ATSDR Releases Carolina Solite Corporation Public Health Assessment For Public Comment

Friday, October 05, 2001
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Atlanta -- The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), a public health agency of U.S. Department Health and Human Services, today released the second of two public health assessments for the Carolina Solite Corp. in Albermarle, N.C.

This latest report is a draft and documents the agency's review of data from the year 2000 pertaining to possible contamination of soil, sediment and air near the Carolina Solite facility. Based on the data reviewed, ATSDR researchers did not identify any public health hazards to residents living near the Carolina Solite facility.

The draft document is available for public review and comment from October  8, 2001 -
November  9, 2001.
It will be available on or about October 5, 2001, at the following repositories:

Stanly County Public Library
133 East Main Street
Albemarle, NC 28001
(704) 986-3763
Stanly County Public Library 
Norwood Branch
207 Pee Dee Avenue
Norwood, NC 28128
(704) 474-3625

Two weeks ago, ATSDR released another public health assessment, its final report on their examination of air, biological and health outcome data regarding emissions from Carolina Solite. The conclusions in that investigation also were that researchers did not identify any public health hazards to residents living near the Carolina Solite facility.

The report did, however, call for a second public health assessment analyzing more recent data pertaining to possible soil, sediment and air contamination. The draft public health assessment released today is the report of that investigation.

ATSDR prepared the public health assessments in response to requests from community members and an environmental group concerned that emissions from Carolina Solite may be adversely effecting the health of nearby residents.

ATSDR public health assessments report information about hazardous substances in the environment and evaluate whether exposure to those substances in the past, present or future could harm people in the area.

They identify health studies or other activities that might be needed and make recommendations to other government agencies, such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and state and local health and environmental departments, concerning actions to protect public health.

Community members seeking information on the procedures or the content of this public health assessment should contact ATSDR Health Assessor Michelle Colledge or Frank Schnell, toll free, at 1-888-42-ATSDR (1-888-422-8737).

Callers should refer to the "Carolina Solite Corporation" when asking to speak with a health assessor in the Division of Health Assessment and Consultation. ATSDR Regional Representative Benjamin Moore also may be called for information in Atlanta at (404) 562-1784.

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Related News Releases For Stanly County, Albermarle, North Carolina

Release Date:  Monday, October 15, 2001
No public health hazards were found for nearby residents of the Carolina Solite Corporation facility in Albermarle, NC

Release Date:  Friday, October 05, 2001
ATSDR today released the second of two public health assessments for the Carolina Solite Corp. in Albermarle, N.C.

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Page last reviewed: October 05, 2001