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Inspection Detail Report

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Cruise Ship: Jewel of the Seas Cruise Line: Royal Caribbean International Inspection Date: 05/06/2018 Inspection Score: 96
This cruise ship inspection report lists the deficiencies found during the inspection. Additional information corresponding to each item number is available in the lastest editions of the CDC VSP Operational Manual.

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Item No.: 02
Site: Medical-Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE) Log
Violation: On the April 29-May 6 voyage, a close contact of a symptomatic crew member developed nausea and had no other AGE symptoms, but was listed as reportable on the AGE log.
Recommendation: Ensure a reportable case of AGE is a case reported to the master of the vessel, the medical staff, or other designated staff by a passenger or a crew member and meets the case definition based on the following symptoms: (1) Diarrhea (three or more episodes of loose stools in a 24 hour period or what is above normal for the individual. See section, illness symptoms); or (2) vomiting and one additional symptom including one or more episodes of loose stools in a 24-hour period, or abdominal cramps, or headache, or muscle aches, or fever (temperature of greater than or equal to 38C [100.4F]).
Item No.: 02
Site: Medical-Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE) Log
Violation: On April 16, a nonfood handler had zero episodes of diarrhea and zero episodes of vomiting, but was listed as reportable. Medical staff had documented that the crew member had nausea and had the urge to have a bowel movement, such as when the crew member experiences diarrhea. However, this crew member did not have diarrhea.
Recommendation: Ensure a reportable case of AGE is a case reported to the master of the vessel, the medical staff, or other designated staff by a passenger or a crew member and meets the case definition based on the following symptoms: (1) Diarrhea (three or more episodes of loose stools in a 24 hour period or what is above normal for the individual. See section, illness symptoms); or (2) vomiting and one additional symptom including one or more episodes of loose stools in a 24-hour period, or abdominal cramps, or headache, or muscle aches, or fever (temperature of greater than or equal to 38C [100.4F]).
Item No.: 02
Site: Medical-Crew Medical Record
Violation: On April 4, a food handler had an onset of AGE symptoms at 1330. The crew member reported to medical at 1343. During a review of the follow up interviews, it was unclear when the crew member experienced their last AGE symptom. The interview conducted on April 4 stated the crew member's last symptom occurred at 1405. The interview conducted on April 5 stated the crew member's last symptom occurred April 4 at 1600. The interview conducted on April 6 stated the crew member's last symptom occurred April 4 at 1325. The crew member was released from isolation on April 6 at 1327. Medical staff showed the inspector the top line of the crew member's AGE record and stated that this was the summary line. According to that line, the crew member's last symptom was on April 4 at 1325 and the crew member was released from isolation after the mandatory 48 hours.
Recommendation: Maintain accurate last symptom documentation.
Item No.: 02
Site: Medical-AGE Log
Violation: There was no notation in the underlying illness column for a nonfood handle who reported to medical on April 5. There was also no underlying illness information listed in the crew member's medical record.
Recommendation: Ensure the AGE surveillance log entry for each passenger or crew member contain the following information in separate columns: (1) Date of the first medical visit or report to staff of illness; (2) time of the first medical visit or report to staff of illness; (3) case identification number; (4) person?s name; (5) person?s age; (6) person?s sex; (7) designation as passenger or crew member; (8) crew member position or job on the vessel, if applicable; (9) cabin number; (10) meal seating information; (11) date of illness onset; (12) time of illness onset; (13) illness symptoms, including the presence or absence of the following selected signs and symptoms, with a separate column for each of the following: (a) number of episodes of diarrhea in a 24-hour period; (b) number of episodes of vomiting in a 24-hour period; (c) bloody stools; (d) recorded temperature; (e) abdominal cramps; (f) headaches; (g) muscle aches; (14) entry (yes/no) for whether this was a reportable case; (15) entry (yes/no) for antidiarrheal medications sold or dispensed by designated medical staff; (16) presence of underlying medical conditions that may affect interpretation of AGE. Ensure the AGE surveillance log contains the above information in the exact order and is entered in the template in Annex 13.2.2. Ensure that the log data is exported in the exact order as in the example template in Annex 13.2.2 with analyzable formats such as Excel or Access. Ensure that any additional data fields are entered only outside of the form margins when exported to VSP.
Item No.: 05
Site: Potable Water-Far Point
Violation: The far point analyzer read 1.47-1.49 ppm while the inspector tested the far point. The inspector tested the far point and measured values reading 2.08, 2.19, and 2.03 ppm. Staff also tested the far point and measured values reading 1.87, 2.01, 1.69, 2.16, and 2.14 ppm. The inspector requested the secondary standards and confirmed both test kits were within calibration. The far point analyzer was recalibrated.
Recommendation: Ensure the free residual halogen measured by the halogen analyzer is within 0.2 mg/L (ppm) of the free residual halogen measured by the manual test.
Item No.: 08
Site: Potable Water-Air Gap Inspection Records
Violation: On the air gap inspection record, the next schedule column stated the air gaps would be reinspected May 2, 2018. The date inspected columns stated the air gaps had been inspected May 2, 2019. Staff stated the dates had been put into the wrong columns.
Recommendation: Ensure the cross-connection control program includes at a minimum: a complete listing of cross-connections and the backflow prevention method or device for each, so there is a match to the plumbing system component and location. Include air gaps on the listing. Ensure a schedule for inspection frequency is set. Maintain a log documenting the inspection and maintenance in written or electronic form, and ensure it is available for review during inspections.
Item No.: 08
Site: Potable Water-Engine Room Compartment 13 Starboard
Violation: The bunkering line was labeled blue/gray/blue. This was corrected immediately.
Recommendation: Stripe or paint potable water lines either in accordance with ISO 14726 (blue/green/blue) or blue only. Stripe or paint distillate and permeate lines directed to the potable water system in accordance with ISO 14726 (blue/gray/blue). Ensure no other lines have the above color designations. Stripe or paint these lines at 5 meters (15 feet) intervals and on each side of partitions, decks, and bulkheads, except where decor would be marred by such markings, including potable water supply lines in technical lockers. Do not stripe or paint potable water lines after reduced pressure assemblies as potable water. Uniquely identify all refrigerant brine lines in all galleys, pantries, and cold rooms to prevent cross-connections.
Item No.: 08
Site: Potable Water-Pipe Disinfection Record
Violation: A pipe was replaced in the galley on March 27. The free halogen test result prior to being placed back in service was not documented.
Recommendation: Flush the disinfected parts of the system with potable water or otherwise dechlorinate until the free residual halogen is less than or equal to 5.00 mg/L (ppm). Document the free halogen test result.
Item No.: 11
Site: Medical-Crew Late Reporting
Violation: A food handler reported to work on April 4 at 8:50 am. The crew member had an onset of AGE symptoms at 9:07 am. The crew member worked until 11:22 am and then reported to medical at 11:58 am. The crew member received disciplinary action for working while experiencing AGE symptoms.
Recommendation: When food employees meet the case definition for AGE, ensure the following actions are taken: (1) isolate in cabin or designated restricted area until symptom-free for a minimum of 48 hours; (2) follow-up with and receive approval by designated medical personnel before returning crew to work; (3) document date and time of last symptom and clearance to return to work. When nonfood employees meet the case definition for AGE, ensure the following actions are taken: (1) isolate in cabin or designated restricted area until symptom-free for a minimum of 24 hours; (2) follow-up with and receive approval by designated medical personnel before returning crew to work; (3) document the date and time of last symptom and clearance to return to work.
Item No.: 16
Site: Buffet-Aft Beverage Stations
Violation: The time control plan indicated that the milk on time control had a discard time of 9 am. However, all eight of the milk pitchers at the port and starboard stations (4 at each station) had discard times ranging between 9:15 am and 10:45 am.
Recommendation: Ensure all items are labeled with the discard time that matches the time control plan.
Item No.: 16
Site: Other-Engine Control Room
Violation: An old time control plan was posted at the engine control room coffee station. Staff stated the plan had been for an older coffee machine that had recently been replaced. The time control plan was removed from the area.
Recommendation: Update time control plans as operations change.
Item No.: 16
Site: Bar-Latte-tudes
Violation: The inspection team arrived in the area at 12 pm. A box of opened soy milk with a discard time of 10:50 am and an opened can of whipped cream with a discard time of 10:20 am were on the counter. These items were immediately discarded.
Recommendation: If time only-rather than time in conjunction with temperature-is used as the public health control for a working supply of potentially hazardous food before cooking, or for ready-to-eat potentially hazardous food that is displayed or held for service for immediate consumption, ensure the food (1) Has an initial temperature of 5C (41F) or less or 57C (135F) or greater before placement on time control. (2) Is not be placed on temperature control again. (3) Is marked or otherwise identified to indicate the time 4 hours past the point in time when the food is removed from temperature control (if the time between service set-up and closing is greater than 4 hours. and (4) Is discarded within 4 hours of placement on time control.
Item No.: 17
Site: Galley-Cooling Logs
Violation: The cooling logs for the past cruise had two to three items prepared daily (muesli, sliced watermelon, and chop cantaloupe) with a start cooling time before midnight, and a finishing cooling time after midnight. However, the only date recorded was the date that cooling was finished.
Recommendation: Ensure logs documenting cooked potentially hazardous food cooling temperatures and times from the starting points designated in thru the control points at 2 and 6 hours are maintained onboard the vessel for a period of 30 days from the date the food was placed in the cooling process. Ensure logs documenting cooling of potentially hazardous foods prepared from ingredients at ambient temperatures, with the start time to the time when 5C (41 F) is reached are also maintained for a period of 30 days, beginning with the day of preparation.
Item No.: 20
Site: Galley-Deck 5 Pantry
Violation: A wooden board used for serving was rough on one edge and small white fibers from the scrubbing pad were caught in the rough edge. Another wooden board used for serving was rough and worn on the top surface. Both boards were removed immediately to be discarded.
Recommendation: Materials used in the construction of multiuse utensils and food contact surfaces of equipment must be: (1) durable, corrosion resistant, and nonabsorbent; (2) sufficient in weight and thickness to withstand repeated warewashing; (3) finished to have a smooth, easily cleanable surface; and (4) resistant to pitting, chipping, crazing, scratching, scoring, distortion and decomposition.
Item No.: 21
Site: Buffet-Solarium
Violation: The metal plate on the underside of the counter-mounted food warmer was warped, creating difficult to clean gaps. The gaps were soiled with dust. Repairs on the metal plate began during the inspection.
Recommendation: Ensure nonfood-contact surfaces are free of unnecessary ledges, projections, and crevices, and designed and constructed to allow easy cleaning and to facilitate maintenance.
Item No.: 21
Site: Buffet-Aft Waiter Station
Violation: A trolley with soiled items and clean single-use items stored at the soiled waiter station was covered by a blue tarp with many rips and tears.
Recommendation: Ensure nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment that are exposed to splash, spillage, or other food soiling or that require frequent cleaning are constructed of a corrosion-resistant, nonabsorbent, and smooth material.
Item No.: 22
Site: Galley-Buffet Pantry
Violation: A human hair was caught in the wiping cloth in the sanitizing bucket. The bucket and cloth were removed immediately.
Recommendation: Ensure the wash, rinse, and sanitize solutions are maintained clean.
Item No.: 22
Site: Galley-Dishwash Area
Violation: A platter and a bowl exiting the clean end of the flight-type conveyor warewash machine had been placed flat on the belt so that bottom surfaces of the two dishes were not able to drain completely. The bottom surfaces had a lip around the edge which allowed water to accumulate. The water observed had small particles.
Recommendation: Ensure soiled items to be cleaned in a warewashing machine are loaded into racks, trays, or baskets or onto conveyors in a position that (1) exposes the items to the unobstructed spray from all cycles; (2) allows the items to drain.
Item No.: 22
Site: Galley-Dishwash Area
Violation: Water was leaking from the bottom of the flight-type conveyor dishwash machine, creating a large puddle of water on the deck below the machine that encompassed almost the entire footprint of the machine.
Recommendation: Maintain warewashing equipment in good repair and proper adjustment, including: (1) warewashing equipment is maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the standards of the materials, design, and construction of these guidelines; (2) water pressure and water temperature-measuring devices are maintained in good repair and accurate within the intended range of use.
Item No.: 22
Site: Galley-Dishwash Area
Violation: The rack-type conveyor glasswash machine was out of order when the inspection team arrived and a repairman was actively working on it. Staff later verified that it was operational.
Recommendation: Maintain warewashing equipment in good repair and proper adjustment, including: (1) warewashing equipment is maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the standards of the materials, design, and construction of these guidelines; (2) water pressure and water temperature-measuring devices are maintained in good repair and accurate within the intended range of use.
Item No.: 22
Site: Galley-Deck 5 Dishwash Area
Violation: The flight-type conveyor dishwash machine was out of order when the inspection team arrived and a repairman was actively working on it.
Recommendation: Maintain warewashing equipment in good repair and proper adjustment, including: (1) warewashing equipment is maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the standards of the materials, design, and construction of these guidelines; (2) water pressure and water temperature-measuring devices are maintained in good repair and accurate within the intended range of use.
Item No.: 26
Site: Housekeeping-Deck 8 Forward Pantry
Violation: A small amount of black debris was on the left splash shield of the ice machine.
Recommendation: Ensure food only contacts surfaces of equipment and utensils that are cleaned and sanitized.
Item No.: 27
Site: Buffet-Solarium
Violation: The metal plate on the underside of the counter-mounted food warmer was warped, creating difficult to clean gaps. The gaps were soiled with dust.
Recommendation: Ensure nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment are kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris.
Item No.: 27
Site: Galley-Potwash Area
Violation: The outside of the plastic wrapped box of dish soaking chemical stored in a bucket between the handwash station and soiled storage rack was soiled with food debris and was greasy to the touch. The container of solid detergent stored in the same bucket had visible food debris on the top.
Recommendation: Ensure nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment are kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris.
Item No.: 27
Site: Galley-Izumi
Violation: The drain nozzle on the underside of the deep fat fryer was heavily soiled with grease residue. The fryer had been previously cleaned and the oil had been drained.
Recommendation: Ensure nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment are kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris.
Item No.: 28
Site: Buffet-Aft Waiter Station
Violation: A trolley with soiled items and clean single-use items were stored at the soiled waiter station, which was in active use at the time of the inspection. The trolley was covered by a blue tarp with many rips and tears. A portable beverage dispenser with an empty plastic pitcher inside, a tray with three sleeves of disposable plastic cups, a stainless steel pitcher, and two tablecloths were stored on the top shelf of the trolley. Staff stated the beverage dispensers and tablecloths were soiled and needed to be washed before use. A waste bin lid, an empty waste bin, and two sleeves of plastic disposable cups were stored on the bottom shelf of the trolley.
Recommendation: Store cleaned equipment and utensils, laundered linens, and single-service and single-use articles: (1) in a clean, dry location; (2) in a location where they are not exposed to splash, dust, or other contamination; (3) at least 150 millimeters (6 inches) above the deck.
Item No.: 31
Site: Galley-Potwash Area
Violation: An unopened box of dish soaking chemical and a new container of solid detergent were stored in a bucket between the handwash station and the soiled storage rack. Staff stated they were extra cleaning chemicals for when the ones they were using ran out. The items were removed to be placed in a chemical storage locker.
Recommendation: Store poisonous or toxic materials used in the cleaning and maintenance of food areas in a cleaning materials locker so they cannot contaminate food, equipment, utensils, linens, and single-service and single-use articles.
Item No.: 33
Site: Galley-Dishwash Area
Violation: Water was leaking from the bottom of the flight-type conveyor dishwash machine, creating a large puddle of water on the deck below the machine that encompassed almost the entire footprint of the machine.
Recommendation: Ensure decks, bulkheads, deckheads, and attached equipment in food preparation, warewashing, pantries, and storage areas are cleaned as often as necessary.
Item No.: 33
Site: Dining Room-Giovanni's
Violation: The deck in front of the decorative wine refrigerators was carpeted, and bottled water, in addition to bottled wine, was stored in three of the lower refrigerator compartments.
Recommendation: Ensure decks, bulkheads, and deckheads in food preparation, warewashing, pantries, bars, and food and equipment storage areas are constructed and maintained for easy cleaning. Do not use carpet in these areas.
Item No.: 38
Site: Buffet-Aft Waiter Station
Violation: A trolley with soiled items and clean single-use items were stored at the soiled waiter station, which was in active use at the time of the inspection. The trolley was covered by a blue tarp with many rips and tears. A portable beverage dispenser with an empty plastic pitcher inside, a tray with three sleeves of disposable plastic cups, a stainless steel pitcher, and two tablecloths were stored on the top shelf of the trolley. Staff stated the beverage dispensers and tablecloths were soiled and needed to be washed before use. A waste bin lid, an empty waste bin, and two sleeves of plastic disposable cups were stored on the bottom shelf of the trolley.
Recommendation: Ensure only articles necessary for the food service operation are stored in food preparation, food storage, and warewashing areas.
*Inspections scores of 85 or lower are NOT satisfactory
Vessel Sanitation Program