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| 1. | ?? a, Ilesha, Germiston, Kairi, Cache Valley ?? Shokwe viruses, but by HI an AR 5133 antigen was inhibited by Bunyamwera group antiserum (32 Units of antigen inhibited), Bunyamwera (8 units), Shokwe (8 units), Kairi (4 units), Ilesha (2 units), [2] . | 2. | CF tests at YARU and at Institute Pasteur, Dakar, showed a reciprocal cross- relationship between Olifantsvlei and Bobia viruses [1] , [6] . In addition, neutralization tests also conducted at the Institute Pasteur, Dakar, have confirmed an antigenic relationship between the two viruses [6] . | 3. | By HI Olifantsvlei and Bobia viruses were classified as a serogroup (Olifantsvlei) within the Bunyamwera super-group [1] * |
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