NIOSH Mine and Mine Worker Charts
The following graphs, maps, and tables present 1983-2023 data for all mining in the U.S. by mining sector. Data source: Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA). See Statistical Methodology for further details.
Active mining operationsA chart showing the number of active mines per year by sector.
Active mining operations per countyA choropleth map showing the number of active mining operations per county.
Active mining operations by locationA dot map showing the approximate location of active mining operations by sector.
Active longwall mining operations by locationA dot map showing the approximate location of active longwall mining operations.
Employee hoursA chart showing the number of employee hours per year by sector.
Employees by sectorA chart showing the number of employees per year by sector.
Employees per countyA choropleth map showing the number of employees per county.
Office workers are excluded from fatalities and injuries. See Statistical Methodology for further details.
Counts and ratesCharts showing the number and rate of fatal injuries per year.
Fatalities by accident classA chart comparing the number of fatal injuries by accident class.
Fatalities per countyA choropleth map showing the number of fatal injuries by county.
Fatalities by locationA dot map showing the approximate location of fatal injuries by sector.
Counts and ratesCharts showing the number and rate of nonfatal lost-time injuries per year.
Counts and rates by sectorCharts showing the number and rate of nonfatal lost-time injuries per year by sector.
Injuries by accident classA chart comparing the number of nonfatal lost-time injuries by accident class.
Injuries per countyA choropleth map showing the number of nonfatal lost-time injuries by county.
Injuries by locationA dot map showing the approximate location of nonfatal lost-time injuries by sector.
The following charts and tables summarize all U.S. mining disasters from 1839 through present. Charts are provided from 1839 through the last complete calendar year. A mining disaster is defined as an incident with 5 or more fatalities.
Fatalities and incidentsCharts showing number of mining disasters and associated fatalities per year.
List of mining disastersA list of mining disasters including location, type of accident, and type of mine.
Disasters by accident typeA chart showing the number of mining disasters grouped by accident type.