This regulation outlines the general requirements for proper ventilation and PPE to protect against abrasives and the surface coatings on the materials blasted are shattered and pulverized during blasting operations and the dust formed will contain particles of respirable size. The composition and toxicity of the dust from these sources shall be considered in making an evaluation of the potential health hazards. The concentration of respirable dust or fume in the breathing zone of the abrasive-blasting operator or any other worker shall be kept below the levels specified in 1910.1000. Please note that there are 28 OSHA-approved occupational safety and health State Plans. State Plans are required to have standards and enforcement programs that are at least as effective as federal OSHA’s and may have different or more stringent standards related to PPE. More information about State Plans and their standards is available at: http://www.osha.gov/dcsp/osp/index.html
Anything specified as a requirement in a CFR
All items of clothing and/or accessories (whether or not detachable) designed and manufactured to provide specific protection. This includes bullet-proof clothing, general protective clothing and full body ensembles that protect from cuts, radiation, temperature extremes, hot splashes from molten metals and other hot liquids, potential impacts from tools, machinery and materials and hazardous chemicals. Examples of body protection include laboratory coats, coveralls, vests, jackets, aprons, surgical gowns and full body suits
- Environmental protective clothing
All equipment and/or accessories (whether or not detachable) designed and manufactured specifically to protect the foot and/or the leg and to provide anti-slip protection. This category includes protection against static electricity, risk of explosion, falling or rolling objects, crushing or penetrating, protection from exposure to hot substances and/or corrosive or poisonous materials
- Footwear, general
All equipment and/or accessories (whether or not detachable) designed and manufactured specifically to protect the arm and/or the hand this includes all garments protecting the hand or part of the hand, including gloves, fingerless gloves, mittens, garments protecting the fingers only or the palm only, etc. Potential hazards include skin absorption of harmful substances, chemical or thermal burns, electrical dangers, bruises, abrasions, cuts, punctures, fractures and amputations.
- Gloves, general
- Physical
47-5000 Extraction Workers
- 47-5031 Explosives Workers
- 47-5031 Mining Machine Operators, Continuous
- 47-5041 Continuous Mining Machine Operators
- 47-5042 Operators, Clay Mine Cutting Machine
- 47-5051 Quarry Rock Splitters
- 47-5090 Extraction Workers, Miscellaneous
29 CFR 1910.133(https://wwwn.cdc.gov/PPEInfo/Standards/Info/29CFR1910133) - Eye and face protection
29 CFR 1910.134(https://wwwn.cdc.gov/PPEInfo/Standards/Info/29CFR1910134) - Respiratory protection
1910.94(a)(5)(v): Operators shall be equipped with heavy canvas or leather gloves and aprons or equivalent protection to protect them from the impact of abrasives. Safety shoes shall be worn to protect against foot injury where heavy pieces of work are handled.
Additonal References:
- ANSI Z33.1-1961
- ANSI Z9.2 - 1960 (this standard is not in it's 5 edition - 2011)
- NFPA 91 - 1961
- NFPA 68 - 1954
- NFPA No. 33 - 1969.
- CFRs referenced: 42 CFR 84; 29 CFR 1910 parts 134, 133, 215 and 107.
- Page last reviewed: February 21, 2024
- Page last updated: February 21, 2024
- Content source: