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report/Willson_2023_NCHS_GEMS.pdf#page=17GEMSBesides the United States, what countries and non-state foreign territories do you identify with because of familial or cultural reasons? (List up to four.)2022
report/Willson_2023_NCHS_GEMS.pdf#page=24GEMSWere you the first in your immediate family to receive a degree from a four-year college or university?2022
report/Willson_2023_NCHS_GEMS.pdf#page=25GEMSIf you answered "yes" to question 10, what is the highest level of education you obtained?2022
report/Willson_2023_NCHS_GEMS.pdf#page=25GEMSWhat is the highest level of education that one or more of your parents or guardian(s) have earned?2022
report/Willson_2023_NCHS_GEMS.pdf#page=26GEMSDid you receive a U.S. Pell Grant while attending a four-year college or university?2022
report/Wilmot_2023_NCHS_NHIS.pdf#page=49NHISAre you currently enrolled in or attending school?2022
report/Wilmot_2023_NCHS_NHIS.pdf#page=50NHISDuring the past 12 months, about how many days of school did you miss because you had an illness, injury, or disability?2022
report/Willson_2020_NCHS_NSFG.pdf#page=14NSFGLooking at CARD 1, what is the highest grade or level of school you have completed or the highest degree you have received?2020
report/Willson_2020_NCHS_NSFG.pdf#page=15NSFGIn what month and year did you get your high school diploma or GED?2020
report/Willson_2020_NCHS_NSFG.pdf#page=15NSFGIn what month and year did you get your Bachelor’s degree?2020
report/Willson_NCHS_2019_PRAMS.pdf#page=34PRAMSWhen you were growing up, during the first 18 years of your life did you like going to school?2019
report/Willson_NCHS_2019_PRAMS.pdf#page=34PRAMSWhen you were growing up, during the first 18 years of your life did you drop out of school before you were able to graduate?2019
report/Willson_NCHS_2019_PRAMS.pdf#page=34PRAMSWhen you were growing up, during the first 18 years of your life were you ever bullied?2019
report/Wilmot_2021_NCHS_NHIS_Child.pdf#page=21NHISDURING THE PAST 3 MONTHS, how many days of [FILL (if age 5-17): school; (if age 3-4): school or daycare; (if age 0-2): daycare], did [CHILD’S NAME] miss because of injuries?2019
report/Wilmot_2021_NCHS_NHIS_Child.pdf#page=22NHISDURING THE PAST 3 MONTHS, how many days of [FILL (if age 5-17): school; (if age 3-4): school or daycare; (if age 0-2): daycare], did [CHILD’S NAME] miss because of injuries?2019
report/Travers_2018_DOHMH_YRBS.pdf#page=8MultipleIn what grade were you first taught about sexual health in school?2017
report/Travers_2018_DOHMH_YRBS.pdf#page=8MultipleIn what grade were you first taught about sexual health in school?2017
report/Travers_2018_DOHMH_YRBS.pdf#page=8MultipleIn what class were you first taught about sexual health in school?2017
report/Travers_2018_DOHMH_YRBS.pdf#page=8MultipleIn what class were you first taught about sexual health in school?2017
report/Massey_2018_NCHS_NHIS.pdf#page=27NHISIn a typical week during the school year, does (CHILD’S NAME) go to a physical education or gym class?2017
report/Massey_2018_NCHS_NHIS.pdf#page=29NHISHow far does (CHILD’S NAME) live from school?2017
report/Massey_2018_NCHS_NHIS.pdf#page=28NHISDuring a usual school week, how many times does (CHILD’S NAME) walk to or from school? (e.g., if he/she walked to and from school every day, the answer would be 10 times).2017
report/Scanlon_2017_NCHS_ECDI.pdf#page=11Not ApplicableCan (Name) read at least four simple, popular words?2016
report/Scanlon_2017_NCHS_ECDI.pdf#page=13Not ApplicableDoes (Name) know the name and recognize the symbol of all numbers from 1 to 10?2016
report/Scanlon_2017_NCHS_ECDI.pdf#page=29Not ApplicableDo you agree with the following statements? All boys have the right to attend elementary school.2016