Manifestations of Crisis

Individual responses to crisis can be grouped into four primary categories. Some of these responses will be readily apparent; others more subtle. The responses can vary markedly from one person to another.

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Biophysical Manifestations

  • rapid heart beat, increased blood pressure
  • hyperventilation, sweating
  • rash or hives
  • stomach pain, nausea, vomiting
  • diarrhea, frequent urination
  • chest pain
  • involuntary shaking
  • release of stress hormones
  • decreased sleep

Emotional Manifestations

  • fear: of injury, loss of life, losing control, or of going crazy
  • high anxiety: about what to do, how to escape, stopping the abuse
  • shock/disbelief
  • guilt, embarrassment, or shame
  • fight-flight impulse toward self-protection
  • post-trauma sequelae: e.g., nightmares, re-play of the frightening incident, crying

Cognitive Manifestations

  • inability to focus or concentrate
  • interference in ones usual problem-solving ability

Behavioral Manifestations

  • cannot perform usual work demands
  • becoming withdrawn
  • crying easily
  • lack of sleep
  • avoiding usual social interaction
  • losing temper easily - yelling, getting angry at family members, etc.
  • acting impulsively
  • driving hazardously as a result of anxiety and emotional upset
Page last reviewed: May 16, 2024