| | | |
![report/Willson_NCHS_2019_PRAMS.pdf#page=15](../Images/pdficon_small.png) | PRAMS | Since your baby was born, have you received treatment or counseling for your use of Drugs or medications other than pain relievers | 2019 |
![report/Willson_NCHS_2019_PRAMS.pdf#page=15](../Images/pdficon_small.png) | PRAMS | Since your baby was born, have you received treatment or counseling for your use of drugs? | 2019 |
![report/Willson_NCHS_2019_PRAMS.pdf#page=34](../Images/pdficon_small.png) | PRAMS | When you were growing up, during the first 18 years of your life did you live with anyone who used illegal drugs or who abused prescription medications? | 2019 |
![report/Massey_2021_NCHS_DHCS.pdf#page=19](../Images/pdficon_small.png) | Not Applicable | For your non-cancer chronic pain patients, how often do you review and/or evaluate patient history of drug or alcohol abuse before starting opioid therapy? | 2019 |
![report/Willson_2017_NCHS_ID.pdf#page=15](../Images/pdficon_small.png) | Not Applicable | During the past 30 days, have you used cocaine or methamphetamines? | 2017 |
![report/Willson_2017_NCHS_ID.pdf#page=16](../Images/pdficon_small.png) | Not Applicable | During the past 30 days, how many times have you used cocaine? | 2017 |
![report/Willson_2017_NCHS_ID.pdf#page=16](../Images/pdficon_small.png) | Not Applicable | During the past 30 days, how many times have you driven while perhaps under the influence of cocaine or methamphetamines? | 2017 |
![report/Willson_2017_NCHS_ID.pdf#page=17](../Images/pdficon_small.png) | Not Applicable | In the past 30 days what substances, if any, did you use with other substances? | 2017 |
![report/Willson_2017_NCHS_ID.pdf#page=18](../Images/pdficon_small.png) | Not Applicable | In the past 30 days what substances, if any, were you under the influence of, while driving? | 2017 |
![report/Travers_2018_DOHMH_YRBS.pdf#page=7](../Images/pdficon_small.png) | Multiple | During the past 12 months, how many times have you taken a prescription stimulant without a doctor's prescription or differently than how a doctor told you to use it? (Count drugs such as Adderall, Ritalin, Concerta, or Vyvanse.) | 2017 |
![report/Travers_2018_DOHMH_YRBS.pdf#page=7](../Images/pdficon_small.png) | Multiple | During the past 12 months, how many times have you taken a prescription stimulant without a doctor's prescription or differently than how a doctor told you to use it? (Count drugs such as Adderall, Ritalin, Concerta, or Vyvanse.) | 2017 |
![report/Travers_2018_DOHMH_YRBS.pdf#page=7](../Images/pdficon_small.png) | Multiple | During the past 12 months, how many times have you taken a prescription benzodiazepine without a doctor's prescription or differently than how a doctor told you to use it? (Count drugs such as Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, or Ativan.) | 2017 |
![report/Travers_2018_DOHMH_YRBS.pdf#page=7](../Images/pdficon_small.png) | Multiple | During the past 12 months, how many times have you taken a prescription benzodiazepine without a doctor's prescription or differently than how a doctor told you to use it? (Count drugs such as Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, or Ativan.) | 2017 |
![report/Willson_2016_NCHS_PRAMS.pdf#page=22](../Images/pdficon_small.png) | PRAMS | During the month before you got pregnant, did you take or use any of the following drugs for any reason? | 2016 |
![report/Willson_2016_NCHS_PRAMS.pdf#page=24](../Images/pdficon_small.png) | PRAMS | During your most recent pregnancy, did you use heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, or barbiturates such as phenobarbital? | 2016 |
![report/Harwell_NCHS_2013_VACS_ Malawi.pdf#page=32](../Images/pdficon_small.png) | VACS | In the past 30 days, have you used drugs such as marijuana, pills, ecstasy, yama or sniffed any chemical such as petrol or glue? | 2013 |
![report/Willson_2013_NCHS_DRAI.pdf#page=17](../Images/pdficon_small.png) | DRAI | Did she/he EVER use or take drugs, such as steroids, cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, or anything NOT prescribed by her/his doctor? | 2013 |
![report/Harwell_NCHS_2012_VACS.pdf#page=11](../Images/pdficon_small.png) | VACS | In the past 30 days, have you used drugs such as marijuana, pills, ecstasy or huffed/sniffed any chemical such as shabu or rugby? | 2012 |
![report/Willson_2013_NCHS_BLOOD.pdf#page=50](../Images/pdficon_small.png) | UBDHQ | Have you ever... Used needles to take drugs, steroids, or anything NOT prescribed by your doctor? | 2012 |
![report/Ridolfo_NCHS_2011_NHBSS HIV.pdf#page=43](../Images/pdficon_small.png) | NHBSS | Have you ever in your life shot up or injected any drugs other than those prescribed for you? By shooting up, I mean anytime you might have used drugs with a needle, either by mainlining, skin popping, or muscling. | 2011 |
![report/Ridolfo_NCHS_2011_NHBSS HIV.pdf#page=43](../Images/pdficon_small.png) | NHBSS | When was the last time you injected any drug? That is, how many days or months or years ago did you last inject? | 2011 |
![report/Ridolfo_NCHS_2011_NHBSS HIV.pdf#page=101](../Images/pdficon_small.png) | NHBSS | Have you ever in your life shot up or injected any drugs other than those prescribed for you? By shooting up, I mean anytime you might have used drugs with a needle, either by mainlining, skin popping, or muscling. | 2011 |
![report/Ridolfo_NCHS_2011_NHBSS HIV.pdf#page=103](../Images/pdficon_small.png) | NHBSS | When was the last time you injected any drug? That is, how many days or months or years ago did you last inject? | 2011 |
![report/Ridolfo_NCHS_2011_NHBSS HIV.pdf#page=105](../Images/pdficon_small.png) | NHBSS | How many people in [project area] do you know who inject? (By “know,’ I mean you know their name OR you see them around even if you don’t know their name). | 2011 |
![report/Ridolfo_NCHS_2011_NHBSS HIV.pdf#page=109](../Images/pdficon_small.png) | NHBSS | Is there anyone else you know in [insert project area] who injects? Remember, by “know,” I mean you know their name OR you see them around even if you don’t know their name. | 2011 |