Diagnostic Testing
Question 1
What percentage of diagnostic laboratories tested for each enteric pathogen?
2022 | All Geographic Areas0%10%20%30%40%50%60%Percentage of laboratoriesCampylobacter(N=714)Cyclospora(N=694)Listeria(N=694)Norovirus(N=700)Salmonella(N=714)Shigella(N=714)STEC†(N=714)Vibrio(N=714)Yersinia(N=714)Pathogen
† Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli.
Note: N represents the number of responding laboratories.
Pathogen Detection Method
Question 2
What type of test method was used initially to detect each pathogen?
2022 | All Geographic Areas0%20%40%60%80%100%Percentage of laboratoriesCampylobacter(N=346)Cyclospora(N=156)Listeria(N=311)Norovirus(N=174)Salmonella(N=352)Shigella(N=350)STEC(N=330)Vibrio(N=267)Yersinia(N=281)PathogenTraditional Methods‡Culture-independent Diagnostic Test (CIDT)**Both
‡ Traditional methods include culture for bacteria and microscopy for parasites. This category is not applicable to norovirus because all norovirus diagnostics are culture-independent.
** A CIDT is a non-traditional test, such as those that detect the presence of a specific antibody or antigen or the DNA of an organism.
Note: N represents the number of responding laboratories. Only laboratories reporting testing for the pathogen selected were asked this question.
Type of Culture-independent Diagnostic Test (CIDT)
Question 3
If a CIDT was used to detect a pathogen, what type was used?
2022 | All Geographic Areas0%20%40%60%80%100%Percentage of laboratoriesCampylobacter(N=217)Cyclospora(N=122)Listeria(N=140)Norovirus(N=170)Salmonella(N=180)Shigella(N=180)STEC(N=298)Vibrio(N=166)Yersinia(N=166)PathogenImmunoassaySyndromic Panel PCR††Laboratory-developed PCRImmunoassay and PCR
†† Polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
Note: N represents the number of responding laboratories. Only laboratories reporting use of a CIDT were asked this question.
An immunoassay test detects a specific protein present in a specimen using an antibody or antigen. A PCR test targets one or more genetic sequences. Laboratory developed tests (LDT) are developed and used by a single diagnostic laboratory.
Culture Following Detection by CIDT
Question 4
If a bacterial pathogen was detected using a CIDT, did the diagnostic laboratory attempt to culture the organism?
2022 | All Geographic Areas0%20%40%60%80%100%Percentage of laboratoriesCampylobacter(N=221)Cyclospora(N/A)Listeria(N/A)Norovirus(N/A)Salmonella(N=185)Shigella(N=184)STEC(N/A)Vibrio(N=171)Yersinia(N=171)PathogenYes, culture attemptedNo, culture not attempted
Note: N represents the number of responding laboratories. This question only applied to select bacterial pathogens.
Specimen Submission
Question 5
What types of specimens did diagnostic laboratories send to public health laboratories?
2022 | All Geographic Areas0%20%40%60%80%100%Percentage of laboratoriesCampylobacter(N=354)Cyclospora(N/A)Listeria(N=318)Norovirus(N/A)Salmonella(N=360)Shigella(N=359)STEC(N=334)Vibrio(N=284)Yersinia(N=297)PathogenIsolateBrothStoolBlood‡‡Cerebral Spinal Fluid‡‡More than One TypeNone Submitted
‡‡ Blood and cerebral spinal fluid asked only for Listeria.
Note: N represents the number of responding laboratories. This question only asked for bacterial pathogens.
Data last updated: 06/28/23