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Search By

You may choose how to search for standards by selecting an option from the “Search By” dropdown list.

  • Title: The search engine will match your search term against the title of a standard.
  • Standard Number: The search engine will match your search term against the standard number (e.g., ANSI 1000) of a standard.
  • Full Text: The search engine will match your search term against all fields in the database.
Filters (Advanced Search Only)

By default no options are selected for each filter. This means that all possible values for each filter type will be included in the search. You may add options under each filter to narrow the search results. If you hold the 'CTRL' key while selecting options the list will not close.

  • Personal Protective Equipment Category: A broad group classification of PPE (e.g., Head Protection)
  • Hazard Category: A broad group classification of a hazard that PPE may protect against (e.g., Chemical)
  • Standard Organization: The name of the standard developing organization
  • Standard Type: The type of standard (e.g., Test Method)
  • Standard Status: The current status of a standard (e.g., current, superseded, withdrawn)
  • SOC Code: A standard occupational classification major code that a piece of PPE applies
Full Text Search

Full Text Search will search for each term separated by white space. If you wish to search for a phrase you will need to surround the terms with quotation marks.

  • Fall Arrest: Will search for the word Fall and the word Arrest separately
  • "Fall Arrest": Will search for the phrase Fall Arrest

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