Diagnostic Testing
Question 1
What percentage of diagnostic laboratories tested for each enteric pathogen?
What percentage of diagnostic laboratories tested for each enteric pathogen?
† Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli.
Note: N represents the number of responding laboratories.
Note: N represents the number of responding laboratories.
Pathogen Detection Method
Question 2
What type of test method was used initially to detect each pathogen?
What type of test method was used initially to detect each pathogen?
‡ Traditional methods include culture for bacteria and microscopy for parasites. This category is not applicable to norovirus because all norovirus diagnostics are culture-independent.
** A CIDT is a non-traditional test, such as those that detect the presence of a specific antibody or antigen or the DNA of an organism.
Note: N represents the number of responding laboratories. Only laboratories reporting testing for the pathogen selected were asked this question.
** A CIDT is a non-traditional test, such as those that detect the presence of a specific antibody or antigen or the DNA of an organism.
Note: N represents the number of responding laboratories. Only laboratories reporting testing for the pathogen selected were asked this question.
Type of Culture-independent Diagnostic Test (CIDT)
Question 3
If a CIDT was used to detect a pathogen, what type was used?
If a CIDT was used to detect a pathogen, what type was used?
†† Polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
Note: N represents the number of responding laboratories. Only laboratories reporting use of a CIDT were asked this question.
Note: N represents the number of responding laboratories. Only laboratories reporting use of a CIDT were asked this question.
An immunoassay test detects a specific protein present in a specimen using an antibody or antigen. A PCR test targets one or more genetic sequences. Laboratory developed tests (LDT) are developed and used by a single diagnostic laboratory.
Culture Following Detection by CIDT
Question 4
If a bacterial pathogen was detected using a CIDT, did the diagnostic laboratory attempt to culture the organism?
If a bacterial pathogen was detected using a CIDT, did the diagnostic laboratory attempt to culture the organism?
Note: N represents the number of responding laboratories. This question only applied to select bacterial pathogens.
Specimen Submission
Question 5
What types of specimens did diagnostic laboratories send to public health laboratories?
What types of specimens did diagnostic laboratories send to public health laboratories?
‡‡ Blood and cerebral spinal fluid asked only for Listeria.
Note: N represents the number of responding laboratories. This question only asked for bacterial pathogens.
Note: N represents the number of responding laboratories. This question only asked for bacterial pathogens.
Data last updated: 06/28/23