining room work counters, provisions, food storage rooms, equipment/utensil storage rooms, and toilet rooms intended for use by galley personnel).
Item No.: 34
Site: Galley-Deck 8 Cucina del Capitano
Violation: The water supply for the soup kettle was in disrepair and consistently dripping water onto the deck below.
Recommendation: Ensure a plumbing system in a food area is maintained in good repair.
Item No.: 36
Site: Bar-Deck 7 Casino Bar
Violation: The light intensity measured 79 lux at the handwashing station. The bar was in operation.
Recommendation: Ensure the light intensity is at least 110 lux (10 foot candles) at handwashing stations in bars. In bars and dining room waiter stations, provide 220 lux (20 foot candles) light intensity during cleaning operations.
Item No.: 36
Site: Buffet-Deck 4 Team Dining
Violation: The light intensity measured approximately 150 lux at the working station of the pizzeria.
Recommendation: Ensure the light intensity is at least 220 lux (20 foot candles) on food preparation surfaces, and at a distance of 75 centimeters (30 inches) above the deck in food preparation areas, handwashing facilities, warewashing areas, equipment, and utensil storage, pantries, toilet rooms, and consumer self-service areas.
Item No.: 37
Site: Galley-Deck 8 Cucina del Capitano
Violation: Condensate collected above the ovens on the deckhead inside the ventilation hood.
Recommendation: Ensure all food preparation, warewashing, and toilet rooms have sufficient ventilation to keep them free of excessive heat, steam, condensation, vapors, obnoxious odors, smoke, and fumes. Ensure ventilation hood systems and devices operate effectively to prevent grease and condensate from collecting on the bulkheads and deckheads and remove contaminants generated by equipment located under them.
Item No.: 38
Site: Preparation Room-Deck 2 Poultry Freezer Room #9
Violation: Three plastic buckets were stacked wet-nested inside the cleaning locker.
Recommendation: Ensure wash, rinse, and sanitize buckets or other containers stored with maintenance tools are inverted and nested when dry.
Item No.: 38
Site: Preparation Room-Deck 2
Violation: Plastic buckets were stacked wet-nested inside the cleaning locker.
Recommendation: Ensure wash, rinse, and sanitize buckets or other containers stored with maintenance tools are inverted and nested when dry.
Item No.: 39
Site: Provisions-Deck 2 Gift Shop/Liquor
Violation: One fly was at the entrance to the room.
Recommendation: Effectively control the presence of insects, rodents, and other pests to minimize their presence in the food storage, preparation, and service areas and warewashing and utensil storage areas aboard a vessel.
Item No.: 39
Site: Dining Room-Deck 8 Blue Iguana Cantina
Violation: An ant was crawling on the deck around the newly installed waiter station.
Recommendation: Effectively control the presence of insects, rodents, and other pests to minimize their presence in the food storage, preparation, and service areas and warewashing and utensil storage areas aboard a vessel.
*Inspections scores of 85 or lower are NOT satisfactory
Vessel Sanitation Program