Fire Fighter Fatalities
(if checked, more criteria are available)
Incident characteristics (USFA)
To select a range of years, hold the Shift key down while clicking the first and
last years.
This Fire Fighter Fatality Map application combines information about NIOSH fatality
investigations with incident data from the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) to: (1)
identify completed investigations with links to final NIOSH reports, and
(2) provide interactive map, tabular statistics, and case listing access to data on all U.S. firefighter on-duty
Data are updated as new information is made available to NIOSH. When NIOSH releases an investigation report
the map status indicator is changed to "completed" and the report is linked.
The application’s search capabilities allow users to focus on specific characteristics
or types of fatality investigations. The multiple data views provide a wide spectrum
of possible uses for a broad audience. However, because of limitations in the fatal
incident location data the site is not intended for advanced geospatial analyses.
NIOSH investigations: The NIOSH Fire Fighter Fatality Investigation and Prevention Program investigates
selected fatal incidents and produces a final report with safety recommendations.
Completed NIOSH investigations are matched to the USFA incident data
and indicated in the map and case listing views. Completed NIOSH investigative reports
are linked via map info windows and the case listing.
Incident data: Fatality incident data displayed in the map and
other data views are derived from the USFA. The statistics view provides tables of fire-fighter characteristics
and incident data that may be subset by NIOSH investigation status. Data displayed
may not match fatality information published by USFA or other data sources because
of data updates, corrections, or inclusion criteria.
Although NIOSH gratefully acknowledges the assistance of the USFA in providing data
used in this mapping application, the site is independent of the USFA, and there
is no implied or expressed endorsement of the content, results, or presentation
format by the USFA.
Map locations: All fatality locations are approximate. Map markers
indicate the location of fatal events based on the best available geographic information.
When exact event location information is not available, the center of a zip
code area, location of the fire department, the nearest city, or the
geographic center of the state may be indicated. Where possible, obvious missing
or erroneous geocoding data have been corrected to a more appropriate location by
More technical
Search Criteria: By selecting specific case characteristics using
the right-hand check boxes and pull-down lists, the map, statistics, and case listing
views will include only deaths matching your search criteria.
The Map: Markers appear based on the search criteria used. Blue markers
indicate a completed NIOSH investigation. Red markers indicate other on-duty firefighter
deaths that are not currently being investigated by NIOSH. Purple multiple fatality markers
indicate deaths with the same location attribute, but the deaths may not have occurred
at the same time. Clicking on a marker expands an informational window showing the
NIOSH investigation status with a link to the final investigation report, if available,
and describing the deceased firefighter and the fatal incident.
Statistics: By selecting 1 or 2 categories in the fatality counts
field a table of descriptive statistics is displayed for deaths matching your search
Case Listing: A simplified listing of all deaths meeting your search
criteria is displayed. The listing includes NIOSH investigation status indicators
and links to completed reports.
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Fire Fighter Fatality

Completed NIOSH Investigation

Multiple Fatalities
To create a custom data table, select one or two variables to display
CAUTION: Individual fatalities may be assigned multiple NIOSH investigation
indexing subclassifications. Do not total death counts. Data only shown for deaths
with completed NIOSH investigations.
Case Criteria |
Non-selected variables: | Default value = All |
Link to Completed Investigation Report