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International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

"Respiratory protective devices -- Methods of test and test equipment -- Part 5: Breathing machine, metabolic simulator, RPD headforms and torso, tools and verification tools -- Amendment 1: RPD head forms front and side view"

Standard Type(s)
Test Method

A definitive procedure that produces a test result: Examples of test methods include, but are not limited to: identification, measurement, and evaluation of one or more qualities, characteristics, or properties. A precision and bias statement shall be reported at the end of a test method.

Personal Protective Equipment
Respiratory Protection

A breathing device worn to prevent inhalation of hazardous substances. Respirators protect the user in two basic ways. The first is by the removal of contaminants from the air. Respirators of this type include particulate respirators, which filter out airborne particles; and "gas masks” which filter out chemicals and gases. Other respirators protect by supplying clean respirable air from another source. Respirators that fall into this category include airline respirators, which use compressed air from a remote source; and self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), which include their own air supply.

  • Respirators, General
Gas and Vapor
  • Inhalation

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