| Antigens of strains 76V-25880 and 78V-213 were tested by CF with grouping MIAF: A, B, C, Bunyamwera, Simbu, Guama, Turlock, California, Anopheles A, Anopheles B, Patois and Capim [1] . Also tested with MIAF for EEE, WEE, VEE, AURA, MAY, Uruma, MUC, PIX, UNA, SDN, MEL, GAM, ICO, ITP, TCM, LUK, ANA, ANB, BOR, TUR, IRI, KWA, SLE, YF, ROC, BSQ, ILH, DEN-2, VSI, VSNJ, COC, PIRY, TIM, CHO, ARU, IERI, TME, TNT, MAT, NAR, NAV, MCO, BER, GTB, and Reo-3. No reactions obtained with these preparations. | In addition, hemagglutinins of the following viruses were tested by HI with MIAF for strain 78V-213: La Crosse, Tensaw, Caraparu, Bunyamwera, Nepuyo, Mermet, Tahyna, Apeu, Madrid, Marituba, Oriboca, Gumbo Limbo, Anhembi, Batai, Main Drain, Lokern, Santa Rosa, Ilesha, Cache Valley, Icoaraci and Sandfly (Sicilian). | MIAF prepared to 78V-213 was tested by CF with the following antigens (as well as those listed above): APEU, ACA, GMA, CAP, PAT, SIM, MAG, SOR, WYO, CAR, ITQ, MTB, MUR, NEP, ORI, RES, BSB, GJA, MOR, BIM, CATU, MOJU, MAN, ORO, JUR, MIR, KRI, AMB, DEN-3, CDU and mouse hepatitis virus. No reactions were noted [1] . | Strains 76V-25880 and 78V-213 were shown by both CF and PRNT to be identical [1] . | |