| | Vertebrate (species and organ) and arthropod | No. isolations/No. tested | No. with antibody/No. tested Test used | Country and region |
| * Blood, viscera, and salivary glands tested for virus. | | Bat (blood) | 1/1,063 | 0/3 CF | Utinga forest, Para, Brazil | Bat | 0/1,149 | 0/29 CF | EMBRAPA, Para, Brazil | Bat | 0/44 | | Belem, Para, Brazil | Bat | 0/4,638 | | Other areas of the Amazon region, Para, Brazil | Bat | | 0/96 CF | Territory Federal, Amapa, Brazil | Philander opossum | | 0/16 CF | | Metachirus | | 0/9 CF | | Didelphis | | 0/16 CF | | Marmosa sp. | | 0/9 CF | | Monodelphis | | 0/8 CF | | Caluromys philander | | 0/1 CF | | Oryzomys spp. | | 0/16 CF | | Proechimys quyannensis | | 0/15 CF | | Neacomys | | 0/11 CF | | Oecomys sp. | | 0/2 CF | | Humans | | 0/6 CF | | Reptilia | | 0/2 CF | | Domestic fowl | | 0/10 CF | |
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