| | Vertebrate (species and organ) and arthropod | No. isolations/No. tested | No. with antibody/No. tested Test used | Country and region |
| On preferred hammocks of Everglades National Park, south Florida, infection rates can be very high in Culex (Melanoconion) sp., ranging from 1:50 to 1:200 (5). Three human clinical cases documented in Florida (10, 11). | | Man | | 38/65 HI | Big Cypress, S. Florida, 1960 (7) | Peromyscus gossypinus (cotton mouse) | | 22/72 HI | Everglades, S. Florida 1964-65(5) | Peromyscus gossypinus | | 108/325 HI | Everglades, S. Florida 1965-69 (4) | Signodon hispidis (cotton rat) | | 3/30 HI | Everglades, S. Florida 1964-65(5) | Signodon hispidis | 1/130 | 63/304 HI | Everglades, S. Florida 1965-69(4) | Oppossum | 1/118 | 20/118 HI | | Raccoon | | 9/107 HI | | Bobcat | | 2/17 HI | | Oryzomyz palustris (rice rat) | | 2/13 HI | | Cottontail and marsh rabbits | | 0/24 HI | | White-tailed deer | | 1/3 | | Isolations in Everglades, S. Florida, 1963-1968 (6) | | | | Aedes atlanticus/tormentor | 1 | | | Ae taeniorhynchus | 8 | | | Anopheles crucians | 2 | | | Culex nigripalpus | 12 | | | Cx (Mel) sp. | 69 | | |
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