Number and percentage of nonfatal lost-time injuries by accident class, 2015 - 2020

Keywords: Injuries Accidents
Accident Class Injuries
Handling materials 8,196
Slip or fall of person 5,924
Powered haulage 2,247
Hand tools 2,129
Machinery 2,116
Fall of ground (from in place) 915
Unknown or NEC 652
Stepping/kneeling on object 488
Striking or bumping 206
Exploding vessels under pressure 176
Falling, rolling, or sliding rock or material 141
Electrical 139
Nonpowered haulage 73
Fire 39
Ignition/explosion of gas/dust 30
Hoisting 22
Explosives and breaking agents 19
Entrapment 1
Total 23,513
NOTE: "Fall of ground (from in place)" includes MSHA's Accitent/Injury/Illness classifications for "Fall of face, rib, pillar, side, or highwall (from in place)" and "Fall of roof, back, or brow (from in place)." Nonfatal injury cases classified under "Machinery" were reclassified as a "Fall of ground (from in place)" if the source of the injury was "Caving rock, ore, etc." This reclassification is consistent with how MSHA classifies similar incidents which resulted in a fatal injury. Sum of percentages may not equal 100 due to independent rounding. Excludes office employees. Data Source: MSHA
