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report/Scanlon_2014_NCHS_MDSENVIRON.pdf#page=34MDSDo you have someone to assist you with your day-to-day activities at home or outside, including family and friends?2014
report/Scanlon_2013_NCHS_WHOMDS.pdf#page=28MDSDo you have someone to assist you with your day to day activities at home or outside?2013
report/Scanlon_2013_NCHS_WHOMDS.pdf#page=64MDSDoes providing care or support for others pose a problem for you?2013
report/Miller_2013_NCHS_MDSCFBU.pdf#page=56MDSDo you have someone to assist you with your day-to-day activities at home or outside, including family and friends?2013
report/Balarajan_2012_NatCen_FRS.pdf#page=81FRSIn some households, there are people who receive help or support because they have long-term physical or mental ill-health or disability, (or problems relating to old age). Is there anyone in this household who receives any of these kinds of help or looking after?2011
report/Balarajan_2012_NatCen_FRS.pdf#page=81FRSAnd how about people not living with you… Do you (or does anyone in this household) provide any help or support for anyone not living with you who has along-term physical or mental ill-health problem or disability, or problems relating to old age? EXCLUDE HELP GIVEN AS PART OF A PERSON’S PAID JOB, EG, IF RESPONDENT WORKS FOR SOCIAL SERVICES]2011
report/Fricker_BLS_2010_ElderCare.pdf#page=4ATUSSince the 1st of [fill month=3 months ago], have you provided any such care or assistance? It doesn’t matter WHERE you provided the care–at your home, at their home or at a care facility–but please exclude financial assistance and help you provided as part of your paid job.2010
report/Fricker_BLS_2010_ElderCare.pdf#page=5ATUSHow often did you provide this care? Daily, a few times a week, a few times a month, once a month or one time since the 1st of December?2010
report/Fricker_BLS_2010_ElderCare.pdf#page=6ATUSWho did you give this care to?2010
report/Fricker_BLS_2010_ElderCare.pdf#page=7ATUSHow long have you provided care to him/her?2010
report/Fricker_BLS_2010_ElderCare.pdf#page=7ATUSAt which times or during which activities did you provide that care or assistance yesterday?2010
report/Fricker_BLS_2010_ElderCare.pdf#page=8ATUSSometimes people provide care or assistance while doing other activities. During which of the times or activities you just reported was providing care or assistance your main activity?2010
report/Collins_NatCen_2010_CogTest65.pdf#page=18HSEThinking about………. (please look at this card and tell me the option which best applies to you)? getting in and out of bed on your own (e): washing your face and hands (f): having a bath or a shower, , including getting in and out of the bath or shower (g): dressing or undressing (h): using the toilet (i): eating, including cutting up food (j): taking the right amount of medicine at the right times, including prescribed medicines as well as medicines you can buy over the counter (k): getting around indoors (l): getting up and down stairs (m): going out for example, getting out of the house to go to the doctors or visit a friend, in the last month (n): shopping for food including getting to the shops, choosing the items, carrying the items home and then unpacking and putting the items away (a): preparing hot meals (b): doing routine housework (c ): doing laundry including loading and unloading the washing machine, putting clothes out to dry and ironing (d): doing paperwork or paying bills (o):2010
report/Collins_NatCen_2010_CogTest65.pdf#page=29HSEIn the last month, who has helped you with [ACTIVITY]. I will show you two lists of people who may have helped you. First, please tell me about all of the people from this list who have helped you? Please only think about help received because of long-term physical or mental ill-health, disability or problems relating to old age.2010
report/Collins_NatCen_2010_CogTest65.pdf#page=29HSE(In the last month, who has helped you with [ACTIVITY]). Now, please tell me about all of the people from this list who have helped you with [ACTIVITY]?2010
report/Collins_NatCen_2010_CogTest65.pdf#page=32HSEHow many different types of home care worker/home help/personal assistants helped you in the last month?2010
report/Collins_NatCen_2010_CogTest65.pdf#page=33HSEYou have told me that your [INSERT WHO] helped you. Please tell me the first name of this person. If more than one [INSERT WHO] helped you, please tell me all of their names? Partner/Spouse 1ST Son’s name 2nd Son’s name 1st Daughter’s name 2nd Daughter’s name 1st Grandchild’s name 2nd Grandchild’s name 1st Brother’s name 2nd Brother’s name 1st Sister’s name 2nd Sister’s name Niece’s name Nephew’s name Other family member’s name Friend’s name Neighbour’s name2010
report/Collins_NatCen_2010_CogTest65.pdf#page=33HSE[IF "How many different types of home care worker/home help/personal assistants helped you in the last month?" >1] What do you call the first home care worker/home help/ personal assistant. Please give me their name or initials or the name of the organization they work for? First home care worker/home help/personal assistant name:________________________ Second home care worker/home help/personal assistant name:____________________ Third home care worker/home help/personal assistant name:_______________________2010
report/Collins_NatCen_2010_CogTest65.pdf#page=34HSE{IF ANY HELP MENTIONED AT: "In the last month, who has helped you with [ACTIVITY]. I will show you two lists of people who may have helped you. First, please tell me about all of the people from this list who have helped you? Please only think about help received because of long-term physical or mental ill-health, disability or problems relating to old age."] You have told me that your [INSERT ALL WHO HELP] helped you. Can I just check, does this person/ do any of these people live in this household?2010
report/Collins_NatCen_2010_CogTest65.pdf#page=34HSEYou have told me that [PERSON WHO HELPS] helped you. Can I just check, does [PERSON WHO HELPS] live in this household?2010
report/Collins_NatCen_2010_CogTest65.pdf#page=37HSEDoes [PERSON WHO HELPS] help you in any of the ways shown on this card?2010
report/Collins_NatCen_2010_CogTest65.pdf#page=37HSEHow often are you in contact with [PERSON WHO HELPS] by phone or email?2010
report/Collins_NatCen_2010_CogTest65.pdf#page=39HSEThinking only about help received in person (not by phone or internet), how often does [PERSON WHO HELPS] usually help you?2010
report/Collins_NatCen_2010_CogTest65.pdf#page=39HSEOn the days (the) {provider name } helps you, how many times a day does he/she help you. Is it usually…2010
report/Collins_NatCen_2010_CogTest65.pdf#page=39HSEOn the days [PERSON WHO HELPS] helps you, how many times a day does he/she help you?2010