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State-based Occupational Health Surveillance Clearinghouse

Page 31 of 937 matching documents.

  • Isocyanates: Working Safely

    Health Hazard Alert describes how exposure occurs, in what industries, and the potential health effects of exposure. The alert also provides advice on minimizing exposure at the workplace, including use of safer alternatives (when available).
    California — Brochure — 7/14/2014 — 0 Views

  • n-Methylpyrrolidone (NMP)

    Health Hazard Alert describes how exposure occurs, in what industries, and the potential health effects of exposure. The alert also provides advice on minimizing exposure at the workplace, including use of safer alternatives (when available).
    California — Brochure — 7/14/2014 — 0 Views

  • Spanish Lead Warning Label - Two per page

    PELIGRO Ropa y equipo contaminado con plomo. Two-to-a-page printable warning label in Spanish for containers with lead-contaminated clothing and equipment; complies with most recent Cal/OSHA hazard communication requirements.
    California — Other — 7/11/2014 — 0 Views

  • Spanish Lead Warning Label

    PELIGRO Ropa y equipo contaminado con plomo. Printable warning label in Spanish for containers with lead-contaminated clothing and equipment; complies with most recent Cal/OSHA hazard communication requirements.
    California — Other — 7/11/2014 — 0 Views

  • Lead Warning Label

    Printable warning label for containers with lead-contaminated clothing and equipment;complies with most recent Cal/OSHA hazard communication requirements.
    California — Other — 7/11/2014 — 0 Views

  • Lead Warning Labels - Two per page

    Two-to-a-page printable warning label for containers with lead-contaminated clothing and equipment; complies with most recent Cal/OSHA hazard communication requirementss.
    California — Other — 7/11/2014 — 0 Views

  • OHW: Mercury in Skin-Lightening Creams

    Occupational Health Watch is a periodic publication that highlights key occupational health surveillance findings and related prevention activities of the Occupational Health Branch, California Department of Public Health (CDPH). July 2014 edition is about fact sheets in multiple languages on mercury in skin-lightening creams and choosing safer products. More »
    California — Newsletter — 7/1/2014 — 0 Views

  • How to use the FACE tailgate training cards

    The California Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation Program (CA FACE) conducts research-oriented investigations into workplace fatalities in an effort to develop and disseminate recommendations to prevent similar incidents. This is a training guide for employers/trainers to share safety tips with workers.
    California — Other — 6/27/2014 — 0 Views

  • How to use the FACE tailgate training cards. Spanish

    Como Utilizer las Tarjetas para las Platicas de Seguridad. The California Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation Program (CA FACE) conducts research-oriented investigations into workplace fatalities in an effort to develop and disseminate recommendations to prevent similar incidents. This is a training guide for employers/trainers to share safety tips with workers.
    California — Other — 6/27/2014 — 0 Views

  • Tailgate Training Card Template; Create Your Own Topic-Specific Card

    The California Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation Program (CA FACE) conducts research-oriented investigations into workplace fatalities in an effort to develop and disseminate recommendations to prevent similar incidents. This is a training guide for employers/trainers to share safety tips with workers.
    California — Other — 6/27/2014 — 0 Views

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