Number and percentage of occupational fatalities by accident class, 2000 - 2020 (N=1004)

Keywords: Fatalities Accidents
Powered haulageMachineryFall of ground (from in place)Slip or fall of personIgnition/explosion of gas/dustFalling, rolling, or sliding rock or materialElectricalUnknown or NECExploding vessels under pressureHoistingExplosives and breaking agentsHandling materialsFireHand toolsNonpowered haulageInundationImpoundmentStepping/kneeling on objectStriking or bumping050100150200250300350297 (29.58%)200 (19.92%)141 (14.04%)94 (9.36%)75 (7.47%)61 (6.08%)53 (5.28%)28 (2.79%)12 (1.20%)11 (1.10%)9 (0.90%)8 (0.80%)4 (0.40%)4 (0.40%)2 (0.20%)2 (0.20%)1 (0.10%)1 (0.10%)1 (0.10%)
Accident Class Fatalities
Powered haulage 297
Machinery 200
Fall of ground (from in place) 141
Slip or fall of person 94
Ignition/explosion of gas/dust 75
Falling, rolling, or sliding rock or material 61
Electrical 53
Unknown or NEC 28
Exploding vessels under pressure 12
Hoisting 11
Explosives and breaking agents 9
Handling materials 8
Fire 4
Hand tools 4
Nonpowered haulage 2
Inundation 2
Impoundment 1
Stepping/kneeling on object 1
Striking or bumping 1
Total 1004
NOTE: "Fall of ground (from in place)" includes MSHA's Accident/Injury/Illness classifications for "Fall of face, rib, pillar, side, or highwall (from in place)" and "Fall of roof, back, or brow (from in place)." Excludes office employees. Data Source: MSHA
