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  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
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    National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
    "Approval of Respiratory Protective Devices: Subpart O: Registration of CCER units upon purchase"

    "Approval of Respiratory Protective Devices: Subpart O: Registration of CCER units upon purchase"

    This standard describes the requirements of a closed-circuit escape respirator when purchased. See detailed view for additional notes.

    This standard describes the requirements of a closed-circuit escape respirator when purchased. See detailed view for additional notes.

    • Status: Current
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  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
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    National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
    "Approval of Respiratory Protective Devices: Subpart D: Notice of disapproval"

    "Approval of Respiratory Protective Devices: Subpart D: Notice of disapproval"

    (a) If, upon the completion of the examinations, inspections, and tests required to be conducted in accordance with the provisions of this part, it is found that the respirator does not meet the minimum requirements set forth in this part, the Institute shall issue a written notice of disapproval to the applicant. (b) Each notice of disapproval shall be accompanied by all pertinent data or findings with respect to the defects of the respirator for which approval was sought with a view to the possible correction of any such defects. (c) The Institute shall not disclose, except to the applicant or as required by statute or regulation, any data, findings, or other information with respect to any respirator for which a notice of disapproval is issued.

    (a) If, upon the completion of the examinations, inspections, and tests required to be conducted in accordance with the provisions of this part, it is found that the respirator does not meet the minimum requirements set forth in this part, the Institute shall issue a written notice of disapproval to the applicant. (b) Each notice of disapproval shall be accompanied by all pertinent data or findings with respect to the defects of the respirator for which approval was sought with a view to the possible correction of any such defects. (c) The Institute shall not disclose, except to the applicant or as required by statute or regulation, any data, findings, or other information with respect to any respirator for which a notice of disapproval is issued.

    • Status: Current
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  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
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    National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
    "Approval of Respiratory Protective Devices: Subpart D: Approval labels and markings; approval of contents; use"

    "Approval of Respiratory Protective Devices: Subpart D: Approval labels and markings; approval of contents; use"

    (a) Full-scale reproductions of approval labels and markings, and a sketch or description of the method of application and position on the harness, container, canister, cartridge, filter, or other component, together with instructions for the use and maintenance of the respirator shall be submitted to the Institute for approval. (b) Approval labels shall bear the emblem of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and the seal of the Department of Health and Human Services, the applicant's name and address, an approval number assigned by the Institute and, where appropriate, restrictions or limitations placed upon the use of the respirator by the Institute. The approval number assigned by the Institute shall be designated by the prefix TC and a serial number. (c) The Institute shall, where necessary, notify the applicant when additional labels, markings, or instructions will be required. (d) Approval labels and markings shall only be used by the applicant to whom they were issued. See part (e) below: (f) The use of any Institute approval label obligates the applicant to whom it is issued to maintain or cause to be maintained the approved quality control sampling schedule and the acceptable quality level for each characteristic tested, and to assure that it is manufactured according to the drawings and specifications upon which the certificate of approval is based. (g) Each respirator, respirator component, and respirator container shall, as required by the Institute to assure quality control and proper use of the respirator, be labeled distinctly to show the name of the applicant, and the name and letters or numbers by which the respirator or respirator component is designated for trade purposes, and the lot number, serial number, or approximate date.

    (a) Full-scale reproductions of approval labels and markings, and a sketch or description of the method of application and position on the harness, container, canister, cartridge, filter, or other component, together with instructions for the use and maintenance of the respirator shall be submitted to the Institute for approval. (b) Approval labels shall bear the emblem of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and the seal of the Department of Health and Human Services, the applicant's name and address, an approval number assigned by the Institute and, where appropriate, restrictions or limitations placed upon the use of the respirator by the Institute. The approval number assigned by the Institute shall be designated by the prefix TC and a serial number. (c) The Institute shall, where necessary, notify the applicant when additional labels, markings, or instructions will be required. (d) Approval labels and markings shall only be used by the applicant to whom they were issued. See part (e) below: (f) The use of any Institute approval label obligates the applicant to whom it is issued to maintain or cause to be maintained the approved quality control sampling schedule and the acceptable quality level for each characteristic tested, and to assure that it is manufactured according to the drawings and specifications upon which the certificate of approval is based. (g) Each respirator, respirator component, and respirator container shall, as required by the Institute to assure quality control and proper use of the respirator, be labeled distinctly to show the name of the applicant, and the name and letters or numbers by which the respirator or respirator component is designated for trade purposes, and the lot number, serial number, or approximate date.

    • Status: Current
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  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
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    National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
    "Approval of Respiratory Protective Devices: Subpart D: Revocation of certificates of approval"

    "Approval of Respiratory Protective Devices: Subpart D: Revocation of certificates of approval"

    The Institute reserves the right to revoke, for cause, any certificate of approval issued pursuant to the provisions of this part. Such causes include, but are not limited to, misuse of approval labels and markings, misleading advertising, and failure to maintain or cause to be maintained the quality control requirements of the certificate of approval.

    The Institute reserves the right to revoke, for cause, any certificate of approval issued pursuant to the provisions of this part. Such causes include, but are not limited to, misuse of approval labels and markings, misleading advertising, and failure to maintain or cause to be maintained the quality control requirements of the certificate of approval.

    • Status: Current
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  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
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    National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
    "Approval of Respiratory Protective Devices: Subpart D: Changes or modifications of approved respirators; issuance of modification of certificate of approval"

    "Approval of Respiratory Protective Devices: Subpart D: Changes or modifications of approved respirators; issuance of modification of certificate of approval"

    (a) Each applicant may, if he desires to change any feature of an approved respirator, request a modification of the original certificate of approval issued by the Institute for such respirator by filing an application for such modification in accordance with the provisions of this section. (b) Applications shall be submitted as for an original certificate of approval, with a request for a modification of the existing certificate to cover any proposed change. (c) The application shall be accompanied by appropriate drawings and specifications, and by a proposed quality control plan which meets the requirements of subpart E of this part. (d) The application for modification, together with the accompanying material, shall be examined by the Institute to determine whether testing will be required. (e) The Institute shall inform the applicant of the fee required for any additional testing and the applicant will be charged for the actual cost of any examination, inspection, or test required, and such fees shall be submitted in accordance with the provisions of subpart C of this part. (f) If the proposed change or modification meets the requirements of this part, a formal certificate of modification will be issued, accompanied, where necessary, by a list of new and revised drawings and specifications covering the change(s) and reproductions of revised approval labels.

    (a) Each applicant may, if he desires to change any feature of an approved respirator, request a modification of the original certificate of approval issued by the Institute for such respirator by filing an application for such modification in accordance with the provisions of this section. (b) Applications shall be submitted as for an original certificate of approval, with a request for a modification of the existing certificate to cover any proposed change. (c) The application shall be accompanied by appropriate drawings and specifications, and by a proposed quality control plan which meets the requirements of subpart E of this part. (d) The application for modification, together with the accompanying material, shall be examined by the Institute to determine whether testing will be required. (e) The Institute shall inform the applicant of the fee required for any additional testing and the applicant will be charged for the actual cost of any examination, inspection, or test required, and such fees shall be submitted in accordance with the provisions of subpart C of this part. (f) If the proposed change or modification meets the requirements of this part, a formal certificate of modification will be issued, accompanied, where necessary, by a list of new and revised drawings and specifications covering the change(s) and reproductions of revised approval labels.

    • Status: Current
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  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
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    National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
    "Approval of Respiratory Protective Devices: Subpart D: Delivery of changed or modified approved respirator"

    "Approval of Respiratory Protective Devices: Subpart D: Delivery of changed or modified approved respirator"

    An approved respirator for which a formal certificate of modification has been issued shall be delivered, with proper markings and containers, by the applicant to the Certification and Quality Assurance Branch, as soon as it is commercially produced.

    An approved respirator for which a formal certificate of modification has been issued shall be delivered, with proper markings and containers, by the applicant to the Certification and Quality Assurance Branch, as soon as it is commercially produced.

    • Status: Current
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  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
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    National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
    "Approval of Respiratory Protective Devices: Subpart E: Quality control plans; filing requirements"

    "Approval of Respiratory Protective Devices: Subpart E: Quality control plans; filing requirements"

    As a part of each application for approval or modification of approval submitted pursuant to this part, each applicant shall file with the Institute a proposed quality control plan which shall be designed to assure the quality of respiratory protection provided by the respirator for which approval is sought.

    As a part of each application for approval or modification of approval submitted pursuant to this part, each applicant shall file with the Institute a proposed quality control plan which shall be designed to assure the quality of respiratory protection provided by the respirator for which approval is sought.

    • Status: Current
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  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
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    National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
    "Approval of Respiratory Protective Devices: Subpart E: Proposed quality control plans; approval by the Institute"

    "Approval of Respiratory Protective Devices: Subpart E: Proposed quality control plans; approval by the Institute"

    (a) Each proposed quality control plan submitted in accordance with this subpart shall be reviewed by the Institute to determine its effectiveness in ensuring the quality of respiratory protection provided by the respirator for which an approval is sought. (b) If the Institute determines that the proposed quality control plan submitted by the applicant will not ensure adequate quality control, the Institute shall require the applicant to modify the procedures and testing requirements of the plan prior to approval of the plan and issuance of any certificate of approval. (c) Approved quality control plans shall constitute a part of and be incorporated into any certificate of approval issued by the Institute, and compliance with such plans by the applicant shall be a condition of approval.

    (a) Each proposed quality control plan submitted in accordance with this subpart shall be reviewed by the Institute to determine its effectiveness in ensuring the quality of respiratory protection provided by the respirator for which an approval is sought. (b) If the Institute determines that the proposed quality control plan submitted by the applicant will not ensure adequate quality control, the Institute shall require the applicant to modify the procedures and testing requirements of the plan prior to approval of the plan and issuance of any certificate of approval. (c) Approved quality control plans shall constitute a part of and be incorporated into any certificate of approval issued by the Institute, and compliance with such plans by the applicant shall be a condition of approval.

    • Status: Current
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  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
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    National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
    "Approval of Respiratory Protective Devices: Subpart E: Quality control records; review by the Institute; revocation of approval"

    "Approval of Respiratory Protective Devices: Subpart E: Quality control records; review by the Institute; revocation of approval"

    (a) The applicant shall keep quality control inspection records sufficient to carry out the procedures required in MIL-STD-414, 11 June 1957, including Change Notice No. 1, “Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Variables for Percent Defective,” or an approved equivalent sampling procedure. MIL-STD-105D, 29 April 1963, “Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes,” is an example of an approved equivalent sampling procedure. MIL-STD-414 is incorporated by reference and has been approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Copies may be obtained from DODSSP, Standardization Document Order Desk, 700 Robbins Avenue, Bldg. 4D, Philadelphia, Pa. 19111-5094. Copies may be inspected at the NIOSH, Certification and Quality Assurance Branch, 1095 Willowdale Road, Morgantown, WV 26505-2888, or at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). (b) The Institute reserves the right to have its representatives inspect the applicant's quality control test methods, equipment, and records, and to interview any employee or agent of the applicant in regard to quality control test methods, equipment, and records. (c) The Institute reserves the right to revoke, for cause, any certificate of approval where it is found that the applicant's quality control test methods, equipment, or records do not ensure effective quality control over the respirator for which the approval was issued.

    (a) The applicant shall keep quality control inspection records sufficient to carry out the procedures required in MIL-STD-414, 11 June 1957, including Change Notice No. 1, “Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Variables for Percent Defective,” or an approved equivalent sampling procedure. MIL-STD-105D, 29 April 1963, “Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes,” is an example of an approved equivalent sampling procedure. MIL-STD-414 is incorporated by reference and has been approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Copies may be obtained from DODSSP, Standardization Document Order Desk, 700 Robbins Avenue, Bldg. 4D, Philadelphia, Pa. 19111-5094. Copies may be inspected at the NIOSH, Certification and Quality Assurance Branch, 1095 Willowdale Road, Morgantown, WV 26505-2888, or at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). (b) The Institute reserves the right to have its representatives inspect the applicant's quality control test methods, equipment, and records, and to interview any employee or agent of the applicant in regard to quality control test methods, equipment, and records. (c) The Institute reserves the right to revoke, for cause, any certificate of approval where it is found that the applicant's quality control test methods, equipment, or records do not ensure effective quality control over the respirator for which the approval was issued.

    • Status: Current
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  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
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    National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
    "Approval of Respiratory Protective Devices: Subpart G: Construction and performance requirements; general. "

    "Approval of Respiratory Protective Devices: Subpart G: Construction and performance requirements; general. "

    The Institute shall issue approvals for the types of respirators described in subparts H through O of this part which have met the minimum requirements set forth for such respirators in this part. In addition to the types of respirators specified in subparts H through L of this part, the Institute shall issue approvals for other respiratory protective devices not specifically described in this part subject to such additional requirements as may be imposed in accordance with 84.63(c).


    The Institute shall issue approvals for the types of respirators described in subparts H through O of this part which have met the minimum requirements set forth for such respirators in this part. In addition to the types of respirators specified in subparts H through L of this part, the Institute shall issue approvals for other respiratory protective devices not specifically described in this part subject to such additional requirements as may be imposed in accordance with 84.63(c).

    • Status: Current
    • Standard Type(s): Standard
    • Hazard Type(s): Inhalation
    • PPE Type(s): Respirators, General

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  • Personal Protective Equipment Category: A category that a piece of PPE falls into, such as Head Protection.
  • Hazard Category: A category of hazard that a piece of PPE protects against, such as Chemical.
  • Standard Organization: The name of the standard developing organization.
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  • SOC Code: A standard occupational classification major code that a piece of PPE deals with.
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