Silicosis: Primary industries (SIC 1987) associated with silica exposure of silicosis cases—Michigan, New Jersey, 1993-2006

Silicosis: Primary industries (SIC 1987) associated with silica exposure of silicosis cases—Michigan, New Jersey, 1993-2006

- indicates no cases reported.     SIC - Standard Industrial Classification
* All others within manufacturing includes the following SIC codes for major groupings with less than 5 cases: 30, 36, and 38.
† All others within services includes the following SIC codes for major groupings with less than 5 cases: 73, 75, 86, and 89.


Percentages may not sum up to 100% due to rounding.

For information about case data from Ohio for 1993-2002 see archived table, reference number 2007T03-14a. Display of case data by the 1987 SIC industry code set is for transition purposes only. Future data tables will only display case data by the 2002 North American Industry Classification System industry code set.

See Appendix for information about data sources and methods.


Provisional surveillance data as of June 2011, reported by K. Rosenman, MJ Reilly, and D Kalinowski (Michigan); G. Centifonti and K. Worthington (New Jersey).


NIOSH 2012. Work-Related Lung Disease Surveillance System (eWoRLD). 2012-152 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Respiratory Health Division, Morgantown, WV. Available at: <> April 28, 2024.

Reference Number: 2012-152

Date Posted: March 2012

Archived Versions

Page last reviewed: March 1, 2012