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report/Scanlon_2019_NCHS_VA.pdf#page=15VAWas an HIV test ever positive?2019
report/Scanlon_2019_NCHS_VA.pdf#page=15VAWas there any diagnosis by a health professional of AIDS?2019
report/Scanlon_2013_NCHS_KENYA.pdf#page=18VAWas there any diagnosis of HIV/AIDS?2014
report/Harwell_NCHS_2013_VACS_ Malawi.pdf#page=35VACSDo you know what HIV/AIDS is?2013
report/Ridolfo_NCHS_2011_NHBSS HIV.pdf#page=129NHBSSIn the past 12 months, have you taken anti-HIV medicines before sex because you thought it would keep you from getting HIV?2011
report/Ridolfo_NCHS_2011_NHBSS HIV.pdf#page=48NHBSSHave you ever been seen by a doctor, nurse, or other health care provider for a medical evaluation or care related to your HIV infection?2011
report/Ridolfo_NCHS_2011_NHBSS HIV.pdf#page=48NHBSSWhen did you first go to your health care provider after learning you had HIV?2011
report/Ridolfo_NCHS_2011_NHBSS HIV.pdf#page=49NHBSSWhen did you last go to your health care provider for HIV care?2011
report/Ridolfo_NCHS_2011_NHBSS HIV.pdf#page=50NHBSSAre you currently taking antiretroviral medicines to treat your HIV infection?2011
report/Ridolfo_NCHS_2011_NHBSS HIV.pdf#page=51NHBSSBefore today, have you ever heard of people who do not have HIV taking antiretroviral medicines, to keep from getting HIV?2011
report/Ridolfo_NCHS_2011_NHBSS HIV.pdf#page=52NHBSSIn the past 12 months, have you given your antiretroviral medicines to a sex partner who was HIV-negative because you thought it might keep them from getting HIV?2011
report/Ridolfo_NCHS_2011_NHBSS HIV.pdf#page=52NHBSSBefore today, have you ever heard of people who do not have HIV taking anti-HIV medicines, to keep from getting HIV?2011
report/Ridolfo_NCHS_2011_NHBSS HIV.pdf#page=53NHBSSIn the past 12 months, have you taken anti-HIV medicines after sex because you thought it would keep you from getting HIV?2011
report/Ridolfo_NCHS_2011_NHBSS HIV.pdf#page=54NHBSSIn the past 12 months, have you taken anti-HIV medicines before sex because you thought it would keep you from getting HIV?2011
report/Ridolfo_NCHS_2011_NHBSS HIV.pdf#page=56NHBSSWould you be willing to take HIV medicines every day to lower your chances of getting HIV?2011
report/Ridolfo_NCHS_2011_NHBSS HIV.pdf#page=80NHBSSHave you ever been seen by a doctor, nurse, or other health care provider for a medical evaluation or care related to your HIV infection?2011
report/Ridolfo_NCHS_2011_NHBSS HIV.pdf#page=81NHBSSWhen did you first go to your health care provider after learning you had HIV?2011
report/Ridolfo_NCHS_2011_NHBSS HIV.pdf#page=83NHBSSWhen did you last go to your health care provider for HIV care?2011
report/Ridolfo_NCHS_2011_NHBSS HIV.pdf#page=85NHBSSAre you currently taking antiretroviral medicines to treat your HIV infection?2011
report/Ridolfo_NCHS_2011_NHBSS HIV.pdf#page=86NHBSSBefore today, have you ever heard of people who do not have HIV taking antiretroviral medicines, to keep from getting HIV?2011
report/Ridolfo_NCHS_2011_NHBSS HIV.pdf#page=88NHBSSIn the past 12 months, have you given your antiretroviral medicines to a sex partner who was HIV-negative because you thought it might keep them from getting HIV?2011
report/Ridolfo_NCHS_2011_NHBSS HIV.pdf#page=89NHBSSBefore today, have you ever heard of people who do not have HIV taking anti-HIV medicines, to keep from getting HIV2011
report/Ridolfo_NCHS_2011_NHBSS HIV.pdf#page=89NHBSSIn the past 12 months, have you taken anti-HIV medicines after sex because you thought it would keep you from getting HIV?2011
report/Ridolfo_NCHS_2011_NHBSS HIV.pdf#page=89NHBSSIn the past 12 months, have you taken anti-HIV medicines before sex because you thought it would keep you from getting HIV?2011
report/Ridolfo_NCHS_2011_NHBSS HIV.pdf#page=90NHBSSWould you be willing to take HIV medicines every day to lower your chances of getting HIV?2011