| 159 antigens in the YARU collection were tested by CF test against an M67U5 mouse ascitic fluid [2] with lack of cross-reaction. The only positive reaction at 1:4 or greater was with the homologous antigen, the ascitic fluid titer being 1024. | In addition, the M67U5 antigen was tested by CF with hyperimmune ascitic fluids of groups A, B, C, Guama, Capim, California, Simbu, Bunyamwera, Anopheles A, Anopheles B, Turlock, Phlebotomus fever, Quaranfil, Kaisodi, Lanjan, VSV, Tacaribe, and ascitic fluids of herpes simplex, vaccinia, LCM, NDV, rabies, ectromelia, reovirus 3, and Rift Valley fever. | HI and N testing has been done but not as completely as by CF tests. | M67U5 virus antigen gave a titer of 20 only against a group C polyvalent ascitic fluid. This test was performed twice in two different laboratories (Instituto Nacional de Virologia and Cornel University Medical College). | These data indicate that M67U5 is a new virus, belonging in the Bunyamwera supergroup, but not pertaining to any of the established groups within the supergroup. | More recent data indicate that Minatitlan virus is closely related by CF and NT to Palestina virus, which was registered in 1982 [5] . Therefore, the two viruses comprised the Minatitlan serogroup. | Cross-reactivity of Palestina and Minatitlan and Mirim viruses by CF and serum dilution-plaque reduction neutralization tests. | | | MIAF |
| CF | NT |
Antigen or Virus | 76V-1565 | MNT | MIR | 76V-1565 | MNT | MIR |
| NT titer: reciprocal of highest dilution producing >90% plaque-reduction. | Palestina | 64 | 128 | 8 | 160 | <20 | <20 | Minatitlan | 16 | 256 | 8 | 40 | 2560 | <20 | Mirim | 8 | 8 | 256 | <20 | <20 | 320 |
| |