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State-based Occupational Health Surveillance Clearinghouse

Page 49 of 937 matching documents.

  • Laborer dies when he is struck by an exploding forklift multi-piece rim

    Fatality investigation report by CA FACE Program with identified hazards and recommendations to prevent similar incidents.
    California — Case Report — 11/4/2010 — 0 Views

  • Solar Panel Installer Falls Off Roof!

    The California Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation Program (CA FACE) conducts research-oriented investigations into workplace fatalities in an effort to develop and disseminate recommendations to prevent similar incidents. This fact sheet was produced to warn workers of the potential hazard sof working with solar panels on sloped roofs.
    California — Brochure — 11/1/2010 — 0 Views

  • OHW: Preventing Worker Deaths in the Solar Industry

    Occupational Health Watch is a periodic publication that highlights key occupational health surveillance findings and related prevention activities of the Occupational Health Branch, California Department of Public Health. September 2010 edition about investigations and prevention materials to prevent deaths in the fast-growing solar industry.
    California — Newsletter — 9/23/2010 — 0 Views

  • Tree Trimmer Suffocated by Palm Branches!

    The California Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation Program (CA FACE) conducts research-oriented investigations into workplace fatalities in an effort to develop and disseminate recommendations to prevent similar incidents. This fact sheet was produced to warn workers of the potential hazards involved in trimming palm trees.
    California — Brochure — 9/1/2010 — 0 Views

  • Cleaning for Healthier Schools – Infection Control Handbook

    Handbook to assist school personnel in developing and implementing effective infection-control practices while minimizing the use of, and exposure to, toxic products. Written by the National Cleaning for Healthier Schools and Infection Control Workgroup (representatives from academic, public health, environmental health, medical, and school advocacy communities) in collaboration with the Toxics Use Reduction Institute, University of Massachusetts Lowell.
    California — Technical Report — 8/11/2010 — 0 Views

  • Acute Illnesses Associated With Exposure to Fipronil

    Abstract of journal article in Clinical Toxicology entitled, "Acute illnesses associated with exposure to fipronil--surveillance data from 11 states in the United States, 2001-2007."
    California — Journal Article — 8/1/2010 — 0 Views

  • Chlorine Gas Release at Two Scrap Recycling Facilities

    The Division of Environmental and Occupational Disease Control (DEODC) Emergency Planning and Preparedness (EPP) Team investigated two releases of chlorine gas from closed cylinders brought to scrap metal recycling facilities.
    California — Brochure — 8/1/2010 — 0 Views

  • Chlorine Gas Release at Two Scrap Recycling Facilities (Spanish)

    Fuga de gas de cloro en dos plantas de reciclaje de chatarra. The Division of Environmental and Occupational Disease Control (DEODC) Emergency Planning and Preparedness (EPP) Team investigated two releases of chlorine gas from closed cylinders brought to scrap metal recycling facilities.
    California — Brochure — 8/1/2010 — 0 Views

  • A tree trimmer dies when he is crushed by palm tree branches

    Fatality investigation report by CA FACE Program with identified hazards and recommendations to prevent similar incidents.
    California — Case Report — 7/8/2010 — 0 Views

  • Green Jobs and Worker Fatalities: Causes and Prevention

    The California Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation Program (CA FACE) conducts research-oriented investigations into workplace fatalities in an effort to develop and disseminate recommendations to prevent similar incidents. Conference poster highlighting worker fatalities that have been investigated in "green jobs" sectors such as solar energy and recycling.
    California — Other — 6/23/2010 — 0 Views

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