Number of active mines by sector and year, 1983 - 2023

Keywords: Mine operators
Year19831987199119951999200320072011201520192023020004000600080001000012000140001600018000Number of MinesTotalCoalMetalNonmetalStoneSand & gravel
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Number of active mines
Sector 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Coal 5,496 5,538 5,256 5,115 4,918 4,674 4,414 4,320 4,025 3,703 3,429 3,268 2,946 2,689 2,609 2,493 2,306 2,124 2,144 2,065 1,972 2,011 2,063 2,113 2,030 2,129 2,076 1,945 1,975 1,871 1,700 1,632 1,460 1,289 1,216 1,191 1,134 1,009 970 991 994
Metal 940 841 750 711 722 746 708 640 533 469 429 413 403 381 374 343 334 309 281 256 258 251 263 280 278 293 289 296 318 351 349 345 315 306 296 295 287 278 270 280 271
Nonmetal 1,175 1,157 1,156 1,071 1,000 984 970 983 919 855 852 835 809 781 786 801 808 821 785 763 734 741 739 741 725 720 685 654 637 641 882 911 924 906 915 905 920 895 858 859 867
Stone 3,680 3,718 3,842 3,599 3,605 3,663 3,614 3,650 3,627 3,654 3,681 3,646 3,649 3,655 3,712 3,822 3,962 4,113 4,282 4,311 4,357 4,401 4,490 4,573 4,639 4,633 4,601 4,525 4,445 4,433 4,362 4,350 4,303 4,298 4,358 4,356 4,338 4,281 4,264 4,271 4,286
Sand & gravel 5,589 5,740 6,084 6,200 6,287 6,415 6,473 6,565 6,563 6,316 6,239 6,199 6,052 6,026 6,201 6,443 6,783 7,046 7,131 7,125 7,070 7,074 7,111 7,178 7,199 7,132 6,980 6,863 6,803 6,797 6,466 6,366 6,292 6,290 6,295 6,299 6,289 6,251 6,205 6,162 6,198
Total 16,880 16,994 17,088 16,696 16,532 16,482 16,179 16,158 15,667 14,997 14,630 14,361 13,859 13,532 13,682 13,902 14,193 14,413 14,623 14,520 14,391 14,478 14,666 14,885 14,871 14,907 14,631 14,283 14,178 14,093 13,759 13,604 13,294 13,089 13,080 13,046 12,968 12,714 12,567 12,563 12,616
Note: Active mines are those mines that reported any employee hours during the year. Data Source: MSHA
