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State-based Occupational Health Surveillance Clearinghouse

Page 79 of 937 matching documents.

  • 911 Dispatchers: Helping Others Shouldn't Hurt You

    Brochure from HESIS ergonomic series provides information on the causes and symptoms of musculoskeletal injuries and recommendations for injury prevention, including guidance for implementing practical solutions.
    California — Brochure — 6/1/2001 — 0 Views

  • A highway worker dies when struck by a speeding vehicle while picking up cones on an interstate highway

    Fatality investigation report by CA FACE Program with identified hazards and recommendations to prevent similar incidents.
    California — Case Report — 5/25/2001 — 0 Views

  • A maintenance repairman dies when struck by a piece of metal in the chest

    Fatality investigation report by CA FACE with identified hazards and recommendations to prevent similar incidents.
    California — Case Report — 5/8/2001 — 0 Views

  • Backing Vehicles can be Deadly - Spanish

    ¡Manejar en reversa puede causar un accidente mortal! The California Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation Program (CA FACE) conducts research-oriented investigations into workplace fatalities in an effort to develop and disseminate recommendations to prevent similar incidents. This fact sheet was produced to warn workers of the potential hazards of working with backing vehicles.
    California — Brochure — 4/1/2001 — 0 Views

  • Backing Vehicles Can Be Deadly

    The California Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation Program (CA FACE) conducts research-oriented investigations into workplace fatalities in an effort to develop and disseminate recommendations to prevent similar incidents. This fact sheet was produced to warn workers of the potential hazards of working with backing vehicles.
    California — Brochure — 4/1/2001 — 0 Views

  • Aircraft Disinsection

    Letter published in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization regarding the negative health effects on flight attendants and passengers from disinsecting aircraft with pyrethoid insecticides.
    California — Other — 3/31/2001 — 0 Views

  • A tree trimmer dies when pulled into in a brush chipper

    Fatality investigation report by CA FACE with identified hazards and recommendations to prevent similar incidents.
    California — Case Report — 3/21/2001 — 0 Views

  • Pyrethroid Pesticide Illnesses in Occupational Settings

    Conference poster presents surveillance findings on pyrethroid pesticide illnesses in California from January 1998 to March 2000.
    California — Technical Report — 1/1/2001 — 0 Views

  • Physician Reports of Work-Related Asthma in California, 1993-1996

    Abstract of journal article in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine concluding that a greater proportion of work-related asthma associated with irritant exposures was identified than has previously been reported. The surveillance data provide a very conservative estimate of the incidence of work-related asthma.
    California — Journal Article — 1/1/2001 — 0 Views

  • Lead Exposure During Hot Cutting of Stripped Steel

    Industrial hygiene study by CA Occupational Lead Poisoning Prevention Program that found significant lead exposure among ironworkers performing hot work on previously stripped steel. Article highlights prevention methods and further research that is needed.
    California — Journal Article — 1/1/2001 — 0 Views

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