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Inspection Detail Report

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Cruise Ship: Brilliance of the Seas Cruise Line: Royal Caribbean International Inspection Date: 12/19/2019 Inspection Score: 92
This cruise ship inspection report lists the deficiencies found during the inspection. Additional information corresponding to each item number is available in the lastest editions of the CDC VSP Operational Manual.

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Item No.: *
Site: Potable Water-New Reverse Osmosis Plant
Violation: During the inspection, the new reverse osmosis unit was in the process of being commissioned, but was not in use yet. Therefore, it was not fully evaluated. Ensure all permeate lines are striped blue/gray/blue and not blue only prior to the chemical injection point.
Item No.: 08
Site: Galley-Deck 4 Port Dishwash
Violation: The atmospheric vacuum breaker of the in-use rack-type warewash machine was continuously leaking.
Recommendation: Maintain backflow prevention devices in good repair.
Item No.: 08
Site: Galley-Deck 4 Trolley Wash
Violation: The backflow prevention device in the technical space was heavily corroded. This device was replaced after the finding.
Recommendation: Maintain backflow prevention devices in good repair.
Item No.: 10
Site: Recreational Water Facilities-Whirlpool Spa Shock Treatment
Violation: There was no documentation of shock halogenation on 15 DEC for whirlpool spa #1. The facility was not closed that day or the following day. The facility was subject to biofilm treatment on that day. The written procedure for biofilm treatment included a step for super chlorination at 200 ppm for 2 hours. Crew confirmed this step was followed; however, the 200 ppm for 2 hours was not documented. The same issue was noted for Whirlpool Spas # 2 and #3 on 12 DEC.
Recommendation: Increase the free residual halogen to at least 10.0 mg/L (ppm) and circulate for at least 1 hour every 24 hours. Test the free residual halogen both at the start and completion of shock halogenation. Superhalogenate the water in the entire RWF system to 10 ppm to include the whirlpool spa/spa pool tub, compensation tank, filter housing, and all associated piping before starting the 1-hour timing. Ensure a written or electronic record of the date and time of water dumping and shock halogenation (concentration in ppm at the start and completion and time) is available for review during inspections.
Item No.: 11
Site: Medical-Symptomatic Crew Member Isolation
Violation: On 29 NOV, a nonfood-handler experienced an onset of acute gastroenteritis (AGE) symptoms at 1400 and continued working until they reported to medical at 1826. On 24 NOV, a nonfood-handler supervisor experienced symptoms of acute gastroenteritis (AGE) at 1200 but did not report to medical until 1653. The crew member reportedly self-isolated in their cabin. Neither crew member reportedly ate in public venues. Disciplinary action was documented for both cases.
Recommendation: When nonfood employees meet the case definition for AGE, ensure the following actions are taken: (1) isolate in cabin or designated restricted area until symptom-free for a minimum of 24 hours; (2) follow-up with and receive approval by designated medical personnel before returning crew to work; (3) document the date and time of last symptom and clearance to return to work.
Item No.: 13
Site: Other-Cupcake Variance
Violation: The approved variance for section of the 2018 VSP Operations Manual for the cupcake decorating activity was not followed during two different activities. On 4 DEC, three participants from two different cabins signed the required form; however, they did not answer Yes or No to the question regarding gastrointestinal symptoms. One guest was charged, and crew reported they likely participated, but two guests were not charged, and it was unclear if they walked away. On 27 NOV, there was one additional participant who did not answer the question on the form. This guest was not charged for the activity and it was unclear if they walked away or participated after signing the form. At the time of the out-brief, a supervisor verbally confirmed that the individuals who were not charged did not participate in the activity; however, this was not clear from the documentation presented to the inspectors.
Recommendation: Only allow passengers to participate in the activity after staff have ensured that the associated forms have been entirely completed, including but not limited to answering the question on whether the passenger experienced symptoms of acute gastroenteritis (AGE) before the activity.
Item No.: 13
Site: Galley-Deck 4 Cooling Logs
Violation: Several entries for the cooling of hot foods did not document the process from a temperature of 135F or above. Examples of improper cooling documentation included: 1) turkey on 18 December with initial temperature of 129F and 130F; 2) beef on 17 December with initial temperature of 102F and 100F; 3) pulled pork on 16 December with initial temperature of 130F; 4) lamb rack on 16 December with initial temperature of 110F; 5) buck on 15 December with initial temperature of 108F and 130F; 6) beef on 15 December with initial temperature of 125F; and 7) many other entries for fully cooked food. Additionally, staff explained that the reason for many entries for not having an initial cooling temperature at or above 135F was because they were only partially cooked, for example prime ribs, but that was not documented on the log.
Recommendation: Because of the risks for foodborne illness inherent to the food operation, ensure the supervisor or person in charge of food operations on the vessel demonstrates to VSP - during inspections and on request - knowledge of foodborne disease prevention, application of the Hazard Analysis Critical Point principles, and the food-safety guidelines in this manual. Ensure that the person in charge demonstrates this knowledge: (1) By compliance with the VSP 2018 Operations Manual. Ensure the supervisor or person in charge of food operations on the vessel monitors that: (6) Employees are properly cooking potentially hazardous food, being particularly careful in cooking foods known to cause severe foodborne illness and death, such as eggs and comminuted meats; (7) Employees are using proper methods to rapidly cool potentially hazardous foods that are not held hot or are not for consumption within 4 hours.
Item No.: 13
Site: Provisions-Deck 2 Beverage Store
Violation: There was an unlabeled and unsealed bottle of brown liquid stored along with closed liquor bottles. Staff stated that this bottle was seized from a passenger.
Recommendation: Because of the risks for foodborne illness inherent to the food operation, ensure the supervisor or person in charge of food operations on the vessel demonstrates to VSP - during inspections and on request - knowledge of foodborne disease prevention, application of the Hazard Analysis Critical Point principles, and the food-safety guidelines in this manual. Ensure that the person in charge demonstrates this knowledge: (1) By compliance with the VSP 2018 Operations Manual; Ensure the supervisor or person in charge of food operations on the vessel monitors that: (5) Employees are observing foods as they are received to determine that they are from approved sources, delivered at the required temperatures, protected from contamination, unadulterated, and accurately presented.
Item No.: 13
Site: Galley-Park Caf
Violation: The light intensity at the area was less than 220 lux because the light fixtures were not turned on. A food worker was making sandwiches at the time while in the dark. The lights were switched on after the finding.
Recommendation: Because of the risks for foodborne illness inherent to the food operation, ensure the supervisor or person in charge of food operations on the vessel demonstrates to VSP - during inspections and on request - knowledge of foodborne disease prevention, application of the Hazard Analysis Critical Point principles, and the food-safety guidelines in this manual. Ensure that the person in charge demonstrates this knowledge: (1) By compliance with the VSP 2018 Operations Manual; Ensure that the areas of knowledge include: (9) Explaining the relation between food safety and providing equipment that is sufficient in number and capacity as well as properly designed, constructed, located, installed, operated, maintained, and cleaned.
Item No.: 15
Site: Bar-Pool Bar Walk-In Refrigerator
Violation: Green and white mold-like debris was noted on six lemons in a large plastic bin. Other lemons were sunken-in and showed signs of degradation. In an adjacent bin, another lemon was found with white mold-like debris. The lemons were removed. The bar was open for passenger service.
Recommendation: Ensure food is safe and unadulterated.
Item No.: 16
Site: Bar-Pool
Violation: A previously opened 64-oz container of vanilla ice cream mix with a 7-day discard labeled measured 48.2F by the inspector's tip-sensitive thermometer and 50.2F by the crew. The mix was discarded. The bar was open for passenger service.
Recommendation: Except during preparation, cooking, or cooling, or when time is used as the public health control, maintain potentially hazardous foods at 57C (135F) or above, except that roasts may be held at a temperature of 54C (130F); or 5C (41F) or less.
Item No.: 16
Site: Galley-Deck 5 Buffet Station Cooling Logs
Violation: The cooling logs for roast potato on 18 December documented an initial temperature of 127F. As a result, the cooling time from 135F to 127F was not documented.
Recommendation: Ensure cooked potentially hazardous food is cooled from 57C (135F) to 21C (70F) within 2 hours and from 21C (70F) to 5C (41F) or less within 4 hours.
Item No.: 16
Site: Galley-Deck 4 Cooling Logs
Violation: Several entries for the cooling of hot foods did not document the process from a temperature of 135F or above. Examples of improper cooling documentation included: 1) turkey on 18 December with initial temperature of 129F and 130F; 2) beef on 17 December with initial temperature of 102F and 100F; 3) pulled pork on 16 December with initial temperature of 130F; 4) lamb rack on 16 December with initial temperature of 110F; 5) buck on 15 December with initial temperature of 108F and 130F; 6) beef on 15 December with initial temperature of 125F; and 7) many other entries for fully cooked food. Additionally, staff explained that the reason for many entries for not having an initial cooling temperature at or above 135F was because they were only partially cooked, for example prime ribs, but that was not documented on the log.
Recommendation: Ensure cooked potentially hazardous food is cooled from 57C (135F) to 21C (70F) within 2 hours and from 21C (70F) to 5C (41F) or less within 4 hours.
Item No.: 17
Site: Buffet-Park Caf
Violation: There was no posted time control plan. The area was open for service and food was held on time control. Corrections started immediately.
Recommendation: Maintain a written time control plan(s) that ensures compliance with these guidelines on the vessel and make it available for review during inspections. Post a time control plan at each outlet where time control is used and ensure time control plan is accessible to all crew working at each outlet where time control is used. Ensure plan(s): (1) Include set-up and discard times for each outlet. Include all services and events where potentially hazardous foods are kept on time control. If used, ensure colored labels correspond to the discard times stated in the plan. (2) List all units (to include preparation counters, cabinets, compartments, and equipment) on time control, but only cabinets and compartments on time control must be physically labeled. and (3) Describe or show the flow of potentially hazardous food from when last in temperature control to placement in time control and discard.
Item No.: 19
Site: Provisions-Deck 2 Beverage Store
Violation: There was an unlabeled and unsealed bottle of brown liquid stored along with closed liquor bottles. Staff stated that this bottle was seized from a passenger.
Recommendation: Ensure containers holding food or food ingredients that are removed from their original packages for use on the vessel, such as cooking oils, flour, herbs, potato flakes, salt, spices, and sugar are identified with the common name of the food.
Item No.: 20
Site: Galley-Deck 4 Pastry
Violation: The cutting boards were scored and difficult to clean.
Recommendation: Ensure surfaces such as cutting blocks and boards that are subject to scratching and scoring are resurfaced if they no longer can be effectively cleaned and sanitized, or discarded if they are not capable of being resurfaced.
Item No.: 20
Site: Galley-Deck 4 Hot Line
Violation: The right side tilting pan was leaking to the deck from the technical compartment.
Recommendation: Food contact equipment must be maintained in good repair and proper adjustment: (1) Equipment must be maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the materials, design, construction, and operating specifications of these guidelines.
Item No.: 21
Site: Galley-Deck 4 Pastry
Violation: The deck-mounted mixer was corroded on the bowl holder arms.
Recommendation: Ensure nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment that are exposed to splash, spillage, or other food soiling or that require frequent cleaning are constructed of a corrosion-resistant, nonabsorbent, and smooth material.
Item No.: 21
Site: Buffet-Staff Mess Locker 03-7-23
Violation: The legs of the galvanized shelves were corroded on the bottom.
Recommendation: Ensure nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment that are exposed to splash, spillage, or other food soiling or that require frequent cleaning are constructed of a corrosion-resistant, nonabsorbent, and smooth material.
Item No.: 21
Site: Galley-Windjammer Dishwash
Violation: There were wood planks on the clean storage. Staff explained that these were used to serve food on paper and food did not contact the wood. The wood was not sealed and had crevices.
Recommendation: Ensure nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment that are exposed to splash, spillage, or other food soiling or that require frequent cleaning are constructed of a corrosion-resistant, nonabsorbent, and smooth material. Ensure nonfood-contact surfaces are free of unnecessary ledges, projections, and crevices, and designed and constructed to allow easy cleaning and to facilitate maintenance.
Item No.: 22
Site: Galley-Windjammer Dishwash
Violation: The left-most nozzle of the upper final rinse spray arm in the in-use rack-type warewash machine was blocked. The blockage created an ineffective spray pattern. Corrections started immediately.
Recommendation: Maintain warewashing equipment in good repair and proper adjustment, including: (1) warewashing equipment is maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the standards of the materials, design, and construction of these guidelines; (2) water pressure and water temperature-measuring devices are maintained in good repair and accurate within the intended range of use. Ensure warewashing machines, drainboards, and the compartments of sinks, basins, or other receptacles used for washing and rinsing equipment, utensils, or raw foods, or laundering wiping cloths are cleaned: (1) before use; (2) throughout the day at a frequency necessary to prevent recontamination and accumulation of excessive debris, and to ensure that the equipment performs its intended function; (3) at least every 24 hours (if used).
Item No.: 22
Site: Galley-Deck 4 Starboard Dishwash
Violation: The conveyor warewash machine was under repair during the inspection. It was reported repaired.
Recommendation: Maintain warewashing equipment in good repair and proper adjustment, including: (1) warewashing equipment is maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the standards of the materials, design, and construction of these guidelines; (2) water pressure and water temperature-measuring devices are maintained in good repair and accurate within the intended range of use.
Item No.: 22
Site: Galley-Deck 4 Port Dishwash
Violation: The in-use rack-type warewash machine had no final rinse upon evaluation. Corrections started immediately.
Recommendation: Maintain warewashing equipment in good repair and proper adjustment, including: (1) warewashing equipment is maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the standards of the materials, design, and construction of these guidelines; (2) water pressure and water temperature-measuring devices are maintained in good repair and accurate within the intended range of use.
Item No.: 22
Site: Galley-Potwash
Violation: The detergent dispenser of the potwash machine was continuously leaking.
Recommendation: Maintain warewashing equipment in good repair and proper adjustment, including: (1) warewashing equipment is maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the standards of the materials, design, and construction of these guidelines;
Item No.: 22
Site: Galley-Potwash
Violation: The temperature gauge of the final rinse 3-compartment sink was not working properly.
Recommendation: Maintain warewashing equipment in good repair and proper adjustment, including: (1) warewashing equipment is maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the standards of the materials, design, and construction of these guidelines; (2) water pressure and water temperature-measuring devices are maintained in good repair and accurate within the intended range of use.
Item No.: 22
Site: Galley-Deck 5 Starboard Dishwash
Violation: The final rinse gauge of the in-use conveyor warewash machine was measuring temperatures above 200F consistently. Staff stated that there was a pending repair of the booster tank that will correct the issue.
Recommendation: Maintain warewashing equipment in good repair and proper adjustment, including: (1) warewashing equipment is maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the standards of the materials, design, and construction of these guidelines; (2) water pressure and water temperature-measuring devices are maintained in good repair and accurate within the intended range of use.
Item No.: 22
Site: Galley-Deck 5 Starboard Dishwash
Violation: There was a leak from under the machine, which pooled on the deck below. A similar violation was written on the previous inspection report of April 2019.
Recommendation: Maintain warewashing equipment in good repair and proper adjustment, including: (1) warewashing equipment is maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the standards of the materials, design, and construction of these guidelines; (2) water pressure and water temperature-measuring devices are maintained in good repair and accurate within the intended range of use.
Item No.: 22
Site: Galley-Deck 4 Port Dishwash
Violation: There were several leaks from under the in-use conveyor warewash machine and the rack-type warewash machine. The water was pooled on the deck below.
Recommendation: Maintain warewashing equipment in good repair and proper adjustment, including: (1) warewashing equipment is maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the standards of the materials, design, and construction of these guidelines; (2) water pressure and water temperature-measuring devices are maintained in good repair and accurate within the intended range of use.
Item No.: 22
Site: Bar-Sky Bar Pantry
Violation: The upper final rise spray arm in the hood-type warewash machine was missing a plastic cap on the side of the spray arm, which likely would impact the final rinse spray. Crew took the machine out of service until it could be fixed. The bar was open for passenger service.
Recommendation: Maintain warewashing equipment in good repair and proper adjustment, including: (1) warewashing equipment is maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the standards of the materials, design, and construction of these guidelines.
Item No.: 23
Site: Galley-Deck 5 Potwash
Violation: The wash temperature of the in-use potwash machine was 145-146F. Corrections started immediately.
Recommendation: Ensure the temperature of the wash solution in spray type warewashers that use hot water to sanitize is not less than: (1) 74C (165F) for a stationary-rack, single-temperature machine; (2) 66C (150F) for a stationary-rack, dual-temperature machine; (3) 71C (160F) for a single-tank, conveyor, dual-temperature machine; (4) 66C (150F) for a multi-tank, conveyor, multi-temperature machine.
Item No.: 24
Site: Galley-Deck 5 Starboard Dishwash
Violation: The final rinse gauge of the in-use conveyor warewash machine was measuring temperatures above 200F consistently. Staff stated that there was a pending repair of the booster tank that will correct the issue.
Recommendation: In a mechanical operation, ensure the temperature of the fresh hot water sanitizing rinse as it enters the manifold is not more than 90C (194F) or less than: (1) 74C (165F) for a stationary rack, single-temperature machine; (2) 82C (180F) for all other machines. Ensure the utensil surface temperature is not less than 71C (160F) as measured by an irreversible registering temperature indicator.
Item No.: 24
Site: Galley-Deck 4 Port Dishwash
Violation: The in-use rack-type warewash machine had no final rinse upon evaluation. Corrections started immediately.
Recommendation: Sanitize food-contact surfaces of equipment and utensils. In a mechanical operation, ensure the temperature of the fresh hot water sanitizing rinse as it enters the manifold is not more than 90C (194F) or less than: (1) 74C (165F) for a stationary rack, single-temperature machine; (2) 82C (180F) for all other machines. Ensure the utensil surface temperature is not less than 71C (160F) as measured by an irreversible registering temperature indicator.
Item No.: 28
Site: Galley-Windjammer Food Equipment Locker 11-7-22
Violation: Boxes of utensils were stored directly on the deck in the dark area.
Recommendation: Store cleaned equipment and utensils, laundered linens, and single-service and single-use articles: (1) in a clean, dry location; (2) in a location where they are not exposed to splash, dust, or other contamination; (3) at least 150 millimeters (6 inches) above the deck unless in packages on pallets, skids, or racks, which may be 127 millimeters (5 inches).
Item No.: 29
Site: Galley-Deck 5 Starboard Dishwash Area
Violation: During breakfast service, ice was dumped inside the handwashing station. Corrections started immediately.
Recommendation: Ensure handwashing facilities are used for no other purpose and are accessible at all times.
Item No.: 33
Site: Galley-Deck 5 Tournent Station
Violation: The bulkhead-mounted cork bulletin board was exposed to the utility sink below. Corrections started immediately.
Recommendation: Ensure light fixtures, vent covers, and similar equipment attached to the bulkheads or deckheads are easily cleanable.
Item No.: 33
Site: Galley-Deck 4 Hot Line
Violation: The column by the hot flat grill had open stainless steel panels creating a difficult-to-clean and unsafe gap.
Recommendation: Ensure decks, bulkheads, and deckheads in food preparation, warewashing, pantries, bars, and food and equipment storage areas are constructed and maintained for easy cleaning. Ensure bulkheads and deckheads have smooth, hard finishes. Ensure decks, bulkheads, and deckheads in food preparation, warewashing, pantries, and storage areas are maintained in good repair.
Item No.: 33
Site: Buffet-Windjammer Thirst Quenchers
Violation: The beverage counter had no deck coving.
Recommendation: Cove all bulkhead/deck, equipment/deck, cabinet/deck, and deck sink coaming/deck junctures (including galleys, pantries, buffets, bars, waiter stations, dining room work counters, provisions, food storage rooms, equipment/utensil storage rooms, and toilet rooms intended for use by galley personnel).
Item No.: 33
Site: Pantry-The Den
Violation: There was dust and debris accumulated above the storage locker.
Recommendation: Ensure decks, bulkheads, deckheads, and attached equipment in food preparation, warewashing, pantries, and storage areas are cleaned as often as necessary.
Item No.: 34
Site: Preparation Room-
Violation: The faucet of the 2-compartment sink was continuously leaking.
Recommendation: Ensure a plumbing system in a food area is maintained in good repair.
Item No.: 34
Site: Galley-Potwash
Violation: Water was pooled on the deck below a drain between the 3-compartment sink sanitation compartment and the potwash machine because the drain pipe was missing.
Recommendation: Ensure a plumbing system in a food area is maintained in good repair.
Item No.: 34
Site: Galley-Deck 5 Potwash
Violation: The bucket filling faucet under the handwashing station was continuously leaking and water was pooling on the deck.
Recommendation: Ensure a plumbing system in a food area is maintained in good repair.
Item No.: 35
Site: Galley-Deck 5 Potwash
Violation: The bucket filling faucet under the handwashing station was continuously leaking and water was pooling on the deck.
Recommendation: Ensure black and gray water is discharged to the vessel's wastewater disposal system and does not pool on the deck.
Item No.: 35
Site: Galley-Deck 4 Port Dishwash
Violation: There were several leaks from under the in-use conveyor warewash machine and the rack-type warewash machine. The water was pooled on the deck below.
Recommendation: Ensure black and gray water is discharged to the vessel's wastewater disposal system and does not pool on the deck.
Item No.: 35
Site: Galley-Deck 5 Starboard Dishwash
Violation: Water leaked from under the machine and pooled on the deck below. A similar violation was written on the previous inspection report of April 2019.
Recommendation: Ensure black and gray water is discharged to the vessel's wastewater disposal system and does not pool on the deck.
Item No.: 35
Site: Galley-Potwash
Violation: Water was pooled on the deck below a drain between the 3-compartment sink sanitation compartment and the potwash machine because the drain pipe was missing.
Recommendation: Ensure black and gray water is discharged to the vessel's wastewater disposal system and does not pool on the deck.
Item No.: 35
Site: Galley-Deck 4 Hot Line
Violation: Water from the right side tilting pan technical compartment was leaking and pooled on the deck below.
Recommendation: Ensure black and gray water is discharged to the vessel's wastewater disposal system and does not pool on the deck.
Item No.: 36
Site: Buffet-Staff Mess Locker 03-7-23
Violation: The light intensity of this equipment storage room was less than 220 lux.
Recommendation: Ensure the light intensity is at least 220 lux (20 foot candles) on food preparation surfaces, and at a distance of 75 centimeters (30 inches) above the deck in food preparation areas, handwashing facilities, warewashing areas, equipment, and utensil storage, pantries, toilet rooms, and consumer self-service areas.
Item No.: 36
Site: Galley-Windjammer Food Equipment Locker 11-7-22
Violation: The light intensity was less than 220 lux in the locker. In the area farthest from the door, it was extremely dark.
Recommendation: Ensure the light intensity is at least 220 lux (20 foot candles) on food preparation surfaces, and at a distance of 75 centimeters (30 inches) above the deck in food preparation areas, handwashing facilities, warewashing areas, equipment, and utensil storage, pantries, toilet rooms, and consumer self-service areas.
Item No.: 36
Site: Pantry-The Den
Violation: The light intensity behind and around the counter-mounted espresso machine was less than 110 lux.
Recommendation: Ensure the light intensity is at least 110 lux (10 foot candles) behind and around mounted equipment, including counter-mounted equipment.
Item No.: 36
Site: Provisions-Meat Walk-in Freezer
Violation: The light was not working in half of the room. Half of the room was completely dark.
Recommendation: Ensure the light intensity is at least 110 lux (10 foot candles) at a distance of 75 centimeters (30 inches) above the deck when in use, in walk-in refrigerator units and dry storage areas, and in other areas and rooms during periods of cleaning. Ensure the light intensity is at least 110 lux (10 foot candles) behind and around mounted equipment, including counter-mounted equipment.
Item No.: 36
Site: Galley-Park Caf
Violation: The light intensity at the area was less than 220 lux because the light fixtures were not turned on. A food worker was making sandwiches at the time while in the dark. The lights were switched on after the finding.
Recommendation: Ensure the light intensity is at least 220 lux (20 foot candles) on food preparation surfaces, and at a distance of 75 centimeters (30 inches) above the deck in food preparation areas, handwashing facilities, warewashing areas, equipment, and utensil storage, pantries, toilet rooms, and consumer self-service areas.
Item No.: 38
Site: Galley-
Violation: The cleaning locker was not labeled.
Recommendation: Label the locker "CLEANING MATERIALS ONLY."
*Inspections scores of 85 or lower are NOT satisfactory
Vessel Sanitation Program