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report/Willson_NCHS_2019_PRAMS.pdf#page=9PRAMSDuring any of your health care visits since your baby was born, did a doctor, nurse, or other health care worker asked you, in person or on a form, if you drank alcoholic beverages?2019
report/Willson_NCHS_2019_PRAMS.pdf#page=14PRAMSSince your baby was born, have you needed treatment or counseling for your use of Alcohol?2019
report/Willson_NCHS_2019_PRAMS.pdf#page=15PRAMSSince your baby was born, have you received treatment or counseling for your use of Alcohol2019
report/Willson_NCHS_2019_PRAMS.pdf#page=33PRAMSWhen you were growing up, during the first 18 years of your life did you live with anyone who was a problem drinker or alcoholic?2019
report/Scanlon_2019_NCHS_VA.pdf#page=49VADid (s)he drink alcohol?2019
report/Willson_2017_NCHS_ID.pdf#page=5Not ApplicableDuring the past 30 days, how many days per week or per month did you have at least one drink of any alcoholic beverage such as beer, wine, a malt beverage or liquor?2017
report/Willson_2017_NCHS_ID.pdf#page=5Not ApplicableDuring the past 30 days, on how many days did you have at least one drink of any alcoholic beverage such as beer, wine, a malt beverage or liquor?2017
report/Willson_2017_NCHS_ID.pdf#page=7Not ApplicableDuring the past 30 days, how many times have you driven when you’ve had perhaps too much to drink?2017
report/Willson_2017_NCHS_ID.pdf#page=12Not ApplicableDuring the past 30 days, how many times have you driven while perhaps under the influence of alcohol AND marijuana?2017
report/Massey_2018_NCHS_YRBSS.pdf#page=6YRBSSDuring your life, on how many days have you had at least one drink of alcohol?2017
report/Massey_2018_NCHS_YRBSS.pdf#page=8YRBSSHow old were you when you had your first drink of alcohol other than a few sips?2017
report/Massey_2018_NCHS_YRBSS.pdf#page=9YRBSSDuring the past 30 days, on how many days did you have at least one drink of alcohol?2017
report/Massey_2018_NCHS_YRBSS.pdf#page=10YRBSSDuring the past 30 days, how did you usually get the alcohol you drank?2017
report/Massey_2018_NCHS_YRBSS.pdf#page=11YRBSSDuring the past 30 days, on how many days did you have 4 or more drinks of alcohol in a row (if you are female) or 5 or more drinks of alcohol in a row (if you are male)?2017
report/Massey_2018_NCHS_YRBSS.pdf#page=12YRBSSDuring the past 30 days, what is the largest number of alcoholic drinks you had in a row?2017
report/Massey_2018_NCHS_YRBSS.pdf#page=13YRBSSDuring the past 30 days, what type of alcohol did you usually drink? (Select only one response.)2017
report/Massey_2018_NCHS_YRBSS.pdf#page=13YRBSSDuring the past 30 days, what type of alcohol did you drink most often? (Select only one response.)2017
report/Massey_2018_NCHS_YRBSS.pdf#page=14YRBSSDuring the past 30 days, where did you usually drink alcohol? (Select only one response.)2017
report/Massey_2018_NCHS_YRBSS.pdf#page=14YRBSSDuring the past 30 days, on how many days did you mix and drink alcohol with an energy drink, such as Monster or Red Bull?2017
report/Massey_2017_NCHS_ALC.pdf#page=11NHISIn your ENTIRE LIFE, have you had at least 12 drinks of any type of alcoholic beverage?2016
report/Massey_2017_NCHS_ALC.pdf#page=11NHISDuring the past 30 days, on how many days did you drink one or more drinks of an alcoholic beverage?2016
report/Massey_2017_NCHS_ALC.pdf#page=14NHISIn the past year, have you had one or more drinks of an alcoholic beverage?2016
report/Massey_2017_NCHS_ALC.pdf#page=14NHISDuring the past 30 days, on the days that you drank, about how many drinks did you drink on the average?2016
report/Massey_2017_NCHS_ALC.pdf#page=16NHISDuring the past 30 days, on how many days did you have [5 or more/4 or more] drinks?2016
report/Massey_2017_NCHS_ALC.pdf#page=17NHISDuring the past 30 days, what is the largest number of drinks you had on any occasion?2016