| | Vertebrate (species and organ) and arthropod | No. isolations/No. tested | No. with antibody/No. tested Test used | Country and region |
| Bradypus tridactylus (blood, viscera) | 1 | | Utinga forest, Para, Brazil | Bradypus tridactylus | 1 | | Mojui dos Campos, Santarem, Para, Brazil | Man | | 16/6,909 HI | Amazon region, Brazil | Marsupials | | 1/834 HI | | Rodents | | 1/1,692 HI | | Primates | | 5/461 HI | | Carnivores | | 0/21 HI | | Ungulates | | 0/102 HI | | Edentates (sloths) | | 13/134 HI | | Edentates (sloths) | | 12/51 HI | Panama (5) | Edentates (others) | | 0/37 HI | Amazon region, Brazil | Reptiles | | 0/464 HI | | Bats | | 1/947 HI | | Wild birds | | 43/12,351 HI | | Domestic birds | | 0/239 HI | | Domestic pigs | | 24/974 HI | | Dogs | | 0/110 HI | | Cats | | 0/3 HI | | Sentinel monkeys | | 1/22 HI | | Sentinel chickens | | 0/95 HI | | Man | | 4/1,475 HI | | Sloths | 0/54 | 6/54 HI | Jari, Para, Brazil; 1980 | Armadillos and anteaters | 0/24 | 0/24 HI | | | | | | |
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