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report/Harwell_NCHS_2013_VACS_ Malawi.pdf#page=12VACSIs your biological mother living with you?2013
report/Harwell_NCHS_2013_VACS_ Malawi.pdf#page=13VACSHow old were you when you last lived with her?2013
report/Harwell_NCHS_2013_VACS_ Malawi.pdf#page=14VACSWhat was the main reason you stopped living with him?2013
report/Harwell_NCHS_2013_VACS_ Malawi.pdf#page=15VACSHave you ever lived together with someone as if you were married?2013
report/Harwell_NCHS_2012_VACS.pdf#page=13VACSIs your biological mother living with you?2012
report/Harwell_NCHS_2012_VACS.pdf#page=13VACSHow old were you when you last lived with her?2012
report/DeMaio_Census_2011_AmericanHousing.pdf#page=16AHSDo any children 4 years or younger visit your home on a regular basis?2010
report/Collins_NatCen_2010_CogTest65.pdf#page=84HSEDo you live in the same household as [1ST/2ND/3RD PERSON’S NAME] or do you live in a different household?2010
report/Kudela_Westat_2008_AYAHOPE.pdf#page=12AYA HOPEWhat is your current living situation?2008
report/Kudela_Westat_2008_AYAHOPE.pdf#page=14AYA HOPEHas your living situation changed since your cancer diagnosis?2008
report/2006NRFUR3FinalReport.pdf#page=5NRFUDid you live at [Address] on April 1, 2006?2006
report/2006NRFUR3FinalReport.pdf#page=6NRFUIs there anyone living [here/ at Address] now who also lived here on April 1, 2006?2006
report/2006NRFUR3FinalReport.pdf#page=6NRFUIs this (house/apartment/mobile home) a vacation or seasonal home or does someone usually live here?2006
report/2006NRFUR3FinalReport.pdf#page=8NRFUIf yes to 1: {Let’s start with you, what is your full name? Can I have the full names of the other people who were living and sleeping here most of the time? Anyone else?} If no to 1: Can I have the full names of the people who were living and sleeping here most of the time? Anyone else? {get names}2006
report/2006NRFUR3FinalReport.pdf#page=10NRFUWe do not want to miss any people who might have been staying here around April 1st. Were there any additional people that you didn’t mention, for example: Babies? Foster children? Any other relatives? Roommates?2006
report/2006NRFUR3FinalReport.pdf#page=11NRFUHow about anyone staying here on April 1st who had no other permanent place to live?2006
report/2006NRFUR3FinalReport.pdf#page=12NRFUAnyone who you don’t think of as part of your household, but stays here most of the time?2006
report/2006NRFUBehaviorCodingFinalReport.pdf#page=18NRFUIs this [house/apartment/mobile home] a vacation home, seasonal residence, held for occasional use, or does someone in this household usually live here?2006
report/2006NRFUBehaviorCodingFinalReport.pdf#page=22NRFUHow many people were living or staying in this [house/apartment/mobile home] on April 1, 2006?2006
report/2006NRFUBehaviorCodingFinalReport.pdf#page=24NRFUWhat is the name of each person who lived or stayed at this [house/apartment/mobile home] on April 1, 2006? Start with the name of one person who owned or rented this [house/apartment/mobile home].2006
report/2006NRFUBehaviorCodingFinalReport.pdf#page=26NRFUWe do not want to miss any people who might have been staying here on April 1, 2006. Were there any additional people staying here that you did not include, for example: Children, such as newborn babies or foster children? Relatives, such as adult children, cousins, or in-laws? Nonrelatives, such as roommates or live-in baby sitters? People staying here temporarily?2006
report/Hunter_2004_CENSUS_NRFU.pdf#page=31NRFU"Besides the name[s] you gave me earlier, were there other people who lived or stayed at this place part of the time but were not permanent residents? For example, live-in employees or children in joint custody?"2004
report/Hunter_2004_CENSUS_NRFU.pdf#page=31NRFU"[Do you / Does NAME / Did NAME] sometimes live or stay somewhere else?2004
report/Hunter_2004_CENSUS_NRFU.pdf#page=34NRFU"What is the name of each person who lived or stayed at this residence on April 1, 2004? Start with the name of one person who owned or rented this house/apartment/mobile home on April 1, 2004?"2004
report/Gerber_1997_CENSUS.pdf#page=5Census 2000Does this person have any of his/her own grandchildren under age 18 living in this house or apartment?1996