Although NIOSH gratefully acknowledges the assistance of the USFA in providing data
used in this mapping application, the site is independent of the USFA, and there
is no implied or expressed endorsement of the content, results, or presentation
format by the USFA.
The statistics table displays data only for those fatalities meeting your specific data search criteria. With the exception of NIOSH Investigation Status and the NIOSH medical/trauma completed investigation case classifications, all fatality characteristics displayed in the table are based on the incident characteristics provided by the USFA.
If a variable subcategory is not displayed in the table, no deaths meeting those characteristics were found. For example, selecting "Sex" as a table variable to display may only result in "Male" deaths being listed because no female firefighters died during the year selected.
CAUTION—IMPORTANT NOTE: "NIOSH investigation medical" or "NIOSH investigation trauma" may be selected as a display variable even if you do not simultaneously have the Search Criteria "NIOSH Investigations" checked and "Status" set to "Completed." However, the data displayed will only include fatalities with completed NIOSH investigations. Thus, the number of Fire Fighter Fatalities displayed in the Search Criteria block rarely will match the number of deaths listed in the table. Also, individual deaths may be assigned one or more medical or trauma classifications. Therefore, subtotals are not provided and should not be calculated independently.
Selecting specific search criteria by checking selection boxes or using the pull-down
lists modifies the data displayed on the map and in the statistics and case listing
views. The Fire Fighter Fatality counter will display the number of fatalities meeting
the specific search criteria selected. Definitions of the search criteria are available
at the Detailed Tech Info page.
Important Note: The "Incident Characteristics (USFA)" search criteria
are based on fatal event characteristics as provided to NIOSH by USFA. On occasion
NIOSH may edit selected data such as incident location to correct nonconforming
data. However, the USFA data have not been compared to data collected during NIOSH
investigations nor edited to match final NIOSH report data.
Multiple Fatalities
Multiple fatality markers are used when 2 or more deaths are listed as occurring
at or near the same location (see Technical Info for why this occurs). The marker information window displays
a list of deaths with the same location attribute, although the deaths may have
occurred in one or more incidents. The incident month and year and the sex, rank,
and age of the firefighter are provided in the list. Clicking on an individual
case in the list opens a detailed info window for that case.
Multiple Fatalities
The deaths listed below have the same location attribute. The location may not reflect
where the incident occurred and the deaths may have occurred in one or more incidents.
The incident month and year and the sex, rank, and age of the firefighter are provided
in the list. Clicking on an individual case in the list opens a detailed info window
for that case.
Multiple Select
To select a range of years, hold the Shift key down while clicking the first and
last years.