| Kern Canyon virus antigen: | Failed to react in the CF test with the following mouse hyperimmune sera: Anopheles B, Tacaiuma, Ganjam, Irituia, Acara, Pacui, Candiru, Piry, Palyam, Mossuril, Tete, Witwatersrand, Navarro, Wongal, Lebombo, Mapputta, Wad Medani, Nyamanini, Wanorwrie, Tacaribe, Lukuni, Jurona, Nyando, Quaranfil, Chenuda, Oropouche, SF Sicilian, SF Naples, Hart Park, EHD-NJ, SE65, VSNJ, VSI, Bwamba (SE493), Anopheles A, K622, Tsuruse, Mag 118, gr. Buny., 2325, gr. Simbu, Calif., Capim, Lunyo [2] . | Kern Canyon hyperimmune serum: | Failed to react in the HI test with the following HI antigens: SF Sicilian, SF Naples, Sindbis, WEE, Akabane, Guaroa, Turlock, Tahyna, Bunyamwera, Tacaiuma, Manzanilla, Icoaraci, Chagres, Ketapang, Pixuna, Germiston, Witwatersrand, Maguari, Sathuperi, Guama, Murutucu, Oriboca, Ndumu, Ilesha, EEE [2] . | Cross immunity tests: | Not related to rabies, Western equine, St. Louis, Colorado tick fever, Modoc, Rio Bravo, California or Cache Valley viruses [1] . | Kern Canyon virus was placed in the Mossuril serogroup as a result of its relationship to Charleville virus. The latter virus seemed to be the ""link virus"" in relating other rhabdoviruses to the original members of the Mossuril serogroup [9] . | Kern Canyon virus is related by IFA, CF and EIA to Barur and Nkolbisson viruses and the unregistered Fukuoka virus, these viruses form the Kern Canyon antigenic group [10] . | |