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Inspection Detail Report

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Cruise Ship: Kydon Cruise Line: Ferries Del Caribe Inspection Date: 09/04/2023 Inspection Score: 86
This cruise ship inspection report lists the deficiencies found during the inspection. Additional information corresponding to each item number is available in the lastest editions of the CDC VSP Operational Manual.

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Item No.: 07
Site: Potable Water-Tank Maintenance
Violation: The cleaning, painting, and disinfection of the three potable water tanks was done in October 2021 during dry-dock. There was no detailed description of disinfection procedures.
Recommendation: Clean, disinfect, and flush potable water tanks and all affected parts of the potable water distribution system with potable water: (1) before being placed in service; (2) before returning to operation after repair, replacement; or (3) after being subjected to any contamination, including entry into a potable water tank. If any work is done during dry docks and wet docks to the potable water distribution system and piping system that affects a potable water tank(s), clean and disinfect the affected potable water tank(s). Disinfect after potential contamination by increasing the free residual halogen to at least 50 mg/L (ppm) throughout the affected area and maintain this concentration for 4 hours or by way of another procedure submitted to and accepted by VSP.
Item No.: 08
Site: Pantry-Deck 6 -Bar del Mar
Violation: The intermediate vents of the backflow prevention device for the undercounter warewasher were heavily clogged.
Recommendation: Maintain backflow prevention devices in good repair.
Item No.: 08
Site: Potable Water-International Shore Connections
Violation: No backflow prevention device was installed on the aft international shore connection. This was noted on the inspections dated January 2019, May 2018, March 2018, December 2017, and June 2019. The recently installed forward international shore connection had no intermediate vent.
Recommendation: Install a reduced pressure zone backflow prevention assembly. VSP only accepts vented backflow prevention devices.
Item No.: 08
Site: Potable Water-Shower Hoses
Violation: It was unclear how many cabins on deck 6 and 7 don't have backflow prevention for the shower hoses. Although progress has been done, this was also noted on the inspections dated January 2019, May 2018, March 2018, December 2017, and June 2019.
Recommendation: Install hose bib vacuum breakers.
Item No.: 08
Site: Potable Water-Engine Room
Violation: A reduced pressure zone (RPz) backflow prevention device was installed for the transfer to technical but the line after the RPz continued to be stripped as potable water. This was noted on the last inspection of June 2019.
Recommendation: Stripe or paint potable water lines either in accordance with ISO 14726 (blue/green/blue) or blue only. Stripe or paint distillate and permeate lines directed to the potable water system in accordance with ISO 14726 (blue/gray/blue). Ensure no other lines have the above color designations. Stripe or paint these lines at 5 meters (15 feet) intervals and on each side of partitions, decks, and bulkheads, except where decor would be marred by such markings, including potable water supply lines in technical lockers. Do not stripe or paint potable water lines after reduced pressure assemblies as potable water. Identify all refrigerant brine lines and nonpotable chilled water lines in all food areas, such as on ice machines, ice cream machines, etc., with either ISO 14726 (blue/white/blue) or by another uniquely identifiable method to prevent cross-connections.
Item No.: 08
Site: Potable Water-Testable Backflow Prevention Devices
Violation: Nine RPz have not been tested in more than a year. Staff stated they are waiting for a test kit.
Recommendation: Inspect and test backflow prevention devices requiring testing (e.g., reduced pressure backflow prevention devices and pressure vacuum breakers) with a test kit after installation and at least annually. Maintain test results showing the pressure differences on both sides of the valves.
Item No.: 08
Site: Potable Water-Tank Maintenance
Violation: The cleaning, painting, and disinfection of the three potable water tanks was done in October 2021 during dry-dock by an external contractor. There was no detailed description that the paint manufacturer's recommendations were followed. Additionally, there was no documentation of the chlorine concentration of the water during disinfection or before placing the tanks back in service.
Recommendation: Ensure the interior coatings on potable water tanks are approved for potable water contact by a certification organization. Follow all manufacturers? recommendations for application, drying, and curing. For the tank coatings used, maintain the following onboard: (1) written documentation of approval from the certification organization (independent of the coating manufacturer); (2) manufacturers? recommendations for application, drying, and curing; and (3) written documentation that the manufacturers? recommendations have been followed for application, drying, and curing. Document the free halogen residual level. Flush the disinfected parts of the system with potable water or otherwise dechlorinate until the free residual halogen is less than or equal to 5.00 mg/L (ppm). Document the free halogen test result. Accomplish disinfection by increasing the free residual halogen to at least 50 mg/L (ppm) throughout the tank and maintaining it for 4 hours. Maintain a pH value of 7.8 or less. Document the disinfection concentration and contact time. Verify that the free residual halogen level is less than or equal to 5.0 mg/L (ppm) before placing the tank back into service and document the measured level. Ensure the empty tank cleaning and disinfection procedure is only used for routine cleaning and disinfection It is not approved for known or suspected contaminated tanks. Ensure the following steps are followed: 1) Remove (strip) all water from the tank; 2) Clean all tank surfaces, including filling lines, with an appropriate detergent; 3) Rinse all surfaces of the tank thoroughly with potable water; 4) Remove (strip) the rinse water from the tank; 5) Wet all surfaces of the tank with at least a 200-mg/L (ppm) solution of chlorine (this can be done using new, clean mops, rollers, sprayers, etc.). Ensure the tank surfaces remain wet with the chlorine solution for at least 2 hours. Check, monitor, and document the disinfection concentration and contact time; 6) Refill the tank and verify the free residual halogen is less than or equal to 5.0 mg/L (ppm) before placing the tank back into service. Document the free residual halogen level.
Item No.: 08
Site: Bar-Deck 6 - Barista Station
Violation: There was no backflow prevention for the espresso machine.
Recommendation: Install a continuous pressure-type backflow preventer when a valve is located downstream from the backflow preventer.
Item No.: 08
Site: Buffet-Deck 8 - Crew Mess
Violation: In the small laundry, the backflow prevention devices for the two small washing machines had no intermediate vent. Staff reported corrections. Additionally, in the large laundry, no backflow prevention was observed for the large washing machine. Staff stated the machine had internal backflow prevention but could not show the inspector. This was also noted on the last inspection of June 2019.
Recommendation: Install a continuous pressure-type backflow preventer when a valve is located downstream from the backflow preventer. VSP only accepts vented backflow prevention devices.
Item No.: 16
Site: Galley-Deck 8 - Buffet Pantry
Violation: Inside upright refrigerator #9, the temperature of two pans with pork was 44-48F. Corrections started immediately.
Recommendation: Except during preparation, cooking, or cooling, or when time is used as the public health control, maintain potentially hazardous foods at 57C (135F) or above, except that roasts may be held at a temperature of 54C (130F); or 5C (41F) or less.
Item No.: 16
Site: Dining Room-Deck 8 - A la Carte Menu
Violation: In the dinner menu, the consumer advisory was partially blocked by the menu cover. In the breakfast menu, eggs could be cooked-to-order and had no asterisk or other link to the consumer advisory.
Recommendation: Ensure that the consumer advisory is not covered by the menu cover. Ensure the advisory is posted on a menu using an asterisk at the animal-derived foods requiring disclosure and a footnote with a statement indicating that consuming raw or undercooked meats, seafood, shellfish, eggs, milk, or poultry may increase your risk for foodborne illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions.
Item No.: 16
Site: Buffet-Deck 8 - Crew Mess
Violation: After breakfast service at 8:55 am, 38 small butter cups and a milk carton were still on the buffet line and not discarded. The temperature of the butter was 78F and milk was 77F. The time control plan stated that all PHF were to be discarded no later than 8:30 am.
Recommendation: If time only?rather than time in conjunction with temperature?is used as the public health control for a working supply of potentially hazardous food before cooking, or for ready-to-eat potentially hazardous food that is displayed or held for service for immediate consumption, ensure the food (1) Has an initial temperature of 5C (41F) or less or 57C (135F) or greater before placement on time control. (2) Is not be placed on temperature control again. (3) Is marked, or otherwise identified, to indicate the time 4 hours past the point in time when the food is removed from temperature control (if the time between service set-up and closing is greater than 4 hours). (4) Is labeled with a 4-hour discard time if containers of potentially hazardous foods on time control are placed on preparation counters, even if the outlet is open less than 4 hours. (5) Is discarded within 4 hours of placement on time control. and (6) Is labeled with a 4-hour discard time if time control unit (bain marie, cold basin) meant to be cold holding or hot holding and not operational or used as intended, as the unit is now considered a counter.
Item No.: 16
Site: Buffet-Deck 8 - Officer Mess
Violation: During lunch service, the time control plan was not posted in the officer mess. Staff stated that this area followed the same time control plan as the crew mess.
Recommendation: If time only?rather than time in conjunction with temperature?is used as the public health control for a working supply of potentially hazardous food before cooking, or for ready-to-eat potentially hazardous food that is displayed or held for service for immediate consumption, ensure the food (1) Has an initial temperature of 5C (41F) or less or 57C (135F) or greater before placement on time control. (2) Is not be placed on temperature control again. (3) Is marked, or otherwise identified, to indicate the time 4 hours past the point in time when the food is removed from temperature control (if the time between service set-up and closing is greater than 4 hours). (4) Is labeled with a 4-hour discard time if containers of potentially hazardous foods on time control are placed on preparation counters, even if the outlet is open less than 4 hours. (5) Is discarded within 4 hours of placement on time control. and (6) Is labeled with a 4-hour discard time if time control unit (bain marie, cold basin) meant to be cold holding or hot holding and not operational or used as intended, as the unit is now considered a counter.
Item No.: 16
Site: Galley-Deck 8 - Upright Refrigerator #5
Violation: The ambient temperature of the refrigerator was 38-40F; however, several food items prepared on 3 September had temperatures in the danger zone: (1) cooked rice was 43-44F, (2) pork was 48F, (3) meatballs were 56F, (4) chili con carne was 46F. These foods were moved to the blast chiller and walk-in refrigerator.
Recommendation: Except during preparation, cooking, or cooling, or when time is used as the public health control, maintain potentially hazardous foods at 57C (135F) or above, except that roasts may be held at a temperature of 54C (130F); or 5C (41F) or less.
Item No.: 17
Site: Galley-Deck 8 - Cooling Logs
Violation: The documentation of the cooling process for red beans on 15 August was incomplete with only an initial temperature of 146F.
Recommendation: Ensure logs documenting cooked potentially hazardous food cooling temperatures and times from the starting points designated in through the control points at 2 and 6 hours are maintained onboard the vessel for a period of 30 days from the date the food was placed in the cooling process. Ensure logs documenting cooling of potentially hazardous foods prepared from ingredients at ambient temperatures, with the start time to the time when 5C (41 F) is reached are also maintained for a period of 30 days, beginning with the day of preparation.
Item No.: 18
Site: Dining Room-Deck 8 - A la Carte Menu
Violation: The breakfast menu had poached eggs with hollandaise sauce. It was explained that sauce is made upon request with non-pasteurized egg yolks due to the small demand.
Recommendation: Substitute pasteurized eggs or egg products for raw shell eggs in the preparation of foods such as Caesar salad, hollandaise, or barnaise sauce, mayonnaise, eggnog, ice cream, and egg-fortified beverages or dessert items that are not cooked.
Item No.: 18
Site: Provisions-Deck 4 - Thawing Room
Violation: A box with bagged chicken wings was dripping blood over a container with plastic-wrapped beef. Corrections started immediately
Recommendation: Protect food from cross-contamination or other sources of contamination by the following methods: (1) Physically separating raw animal foods during storage, preparation, holding, and display from raw ready-to-eat food so that products do not physically touch and so that one product does not drip into another. (2) Separating types of raw animal foods from each other such as beef, fish, lamb, pork, and poultry?except when combined as ingredients?during storage, preparation, holding, and display by using separate equipment for each type, or by arranging each type of food in equipment so that cross-contamination of one type with another is prevented, or by preparing each type of food at different times or in separate areas. (3) Cleaning and sanitizing equipment and utensils. (4) Storing the food in packages, covered containers, or wrappings. (5) Cleaning visible soil on hermetically sealed containers of food before opening. (6) Protecting food containers that are received packaged together in a case or overwrap from cuts when the case or overwrap is opened. (7) Separating damaged, spoiled, or recalled food being held on the vessel. (8) Separating unwashed fruits and vegetables from ready-to-eat food. Discard a food that is unsafe or adulterated.
Item No.: 18
Site: Provisions-Deck 4 - Meat Walk-in Freezer
Violation: Staff could not produce documentation of the source of the whole goat carcass stored in this freezer.
Recommendation: Discard a food that is not from an approved source.
Item No.: 19
Site: Provisions-Deck 4 - Vegetable Walk-in Refrigerator
Violation: A box of eggplant, a box of oranges, and 4 boxes of beer were stored directly on the deck. Corrections started immediately.
Recommendation: Protect food from contamination by storing the food: (1) Covered or otherwise protected; (2) In a clean, dry location; (3) Where it is not exposed to splash, dust, or other contamination; (4) At least 150 millimeters (6 inches) above the deck; (5) At least 127 millimeters (5 inches) for food in packages and working containers on pallets, skids, and racks; and (6) At least 150 millimeters (6 inches) above the deck on shelving racks.
Item No.: 19
Site: Provisions-Deck 4 - Dry Store
Violation: A large bottle of cooking oil was placed on the deck to keep open the door to the dry storage area.
Recommendation: Protect food from contamination by storing the food: (1) Covered or otherwise protected; (2) In a clean, dry location; (3) Where it is not exposed to splash, dust, or other contamination; (4) At least 150 millimeters (6 inches) above the deck; (5) At least 127 millimeters (5 inches) for food in packages and working containers on pallets, skids, and racks; and (6) At least 150 millimeters (6 inches) above the deck on shelving racks.
Item No.: 19
Site: Buffet-Deck 8 - Officer and Crew Mess
Violation: During lunch service, food was out for self-service and was not protected under sneeze guards or other means in the officer mess. The beans also had no serving utensil. Additionally, in the crew mess buffet line, the nonfood-contact portion of the serving utensil for the potatoes was touching the food.
Recommendation: Protect food on display from contamination by the use of packaging; counter, service line, or salad bar food guards; display cases; self-closing hinged lids; or other effective means. Install side protection for sneeze guards if the distance between exposed food and where consumers are expected to stand is less than 1 meter (40 inches). During pauses in food preparation or dispensing, ensure food preparation and dispensing utensils are stored: (1) In the food with their handles above the top of the food and the container; (2) In food that is not potentially hazardous with their handles above the top of the food within containers or equipment that can be closed, such as bins of sugar, flour, or cinnamon; (3) On a clean portion of the food preparation table or cooking equipment only if the in-use utensil and the food-contact surface of the food preparation table or cooking equipment are cleaned and sanitized at least every 4 hours; (4) In running water of sufficient velocity to flush particulates to the drain (if used with moist food such as ice cream or mashed potatoes); (5) In a clean, protected location (if the utensils, such as ice scoops, are used only with a food that is not potentially hazardous); or (6)In a container of water (if the water is maintained at a temperature of at least 57C [135F] and the container is frequently cleaned and sanitized).
Item No.: 19
Site: Galley-Deck 8 - Walk-in Refrigerator
Violation: A soiled cleaning cloth was touching herbs stored in a hotel pan.
Recommendation: Protect food from contamination by storing the food: (1) Covered or otherwise protected; (2) In a clean, dry location; (3) Where it is not exposed to splash, dust, or other contamination; (4) At least 150 millimeters (6 inches) above the deck; (5) At least 127 millimeters (5 inches) for food in packages and working containers on pallets, skids, and racks; and (6) At least 150 millimeters (6 inches) above the deck on shelving racks.
Item No.: 19
Site: Other-Passenger Corridor
Violation: Two bags with bottled water were found on the deck of the passenger corridor. A crew member stated that he forgot them there. After the finding, the crew member took the water and put it on the deck inside a cabin.
Recommendation: Protect food from contamination by storing the food: (1) Covered or otherwise protected; (2) In a clean, dry location; (3) Where it is not exposed to splash, dust, or other contamination; (4) At least 150 millimeters (6 inches) above the deck; (5) At least 127 millimeters (5 inches) for food in packages and working containers on pallets, skids, and racks; and (6) At least 150 millimeters (6 inches) above the deck on shelving racks.
Item No.: 20
Site: Galley-Deck 8 - Pantry
Violation: A clay plate and a raw wood mortar were in the over-the-counter cabinet and the crew did not know what these were for. These surfaces were difficult to clean.
Recommendation: Materials used in the construction of multiuse utensils and food contact surfaces of equipment must be: (1) durable, corrosion resistant, and nonabsorbent; (2) sufficient in weight and thickness to withstand repeated warewashing; (3) finished to have a smooth, easily cleanable surface; and (4) resistant to pitting, chipping, crazing, scratching, scoring, distortion and decomposition.
Item No.: 20
Site: Galley-Deck 8 - Butcher
Violation: The cutting board was heavily scored and difficult to clean.
Recommendation: Ensure surfaces such as cutting blocks and boards that are subject to scratching and scoring are resurfaced if they no longer can be effectively cleaned and sanitized or discarded if they are not capable of being resurfaced.
Item No.: 20
Site: Buffet-Deck 8 - Buffet Line
Violation: The soda dispenser had 6 slotted fasteners in the food splash zone.
Recommendation: Use only low profile, nonslotted, noncorroding, and easy-to-clean fasteners on food-contact surfaces and in splash zones. Prohibit the use of exposed slotted screws, Phillips head screws, or pop rivets in these areas.
Item No.: 21
Site: Galley-Deck 8 - Upright Refrigerator #5
Violation: The temperature measured on the unit's display appeared to be incorrect since it fluctuated from +3C (37F) to +10C (50F) while the internal temperature was 38-40F.
Recommendation: Ensure ambient air temperature measuring devices are maintained in good repair and are accurate within the intended range of use.
Item No.: 21
Site: Bar-Deck 6 - Barista Station
Violation: There was no utility sink. Additionally, the espresso machine and the ice cream machine were not elevated at least 100 millimeters over the counter to allow easy cleaning.
Recommendation: Install a utility sink. The handwashing station is not intended for dumping or warewashing. Ensure table-mounted equipment that is not easily movable is elevated on legs that provide at least a 100 mm (4-inch) clearance between the table and the equipment.
Item No.: 21
Site: Bar-Deck 7 - Tropical Deck Bar
Violation: The sangria machine was not elevated at least 150 millimeters from the counter, making the counter difficult to clean.
Recommendation: Ensure table-mounted equipment that is not easily movable is elevated on legs that provide at least a 100 mm (4-inch) clearance between the table and the equipment.
Item No.: 21
Site: Bar-Deck 7 - Tropical Deck Bar
Violation: Many bundles of power cords were on the counter by the POS, making cleaning difficult.
Recommendation: Elevate the power cords to allow for easy cleaning.
Item No.: 21
Site: Bar-Deck 7 - Main Bar
Violation: Many bundles of power cords were on the counter by the POS, making cleaning difficult.
Recommendation: Elevate the power cords to allow for easy cleaning.
Item No.: 22
Site: Galley-Deck 8 - Dishwash
Violation: The curtains between the wash and rinse compartments of the in-use rack-type warewash machine were heavily soiled with food residues. Corrections started immediately.
Recommendation: Maintain warewashing equipment in good repair and proper adjustment, including: (1) warewashing equipment is maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the standards of the materials, design, and construction of these guidelines; (2) water pressure and water temperature-measuring devices are maintained in good repair and accurate within the intended range of use.
Item No.: 22
Site: Galley-Deck 8 - Potwash
Violation: The sanitizing solution in the 3-compartment sink was cloudy. Crew initiated a solution change after the finding.
Recommendation: Ensure the wash, rinse, and sanitize solutions are maintained clean.
Item No.: 22
Site: Galley-Deck 8 - Potwash
Violation: The potwash machine was out of service since 9 July and staff stated they were waiting for spare parts.
Recommendation: Maintain warewashing equipment in good repair and proper adjustment, including: (1) warewashing equipment is maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the standards of the materials, design, and construction of these guidelines; (2) water pressure and water temperature-measuring devices are maintained in good repair and accurate within the intended range of use.
Item No.: 22
Site: Galley-Deck 8 - Glasswash
Violation: The glasswash machine was out of service since 11 July and staff stated they were waiting for spare parts.
Recommendation: Maintain warewashing equipment in good repair and proper adjustment, including: (1) warewashing equipment is maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the standards of the materials, design, and construction of these guidelines; (2) water pressure and water temperature-measuring devices are maintained in good repair and accurate within the intended range of use.
Item No.: 26
Site: Galley-Deck 8 - Buffet Pantry
Violation: In the left ice machine, the deflector over the ice bin was soiled with dark residues.
Recommendation: Ensure food contact surfaces of equipment and utensils are clean to sight and touch.
Item No.: 26
Site: Galley-Deck 8 - Buffet Pantry
Violation: In the right ice machine, the deflector over the ice cuber was soiled with pink residues.
Recommendation: Ensure food contact surfaces of equipment and utensils are clean to sight and touch.
Item No.: 26
Site: Galley-Deck 8 - Dishwash
Violation: Several previously cleaned utensils were still soiled on the clean storage racks. Corrections started immediately.
Recommendation: Ensure food contact surfaces of equipment and utensils are clean to sight and touch.
Item No.: 26
Site: Galley-Deck 8 - Pantry
Violation: The previously cleaned slicer was soiled with vegetable residues on the blade.
Recommendation: Ensure food contact surfaces of equipment and utensils are clean to sight and touch.
Item No.: 27
Site: Buffet-Deck 8 - Buffet Line
Violation: The soda dispenser was heavily soiled with dark materials behind the panel under the dispensing nozzles.
Recommendation: Ensure nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment are kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris.
Item No.: 27
Site: Bar-Deck 7 - Tropical Deck Bar
Violation: The counter under the sangria machine was soiled.
Recommendation: Ensure nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment are kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris.
Item No.: 28
Site: Bar-Deck 6 - Barista Station
Violation: A coffee cup and a milk frothing pitcher were stored wet in the undercounter refrigerator.
Recommendation: Store clean equipment and utensils in a self-draining position that allows air drying and covered or inverted.
Item No.: 28
Site: Galley-Deck 8 - Glasswash
Violation: Dessert cups and glasses were stored upright in the clean storage racks. Corrections started immediately.
Recommendation: Store clean equipment and utensils in a self-draining position that allows air drying and covered or inverted.
Item No.: 28
Site: Provisions-Deck 7 - F&B Locker 710
Violation: A heavily soiled fan was stored in direct contact with food-service utensils. The fan was removed after the finding. Additionally, a half-used can of soda was stored with other food-service utensils.
Recommendation: Store cleaned equipment and utensils, laundered linens, and single-service and single-use articles: (1) in a clean, dry location; (2) in a location where they are not exposed to splash, dust, or other contamination; (3) at least 150 millimeters (6 inches) above the deck unless in packages on pallets, skids, or racks, which may be 127 millimeters (5 inches).
Item No.: 28
Site: Buffet-Deck 8 - Crew Mess
Violation: After breakfast service, at least 20 cups were stacked and dripping wet on the buffet line next to the juice machine.
Recommendation: After cleaning and sanitizing, ensure equipment and utensils are air dried or adequately drained before contact with food.
Item No.: 30
Site: Bar-Deck 6 - Barista Station
Violation: The handwashing station had no 'wash hands often' sign.
Recommendation: Post a sign over handwashing sinks stating "wash hands often," "wash hands frequently," or similar wording in a language that the food employees understand.
Item No.: 33
Site: Bar-Deck 6 - Barista Station
Violation: The deck had no coving and had many openings between bulkheads and decks. Additionally, the deck under the undercounter refrigerator was soiled.
Recommendation: Ensure decks, bulkheads, and deckheads in food preparation, warewashing, pantries, bars, and food and equipment storage areas are constructed and maintained for easy cleaning. Cove all bulkhead/deck, equipment/deck, cabinet/deck, and deck sink coaming/deck junctures (including galleys, pantries, buffets, bars, waiter stations, dining room work counters, provisions, food storage rooms, equipment/utensil storage rooms, and toilet rooms intended for use by galley personnel). Ensure decks, bulkheads, deckheads, and attached equipment in food preparation, warewashing, pantries, and storage areas are cleaned as often as necessary.
Item No.: 33
Site: Galley-Deck 8 - Butcher
Violation: The bulkhead-mounted board in front of the butcher area was in disrepair and difficult to clean.
Recommendation: Ensure decks, bulkheads, and deckheads in food preparation, warewashing, pantries, and storage areas are maintained in good repair.
Item No.: 33
Site: Galley-Deck 8 - Dishwash
Violation: The local exhaust ventilation over the rack-type warewash machine was heavily soiled with grease and dust.
Recommendation: Ensure decks, bulkheads, deckheads, and attached equipment in food preparation, warewashing, pantries, and storage areas are cleaned as often as necessary.
Item No.: 33
Site: Provisions-Deck 4 - Fish Walk-in Freezer
Violation: A large accumulation of ice was on the deck under the shelves with bagged ice.
Recommendation: Ensure decks, bulkheads, deckheads, and attached equipment in food preparation, warewashing, pantries, and storage areas are cleaned as often as necessary.
Item No.: 33
Site: Provisions-Deck 4 - Meat Storage Area
Violation: Fire Door I411 was corroded at the bottom. This door faced the three meat storage walk-ins and food storage area.
Recommendation: Ensure decks, bulkheads, and deckheads in food preparation, warewashing, pantries, and storage areas are maintained in good repair.
Item No.: 33
Site: Other-Deck 7 - F&B Locker 710
Violation: The deck under the metal shelves was heavily soiled.
Recommendation: Ensure decks, bulkheads, deckheads, and attached equipment in food preparation, warewashing, pantries, and storage areas are cleaned as often as necessary.
Item No.: 36
Site: Provisions-Deck 7 - F&B Locker 710
Violation: The light intensity was 20-80 lux. Food service equipment was stored inside. This was corrected during the inspection.
Recommendation: Ensure the light intensity is at least 220 lux (20 foot candles) on food preparation surfaces, and at a distance of 75 centimeters (30 inches) above the deck in food preparation areas, handwashing facilities, warewashing areas, equipment, and utensil storage, pantries, toilet rooms, and consumer self-service areas.
Item No.: 38
Site: Pantry-Deck 6 -Bar del Mar
Violation: The cleaning locker was not labeled 'CLEANING MATERIALS ONLY.'
Recommendation: Label the locker "CLEANING MATERIALS ONLY."
Item No.: 39
Site: Provisions-Deck 4 - Meat Storage Area
Violation: Three flies were in this area.
Recommendation: Effectively control the presence of insects, rodents, and other pests to minimize their presence in the food storage, preparation, and service areas and warewashing and utensil storage areas aboard a vessel.
Item No.: 40
Site: Integrated Pest Management-IPM Plan
Violation: There was no IPM plan describing effective monitoring and control strategies for pests aboard the vessel. Additionally, there were no inspections of any kind at night or active monitoring logs, or training documented. Although progress has been made, these and related deficiencies were noted on the last inspection of June 2019.
Recommendation: Ensure the vessel has an IPM plan to implement effective monitoring and control strategies for pests aboard the vessel. Ensure the IPM Plan sets a schedule for periodic active monitoring inspections, including some at night or during periods of no or minimal activity. Ensure the IPM Plan includes provisions for logs for active monitoring of pest sightings in operational areas of the vessel. Ensure the IPM plan includes provisions for training of crew members in charge of log completion. Record the time of the active monitoring inspections in the log. Document the training of the pest-control personnel.
Item No.: 43
Site: Housekeeping-Showerhead Disinfection
Violation: The disinfection of the 33 crew cabin showerheads was not documented.
Recommendation: Clean and disinfect shower heads every 6 months. Disinfect with an appropriate halogen-based disinfectant at 10 ppm for 60 minutes, or an equivalent CT value. Ensure shower head cleaning and disinfection is recorded in a log and maintained on the vessel.
Item No.: 44
Site: Bar-Deck 6 - Barista Station
Violation: This area was newly built about 4 months ago. It had several construction deficiencies. It is recommended that a plan review is done for every new construction or major renovation.
Recommendation: Procedures, systems, equipment, technology, processes, or activities that are not identified in the scope of this manual must not be tested or introduced operationally onboard any vessel until the concept is submitted in writing to the VSP Chief for review. If the review determines the concept is within the scope of the VSP Operations Manual, written procedures, control measures, or a complete variance submission may be required.
Item No.: 44
Site: Other-Training
Violation: Knowledge in the components of the VSP Operations Manual was deficient. The inspector explained in detail the expectations of the requirements of the manual to the managers, mostly for housekeeping, integrated pest management, HVAC, and medical operations.
Recommendation: Ensure the supervisor or person in charge of medical operations related to AGE on the vessel demonstrates to VSP?during inspections and on request?knowledge of medical operations related to AGE, is able to demonstrate this knowledge by compliance with Section 4 of the VSP 2018 Operations Manual or by responding correctly to the inspector?s questions as they relate to the specific operation, and properly trains employees to comply with Section 4 of the VSP 2018 Operations Manual as it relates to their assigned duties. Ensure the supervisor or person in charge of potable water operations on the vessel demonstrates to VSP?during inspections and on request-knowledge of potable water operations, is able to demonstrate this knowledge by compliance with Section 5 of the VSP 2018 Operations Manual or by responding correctly to the inspector?s questions as they relate to the specific operation, and properly trains employees to comply with Section 5 of the VSP 2018 Operations Manual as it relates to their assigned duties. Ensure the supervisor or person in charge of IPM operations on the vessel demonstrates to the VSP?during inspections and on request?knowledge of IPM operations, and is able to demonstrate this knowledge by compliance with Section 8 of the VSP 2018 Operations Manual or by responding correctly to the inspector?s questions as they relate to the specific operation, and properly trains employees to comply with Section 8 of the VSP 2018 Operations Manual as it relates to their assigned duties. Ensure the supervisor or person in charge of housekeeping operations on the vessel demonstrates to the VSP?during inspections and on request ? knowledge of housekeeping operations, is able to demonstrate this knowledge by compliance with section 9 of the 2018 VSP Operations Manual of these guidelines or by responding correctly to the inspector?s questions as they relate to the specific operation, and properly trains employees to comply with section 9 of the 2018 VSP Operations Manual as it relates to their assigned duties. Ensure the supervisor or person in charge of HVAC operations on the vessel demonstrates to VSP?during inspections and on request - knowledge of HVAC operations, is able to demonstrate this knowledge by compliance with Section 11 of the VSP 2018 Operations Manual or by responding correctly to the inspector?s questions as they relate to the specific operation, and properly trains employees to comply with Section 11 of the VSP 2018 Operations Manual as it relates to their assigned duties.
Item No.: 44
Site: Medical-Medical Variances
Violation: Although the variance approval letters were presented to the inspector, the variance requests with the procedures to follow were not available. The inspector provided this to the ship after the finding.
Recommendation: Variance requests, approval letters, and other variance related documents must be always maintained on the vessel.
*Inspections scores of 85 or lower are NOT satisfactory
Vessel Sanitation Program