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Guidance for PPE Selection

Controlling exposures to occupational hazards is the fundamental method of protecting workers from occupational illness. Traditionally, a hierarchy of controls has been used as a means of determining how to implement feasible and effective control solutions. Approaches that utilize elimination and substitution of harmful hazards and engineering and administrative controls lead to safer workplaces. Relying solely on personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect against occupational hazards is not advised. PPE should be used in conjunction with other methods in accordance with the hierarchy of controls. (https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/hierarchy/).

The guidance given through this database is intended to assist end users in selecting PPE in accordance with the CDC guidance. Product information displayed in this database, including compliance with stated protection standards, has been verified by manufacturers and is updated quarterly. The accuracy of the “guidance” conveyed through this database is dependent upon the precision of information input by manufacturers or suppliers. This guidance tool should be used with other supporting materials from the CDC (e.g., guidance documents) and manufacturers (e.g., product specification sheets or other evidence of conformity assessment).

This is not a comprehensive list of all products that may meet the recommended criteria on the market and end users should consult with manufacturers to confirm compliance with protection standards before using PPE. In addition, the protection PPE may provide is dependent on proper use, including correct donning and doffing procedures. Incorrect use and/or solely relying on PPE without consideration for protective measures and controls, may result in exposure.

Exposure level PPE Type Standard

Exposure type refers to the specific nature (e.g., biological agent, chemical) of the response being addressed with PPE selection.


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