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report/Miller_NCHS_2004TierIReport.pdf#page=5Not ApplicableSometimes things happen to people that are unusually or especially frightening, horrible, or traumatic. Have you ever had this kind of experience?2004
report/Miller_NCHS_2004TierIReport.pdf#page=8Not ApplicableWere you ever in a neighborhood in the U.S. at a time terrorists released a dangerous biological or chemical agent?2004
report/Miller_NCHS_2004TierIReport.pdf#page=8Not ApplicableWere you ever in the neighborhood at the time of any other terrorist attack?2004
report/Miller_NCHS_2004TierIReport.pdf#page=8Not ApplicableWere you ever directly exposed to any other kind of terrorist attack in the US?2004
report/Miller_NCHS_2004TierIReport.pdfNot ApplicableHow often do you worry so much about terrorism that it interferes with your life and activities?2004
report/Miller_NCHS_2004TierIReport.pdf#page=14Not ApplicableThe next question is about the likelihood of a major terrorist attack occurring in the US in the next 12 months. When I say a major attack I mean one as big as the attacks on September 11, 2001. On a scale from 0 to 100 where 0 means definitely will not happen, 100 means definitely will happen, and 50 means a 50-50 chance, what number describes how likely you think a major terrorist attack is over the next 12 months? You can use any number between 0 and 100.2004
report/Miller_NCHS_2004TierIReport.pdf#page=15Not ApplicableHow likely do you believe it is that there will be another major terrorist attack occurring in the US in the next 12 months? By major attack I mean one as big as the attacks on September 11, 2001? Would you say… not at all likely, somewhat likely, very likely, or extremely likely?2004
report/Miller_NCHS_2004TierIReport.pdf#page=16Not ApplicableUsing the same 0 to 100 scale, how likely do you think it is that you or someone close to you will be seriously injured in a terrorist attack in the next 12 months? You can use any number between 0 and 100 in your answer.2004
report/Miller_NCHS_2004TierIReport.pdf#page=18Not ApplicableConcerns about terrorism have caused delays at airports, parking garages, and other places. How much have these delays interfered with your daily activities in the past 30 days? Would you say none, a little, some, or a lot?2004
report/Miller_NCHS_2004TierIReport.pdf#page=19Not ApplicableDo you have all, some, or none of the following: at least two days of food and water, a flashlight, a portable radio, spare batteries, emergency phone numbers and a plan to communicate with family/friends?2004
report/Miller_NCHS_2004TierIReport.pdf#page=31Not ApplicableFirst, your family - How much help and support would you expect to receive from your family if you were harmed in a terrorist attack? Would you say none, a little, some, or a lot of help and support?2004
report/Miller_NCHS_2004TierIReport.pdf#page=32Not ApplicableYour friends, neighbors, and co-workers?2004
report/Miller_NCHS_2004TierIReport.pdf#page=32Not ApplicableLocal government, religious or voluntary organizations?2004
report/Miller_NCHS_2004TierIReport.pdf#page=20Not ApplicableOverall, how prepared are you for a terrorist attack? Would you say completely, mostly, somewhat, not very, or not at all prepared?2004