Organizational Risk Factors

Organizational risk factors are those that result from the policies, procedures, work practices and culture of the organization. Such risk factors include:
- Careless management and staff attitudes toward workplace violence prevention;
- Inadequate security procedures and protocols;
- Lack of staff training and preparedness;
- Cumbersome or nonexistent policies for reporting and managing crises;
- Low staffing levels, extended shifts, overtime requirements.

Violence and Crisis Expert
A "Customer Service" Approach to Healthcare
Administrators must balance the needs of patients with the needs of the staff and organization, often under the scrutiny of accrediting organizations that emphasize patient safety, and against a backdrop of calls to control rapidly rising health care costs.
It's a delicate balance and policies are sometimes crafted that, from the perspective of staff, appear to favor patients over dedicated workers. Some refer to this as a "customer service" or "hospitality" approach to healthcare, where the patient is always right and the nurses role is diminished to that of a service maid (Dumpel, 2010).
The truth is that the best customer service, regardless of industry or organization, is delivered by contented and well-trained employees. Policies that drive stress, that make employees feel unfairly treated, that pit employees against one another are inconsistent with a true customer service approach.
Patient care and service levels improve in a safe work environment.