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report/Willson_2020_NCHS_RANDS_COVID.pdf#page=6RANDSDid you lose health insurance coverage at any point because of the Coronavirus pandemic?2020
report/Scanlon_NCHS_2019_VAX.pdf#page=27Not ApplicableIs your child covered by some form of health insurance or other healthcare coverage?2018
report/Scanlon_NCHS_2019_VAX.pdf#page=27Not ApplicableIn the past 12 months, did you and your family have problems paying, or were unable to pay, for any of your child's medical bills?2018
report/Scanlon_NCHS_2019_VAX.pdf#page=28Not ApplicableIn the past 12 months, have you been frustrated in your efforts to obtain health care services for your child?2018
report/Scanlon_2017_NCHS_RANDS.pdf#page=17RANDSAre you covered by any kind of health insurance or some other kind of health care plan?2015
report/Scanlon_2017_NCHS_RANDS.pdf#page=18RANDSDo you have any of the following kinds of health insurance or health care coverage? Include those plans that pay for only one type of service, such as nursing home care, accidents, or dental care. Exclude private plans that only provide extra cash while hospitalized.2015
report/Scanlon_2017_NCHS_RANDS.pdf#page=23RANDSWhich of the following best describes how you get your health insurance?2015
report/Scanlon_2017_NCHS_RANDS.pdf#page=24RANDSDo you have any of the following kinds of health insurance or health care coverage? Include those plans that pay for only one type of service, such as nursing home care, accidents, or dental care. Exclude private plans that only provide extra cash while hospitalized.2015
report/Scanlon_2017_NCHS_RANDS.pdf#page=26RANDSUnder your private plan, can you choose any doctor or must you choose one from a specific group or list of doctors?2015
report/Scanlon_2017_NCHS_RANDS.pdf#page=27RANDSDoes this plan require you to have a primary care doctor who approves all your care?2015
report/Scanlon_2017_NCHS_RANDS.pdf#page=28RANDSHow knowledgeable are you about the features of your health insurance plan?2015
report/Scanlon_2017_NCHS_RANDS.pdf#page=28RANDSHow confident are you about your answers to the health insurance questions?2015
report/Scanlon_2017_NCHS_RANDS.pdf#page=65RANDSThere are many reasons people delay getting medical care. Have you delayed getting care for any of the following reasons in the past 12 months?2015
report/Scanlon_2017_NCHS_RANDS.pdf#page=66RANDSDuring the past 12 months, was there any time when you needed any of the following, but didn’t get it because you couldn’t afford it?2015
report/Scanlon_2014_NCHS_ACA.pdf#page=11NHISAre you covered by any kind of health insurance or some other kind of health care plan?2014
report/Scanlon_2014_NCHS_ACA.pdf#page=11NHISWhat kind of health insurance or health care coverage do you have? INCLUDE those that pay for only one type of service (nursing home care, accidents, or dental care). EXCLUDE private plans that only provide extra cash while hospitalized.2014
report/Scanlon_2014_NCHS_ACA.pdf#page=13NHISAre you covered by Medicare?2014
report/Scanlon_2014_NCHS_ACA.pdf#page=13NHISThere is a program called Medicaid that pays for health care for persons in need. In this State it is also called (DC/MD/VA =Medical Assistance/Medical Assistance Program, Healthchoice, or REM Program/Virginia Medallion or Medallion 2). Are you covered by Medicaid?2014
report/Scanlon_2014_NCHS_ACA.pdf#page=14NHISDo you have any type of insurance that pays for only one type of service such as dental, vision, or prescriptions?2014
report/Scanlon_2014_NCHS_ACA.pdf#page=15NHISThe next questions are about Medicaid coverage. In this State it is also called (DC/MD/VA= Medical Assistance/Medical Assistance Program, Healthchoice, or REM Program/Virginia Medallion or Medallion 2). You are listed as having Medicaid coverage. Can you go to ANY doctor who will accept Medicaid or MUST choose from a book or list of doctors or is a doctor assigned?2014
report/Scanlon_2014_NCHS_ACA.pdf#page=17NHISWhat is the name of the health plan that provided the book or list?2014
report/Scanlon_2014_NCHS_ACA.pdf#page=17NHISWhat is the name of the health plan that assigned the doctor?2014
report/Scanlon_2014_NCHS_ACA.pdf#page=18NHIS[ROUNDS 1 and 2] Was your Medicaid obtained through Healthcare.gov or the [DC/MD/VA= Health Insurance Marketplace, such as DC Health Link/ Health Insurance Marketplace, such as Maryland Health Connection/Health Insurance Marketplace]? [ROUND 3] Was your Medicaid obtained through Healthcare.gov or a state Health Insurance Marketplace?2014
report/Scanlon_2014_NCHS_ACA.pdf#page=19NHISUnder your Medicaid plan is there an enrollment fee or premium?2014
report/Scanlon_2014_NCHS_ACA.pdf#page=21NHISIs the premium paid for this Medicaid plan based on income?2014