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American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

"Personal Protection - Protective Footwear"

Standard Type(s)
Not Identified

Unknown Type.

Personal Protective Equipment
Foot and Leg Protection

All equipment and/or accessories (whether or not detachable) designed and manufactured specifically to protect the foot and/or the leg and to provide anti-slip protection. This category includes protection against static electricity, risk of explosion, falling or rolling objects, crushing or penetrating, protection from exposure to hot substances and/or corrosive or poisonous materials

  • Footwear, general
  • Physical
Two new ASTM International standards, F 2412, Test Methods for Foot Protection, and F 2413, Specification for Performance Requirements for Protective Footwear, have replaced the former ANSI Z41 standard, Standard for Personal Protection Protective Footwear, which has now been withdrawn.

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