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State-based Occupational Health Surveillance Clearinghouse

Page 40 of 937 matching documents.

  • Two laborers die from hydrogen sulfide exposure in a confined space at an organic waste recycling facility

    Fatality investigation report by CA FACE Program with identified hazards and recommendations to prevent similar incidents.
    California — Case Report — 6/7/2013 — 0 Views

  • A laborer dies when he is crushed by an industrial washing machine

    Fatality investigation report by CA FACE Program with identified hazards and recommendations to prevent similar incidents.
    California — Case Report — 6/7/2013 — 0 Views

  • OHW: Lead Still a Health Concern for California Workers

    Occupational Health Watch is a periodic publication that highlights key occupational health surveillance findings and related prevention activities of the Occupational Health Branch, California Department of Public Health. June 2013 edition is about a new report from the California Occupational Blood Lead Registry showing that thousands of California workers are still being exposed to lead and have elevated blood lead levels.
    California — Newsletter — 6/5/2013 — 0 Views

  • Preventing Work-Related Coccidioidomycosis (Valley Fever)

    Factsheet describes how exposure occurs, in what industries, and the potential health effects of exposure. The factsheet also provides advice on minimizing exposure at the workplace, including use of safer alternatives (when available).
    California — Brochure — 6/1/2013 — 0 Views

  • OHW: California Workers Get Asthma from Their Jobs

    Occupational Health Watch is a periodic publication that highlights key occupational health surveillance findings and related prevention activities of the Occupational Health Branch, California Department of Public Health (CDPH). May 2013 edition is about a CDPH tracking report on asthma in California; includes a chapter on work-related asthma based on the surveillance and investigation work of OHB's Work-Related Asthma Prevention Program.
    California — Newsletter — 5/22/2013 — 0 Views

  • Paint Stripping Products: Safer, Less Toxic Choices

    Occupational Health Branch poster for hardware stores on different types of chemical paint strippers, the hazards associated with each, and recommended precautions for their use.
    California — Other — 5/1/2013 — 0 Views

  • Minimum Personal Protective Equipment Required for Paint Stripping

    Occupational Health Branch table summarizing the minimum personal protective equipment required for paint stripping, daccording to the type of paint stripping method used.
    California — Brochure — 5/1/2013 — 0 Views

  • Asthma in California: A Surveillance Report

    Report prepared by staff members of California Breathing, an asthma program of the Environmental Health Investigations Branch, and of the Occupational Health Surveillance and Evaluation Program, of the California Department of Public Health.
    California — Technical Report — 5/1/2013 — 0 Views

  • Asthma in California: A Surveillance Report - Work-Related Asthma Chapter

    Chapter on work-related asthma in Asthma in California: A Surveillance Report, published by the California Department of Public Health. Chapter by the Occupational Health Surveillance and Evaluation Program (OHSEP). Surveillance data include the prevalence and characteristics of workers who get asthma on the job.
    California — Technical Report — 5/1/2013 — 0 Views

  • Asthma in California: A Surveillance Report - Executive Summary

    Executive summary of Asthma in California: A Surveillance Report, published by the California Department of Public Health. Key findings cover asthma prevalence and symptoms; routine health care; emergency department visits, hospitalizations and mortality; trends over time; disparities; costs; and risk factors.
    California — Technical Report — 5/1/2013 — 0 Views

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