| Hemagglutination by WEE, SLE, POW, MOD, RB, CE, LOK, BUT, MD, TUR, and VEE antigens was not inhibited by BFN 3112 hyperimmune mouse serum (HIMS). There was no neutralization of BFN 3112 virus by plaque-reduction neutralization test using 1:5 dilutions of polyvalent grouping ascitic fluids for Group C, Group Guama, Group Simbu, Group VSV, Group Bunyamwera, Group California, Group Tacaribe, Group Phlebotomus, Group A, Polyvalent Quaranfil, Poly. Anopheles A, Poly. Bwamba, Poly. Patois, Group Capim, Group B, Poly. Palyam, Group Kemerovo, Poly. Congo, Polyvalents 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, and rabies. The homologous PRNT titer with BFN 3112 virus and HIMS was >80. BFN 3112 virus is related to Umatilla virus by cross-indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFA). By CF test, BFN 3112 antigen (homologous serum titer 32) reacted with Umatilla HIMS at 1:4 and 1:8 serum dilutions, but Umatilla antigen was nonreactive even homologously. BFN 3112 antigen did not react by CF with grouping ascitic fluids for Group Kemerovo and Polyvalent 8, but showed a questionable reaction with a 1:4 dilution of Polyvalent Palyam ascitic fluid. Also, see editor's remarks in footnote, page 1. Llano Seco antigenically related to Umatilla and a new unregistered orbivirus, Netivot [2] . They now comprise the Umatilla serogroup. | Complement-fixation and plaque-reduction neutralization test results with Llano Seco virus and antibody to some orbiviruses. | | Antibody a | Complement- fixation | Plaque-reduction neutralization test |
| a Hyperimmune mouse sera or ascitic fluid except Bluetongue 8 which is guinea pig serum obtained from Lederle Laboratories. | b Reciprocal of antibody dilution giving 3+ to 4+ fixation or 80% reduction of a viral challenge of 60-70 PFU. | c Immune mouse ascitic fluid obtained from Dr. H.M.S. Watkins, Naval Biosciences Laboratory, Oakland, CA prepared against an unidentified agent isolated by Dr. Watkins. | d Hyperimmune mouse serum obtained from Dr. R. Emmons, Calif. State Department of Public Health, prepared against unidentified agent recovered in his laboratory. | e Reference grouping orbiviral reagents obtained from N.I.A.I.D. | | | | Llano Seco | 32 b | > 160 b | Umatilla | 8 | <5 | Bluetongue 8 | <4 | <5 | CV 73 c | 32 | <5 | V5-4387 d | <4 | <5 | Polyvalent 8 e | <4 | <5 | Polyvalent Palyam e | 4 | <5 | Kemerovo Group e | <4 | <5 |
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