Public Health Assessments & Health Consultations

From 2007 to the present, ATSDR has housed many of its Public Health Assessments (PHAs) and Health Consultations (HCs) on our website. Hover over the map below to see a listing of the documents for that state/territory. To request a copy of an ATSDR document, please email a request to the ATSDR Records Center: In your request, please use the full site name and date associated with the report you wish to access.

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10 most recently published documents
Site NameTypeLocationDate
Former Fort McClellan  pdf icon [2483 KB]
HC Anniston, AL 01/14/2025
HC Westfield, MA 12/10/2024
PHA York, NE 12/06/2024
Raymark Industries, Inc  pdf icon [868 KB]
HC Stratford, CT 11/20/2024
HC Granby, MO 10/30/2024
700 South 1600 East PCE Plume: [1330 KB] - Evaluation of Contaminants in Indoor Air and Groundwater: Residential Sampling Location 0065H 
Factsheet  pdf icon [963 KB]
HC Salt Lake City, UT 10/28/2024
700 South 1600 East PCE Plume: [1392 KB] - Evaluation of Contaminants in Indoor Air and Groundwater: East High School, Operable Unit 1 (OU-1): 0045S 
Factsheet  pdf icon [1836 KB]
HC Salt Lake City, UT 10/28/2024
Paden City Groundwater-Addendum  pdf icon [699 KB]
HC Paden City, WV 08/05/2024
Port Townsend Paper Corporation [4056 KB] - Exposure Investigation Outdoor Air Exposures from the Port Townsend Paper Corporation 
Factsheet  pdf icon [253 KB]
HC Port Townsend, WA 06/24/2024
PHA Gurnee, IL 06/21/2024

* Some files require Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader external icon.

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Page last reviewed: November 17, 2020