About Work-RISQS
The Work-Related Injury Statistics Query System (Work-RISQS) provides interactive data access to NIOSH’s surveillance of nonfatal occupational injuries treated in U.S. hospital emergency departments (EDs). NIOSH conducts this surveillance through the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System—Occupational Supplement, referred to as NEISS-Work. NEISS-Work data are collected through a probability based stratified cluster sample of U.S. EDs. Results represent "national estimates" of the number of ED-treated injuries. NIOSH uses employed labor force data obtained from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistic’s Current Population Survey with the number of injuries to calculate "national rate estimates" of injuries per full-time equivalent worker.
Work-RISQS provides users direct access to NEISS-Work data through a structured online query system with user selected query parameters. Users may obtain estimates of the number of ED-treated injuries with confidence intervals. Query results are displayed in a table format that may be downloaded in spreadsheet, text, or portable document format (pdf
Results obtained from Work-RISQS conform to minimum data quality requirements and do not include personally identifiable data. Data confidentiality requirements prohibit the public distribution of raw microdata files.
Work-RISQS data reference:
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Work-Related Injury Statistics Query System [Internet]. Morgantown (WV): Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (US); [insert date page was last updated and when data were queried; e.g., [updated 2014 Feb 29; cited 2014 Apr 28]]. Available from: http://wwwn.cdc.gov/wisards/workrisqs.