Early Detection of Clonal Hematopoiesis and Leukemia Associated Mutations in WTC Exposed Firefighters after the 9/11 Attacks

Project Number
1 U01 OH012271-01
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Fiscal Year Awarded
Project Duration
3 year


Our proposal aims to detect mutations associated with early signs of clonal hematopoiesis and blood cancers in samples from firefighters who were exposed to the World Trade Center (WTC) dust after the 9/11 terrorist attack. To test how WTC exposure results in increased mutations, we will also study the effects of exposure to WTC dust in animal models. Early detection of these cases would enable clinical evaluation and potentially disease altering therapeutic interventions for firefighters.

Study Design: Case series evaluating incidence of mutations on banked samples


No publications available at this time.

Image of Amit  Verma, MD
Principal Investigator: Amit Verma, MD
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
(718) 430-8761