Hepatotoxic Exposures, Progressive Fatty Liver Disease (NASH), and Liver Cancer Risk in the World Trade Center Health Program General Responder Cohort

Project Number
1 U01 OH011489-01
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Fiscal Year Awarded
Project Duration
4 years


This project will develop and use innovative and enabling digital technologies to provide the first systematic investigation of liver disease in a large cohort of WTC responders. WTC responders were exposed to many substances known to cause serious progressive liver disease in other populations and in animal models; and it is thus highly likely that the WTC attack exposed responders to hepatotoxins that caused liver damage. By uncovering previously unrecognized liver disease and by introducing new digital technology, this project is expected to improve the health of WTC responders and rescue workers and to advance computational methods for analyzing medical data.


No publications available at this time.

Image of Andrea  Branch, PhD
Principal Investigator: Andrea Branch, PhD
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
(212) 659-8371