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State-based Occupational Health Surveillance Clearinghouse

Page 27 of 937 matching documents.

  • Notes from the Field: Silicosis in a Countertop Fabricator — Texas, 2014

    Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) on the first reported case of silicosis associated with exposure to quartz surfacing materials in North America.
    California — Journal Article — 2/13/2015 — 0 Views

  • Cleaning Products and Work-Related Asthma - Factsheet

    Occupational Health Surveillance and Evaluation Program (OHSEP) fact sheet with findings on work-related asthma and cleaning products in California; includes case studies and guidance for workers, including how to chooose safer products and to use safer cleaning methods to avoid causing or triggering work-related asthma.
    California — Brochure — 2/1/2015 — 0 Views

  • OHW: New Resources for Lead Hazard Communication

    Occupational Health Watch is a periodic publication that highlights key occupational health surveillance findings and related prevention activities of the Occupational Health Branch, California Department of Public Health. February 2015 edition is about new lead warning signs and labels available to help employers comply with updated Cal/OSHA hazard communication requirements; produced by the Occupational Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (OLPPP) .
    California — Newsletter — 2/1/2015 — 0 Views

  • Respiratory Protection Program Template

    Template designed for developing and implementing a respiratory protection program (RPP) that addresses aerosol transmissible diseases/pathogens (ATDs) and airborne hazardous materials in hospital work environments. Designed to be used in conjunction with “Implementing Respiratory Protection Programs in Hospitals: A Guide for Program Administrators,” which provides detailed instructions and tips for program development specifically in hospitals.
    California — Technical Report — 1/28/2015 — 0 Views

  • Dental Hygiene Work: Pain is NOT in the Job Description

    Continuing education credit "home study" course offered by the California Dental Hygienists' Association about muscoloskelatal disorders in dental hygienists and using ergonomics to prevent job-related pain. Highlights relatively simple changes to work practices that can prevent and alleviate musculoskeletal disorders. (2 units)
    California — Technical Report — 1/21/2015 — 0 Views

  • Dental Hygiene Work: Pain is NOT in the Job Description: CDHA LifeLongLearning & Video Series

    Journal article and "home study" course on dental hygiene work and ergonomics, a companion piece to"Dental Hygiene and Ergonomics Video Series: Pain is NOT in the Job Description,” produced by OHB in partnership with the University of California, Berkeley, Ergonomics Program and the California Dental Hygienists’ Association. More »
    California — Journal Article — 1/21/2015 — 0 Views

  • Video: Scheduling and strengthening: Helping our bodies to prevent injury

    Part five of "Pain Is NOT in the Job Description – a ‘digital story’ Dental Hygiene and Ergonomics Video Series created by and for dental hygienists. Produced by the Occupational Health Branch in partnership with the University of California, Berkeley, Ergonomics Program and the California Dental Hygienists’ Association.
    California — Multi-Media — 1/20/2015 — 0 Views

  • Video: Loupes: Looking closely at our choices

    Part four of "Pain Is NOT in the Job Description – a ‘digital story’ Dental Hygiene and Ergonomics Video Series created by and for dental hygienists. Produced by the Occupational Health Branch in partnership with the University of California, Berkeley, Ergonomics Program and the California Dental Hygienists’ Association.
    California — Multi-Media — 1/20/2015 — 0 Views

  • Video: Instruments: Choosing the best and keeping them sharp

    Part three of "Pain Is NOT in the Job Description – a ‘digital story’ Dental Hygiene and Ergonomics Video Series created by and for dental hygienists. Produced by the Occupational Health Branch in partnership with the University of California, Berkeley, Ergonomics Program and the California Dental Hygienists’ Association.
    California — Multi-Media — 1/20/2015 — 0 Views

  • Video: Introduction to musculoskeletal disorders

    Part one of "Pain Is NOT in the Job Description – a‘digital story’ Dental Hygiene and Ergonomics Video Series created by and for dental hygienists. Produced by the Occupational Health Branch in partnership with the University of California, Berkeley, Ergonomics Program and the California Dental Hygienists’ Association.
    California — Multi-Media — 1/20/2015 — 0 Views

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